Since it’s a holiday, I’m going to take a break from our usual format and do something different. The 4th of July is a rah-rah holiday where we cheer on America, so I want to offer up to you the “Yankee Fight Song” which many long time fans and stadium goers will be familiar with. It’s been the official anthem since 1967, when it was written by composers Bob Bundin and Lou Stallman of Columbia Records, who was owned at the time by CBS, who of course owned the Yanks back then. Given the team’s record in the late 60s-early 70s, this song may be the best thing CBS ever did for the franchise. It was used as the intro and exit music on all Yankee telecasts until 1990, back in the days when games were telecast locally on CH11. Here’s a link for the music (courtesy of the Deadball Era) now on to the lyrics:

Y.A.N.K.E.E.S. Here come the YANKEES

Let’s get behind and cheer the YANKEES

They’re gonna learn to fear the YANKEES

Everyone knows they play to win, cause They’re the New York YANKEES

Show them today why your the YANKEES

No other way when your the YANKEES

Wadda ya say we win a brand, new, ballgame

We’re gonna shout when ya powder the ball

We’re gonna scream, “put it over the wall”

The other teams gonna know what it means to play the Y.A.N.K.E.E.S

We love the Yankees Shout it out loud , We Love The YANKEES

We’re really proud of our YANKEES And we’re gonna win today

2, 3, 4, Hit, Run, Fight, Score, Go! Go! Go!

We’re gonna shout when ya powder the ball

We’re gonna scream “put it over the wall yo”

The other teams gonna know what it means to play the Y.A.N.K.E.E.S

We love the Yankees, shout it out loud, we Love The YANKEES

We’re really proud of our YANKEES and we’re gonna win today

Y.A.N.K.E.E.S. Yes Y.A.N.K.E.E.S. Yes

If that doesn’t get you pumped up for a ballgame, I don’t know what will. Burnett vs Josh Tomlin tonight, with Captain America back in pinstripes.


29 Responses to Game 83-Happy 4th! Here Come the Yankees!

  1. Duh, Innings! says:

    How was that dribbler to the 3B an error? There was a degree of difficulty on that play. Jeter should’ve had hit #2995. Bullshit scoring by the Cleveland’s official scorer.



    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    That was an error. It was a weakly hit ball and if Chisenhall fields it, Jeter’s out.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    No it wasn’t. There was no given it’d be an out as a slow dribbler to 3B is never a gimme, but you Yankee Overanalysts keep thinking you’re always right.

    The Yankees are back to not hitting again. 12 runs in the last three games, no runs tonight. They’re pissing away another one-hitter by Burnett after they pissed away 7 solid innings by Garcia yesterday.

    I guess they wanna go down to the final week with Boston and Tampa Bay.

    It is alarming how this team can go from scoring a ton of runs to scoring like last year’s Seattle Mariners.

    They have to stop pissing away great outings!!!


  2. Steve S. says:

    Russel Martin I such a showboat. Posada makes that play look easy.


  3. Steve S. says:

    That ump needs to relax. AJ can’t be doing stuff like that, but his gesture didn’t warrant that kind of reaction from him.


  4. Steve S. says:

    So glad I got the minor league catering update from Kimmy. She has a nose for news.


  5. Steve S. says:

    Whenever I see Shelly Duncan, I don’t think of the spikes up slide, or the all or nothing swing. I think of that screenshot of him watching the 2 Girls 1 Cup video.


  6. Steve S. says:

    The last year Hafner was this good (06) people were still using VORP.


  7. Steve S. says:

    Astrubal Cabrera 2-3

    The rest of the Yankees and Indians 0-35


    Eric Schultz Reply:

    Honestly, when did Cabrera become a great hitter? I remember him being a defense-first guy over the past few years.


  8. Eric Schultz says:

    Huge hit by Swisher, let’s see if they can bring him in.


  9. Steve S. says:

    The Yanks must lead all of baseball in getting no-hit through 5, then putting a crooked number up on the board. Very reminiscient of the late 90s lineups, who did that a lot as well.


  10. Steve S. says:

    Only AJ can blow up this spectacularly. It’s a rare and glorious talent he has.


    smurfy Reply:

    AJ has a cloud following him around.


  11. smurfy says:

    Alright, Brett, get a sipp of something good. No bummers two days in a row.


  12. smurfy says:

    One down, two to go. Nice, Curtis.


  13. Steve S. says:

    Love ya Curtis.


  14. smurfy says:

    That back door curveball is too lazy. Asdrubal almost got one, too.

    Now it’s bummer time, ‘less the Yanks got some real sparks in their pockets.


