Yeah, I know it’s not Jacobs Field anymore, but I don’t care.

The Yankees trot out this lineup vs. and the Indians:

1. , SS
2. , CF
3. , 1B
4. , 3B
5. , 2B
6. , RF
7. , DH
8. , C
9. , LF

And is on the hill, making his (hopefully) triumphant return to Major League Baseball.

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61 Responses to Game Thread: Weds. 7/5: Rubber Match at the Jake

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    Good luck, Phil. We’re rooting for you.


  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Walk, hit. Not looking good.


  3. Professor Longnose says:

    K, but Russell Martin threw the ball into left field on a steal attempt. Damn.


  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Long fly. Gardner stumbled around but got it. I think that makes the second run earned, since it would have been a sac fly if the runner was still on third.


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    That was an incredibly interesting route by Gardner, haha.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    As Charles Schulz once put it, “a spectacular catch of a routine fly ball.”


  5. Professor Longnose says:

    Another hit. Officially a bad inning, and a chance to let it get out of hand here.


  6. Phil C says:

    Did anyone see the ESPN opening segment? UGH!