  15. Duh, Innings! says:

    15 runs in four games, 10 in the last three, 5 in the last two, 2-2 in the last 4 games. That’s the record you will have most 4-game sets when you can’t average 4 runs per game.

    What annoys me about this team is they can go from playing great baseball to absolutely shitty baseball. Game-costing error last night. That popup in foul territory tonight wasn’t an error but it should’ve been caught by Gardner i.e. A-Rod should’ve let Gardner have it since Gardner was coming towards the ball facing it. A-Rod is the worst Yankees everyday infielder on popups in play, so he’s making an over the shoulder basket catch on one in foul territory? Let Gardner get it!

    This Yankees team barely has any comeback in them. How many times have they tied it or won it in the ninth or thereafter this year, twice? Three times? Time for some comeback wins! Could they have at least scored two in the ninth tonight? Yeah it’d suck if they lost 6-5 and left a man on third but at least they would’ve went down fighting and shaken up the closer a bit.


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    You do realize that most teams lose a super-vast majority of the game they play in which they’re trailing in the late innings, right?


  16. Joey says:

    Jeter’s back. 0 for 4. If he had got on base before Granderson’s homerun, it would’ve been a tie game and Wade wouldn’t have been brought in. Jeter got lucky getting on base in the first.

    Gardner leadoff, Jeter ninth, too bad if Jeter doesn’t like it, he’s not getting on base enough to be a leadoff hitter.


    MT Reply:

    Joey it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon even though it should.

    I can’t get over how done Jeter is. I know, age, but the dropoff is just amazing in a bad way.

    Is he the worst everyday Yankee offensively and if so why is he battting leadoff?


  17. [...] rest is here: Game 83-Happy 4th! Here Come the Yankees! | New York Yankees blog … AKPC_IDS += "24755,"; AKPC_IDS += [...]

  18. Daaamn! says:

    Fuck Legends Hospitality!

    They charge an automatic 20% gratuity but it doesn’t go to the server, so if you want to tip the server, you have to pay a 20% plus server tip gratuity.

    The height of corporate greed the Yankees ought to be ashamed of feeding.

    Go servers (in your class action lawsuit)!!!!!

    They could win – check this at the end of the article:

    “In their suit, the servers may have labor and case law on their side. A New York law says that no employer can “retain any part of a gratuity or of any charge purported to be a gratuity for an employee,” and a 2008 appeals court ruling involving World Yacht found that the dining cruise company had illegally withheld tips from servers under a similar “service fee” arrangement. ”

    The stadium workers union didn’t comment. Hmmmm…in bed with Legends, union bosses? I’d think you’d make a statement expressing outrage, or are you a real union? Cuz a real union would make some kind of statement even if it’s terse.


  19. Duh, Innings! says:

    Mariano Rivera has a sore right triceps, no doubt from his overuse between 3/31 and 5/25 when he appeared in a dozen games where the Yankees had a three or four run lead. I could care less that he’s on his usual pace for IP, he’s a year older and an old guy. Ease up on him, Girardi. And Cashman since you oversee how Mo is being used. No more appearances by Mo where the Yankees have a lead of four or more runs and try to minimize his saves with three run leads. Robertson has shown he can take care of some of those.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I guess you don’t realize that Mariano has had a similar “injury” every year around this time for the past 3 years. It always shows up right before, or right after the all-star break, and it is never described as anything more than being sore. Sorry but you’re wrong on this one, he hasn’t been overused.

    Now insult me for not being as smart as you are.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    I guess you won’t admit Mo’s current “soreness” is from overuse.

    Soreness: code word for reoccuring injury. Btw soreness can also be a precursor to injury, so me saying no more Mo in the ninth with the Yankees up by four or more runs and try to have Robertson get some three-run saves to conserve Mo are not outrageous things to ask. If Girardi wets himself again and brings in Mo with a 6-1 lead in the ninth and Mo gets injured, the Steinbrenners would not be pleased with Cashman or Girardi.
    If Mo was out for the year from this injury and the Yankees miss the postseason no doubt from this injury, that appearance by Mo is and should be a fireable offense. Bye bye Girardi and Cashman. Go wreck some other closer’s arm.

    Yeah, he’s had the same problem the past three years, right, thanks for proving my point. He’s been the oldest he’s ever been the past three years, and the “soreness” is reoccuring because of overuse, what else? It has to be overuse if the same thing is happening to him over and over. Glad you’re so cavalier about the most important Yankees pitcher (or the second most important if you think CC is the most important.

    You’re the wrong one. Insult you? You’re not worth it and to insult you would only give you what you want.

    You’re the insulting, smarmy one putting the word injury in quotes and talking down to me with your “I guess you don’t realize…” bullshit.


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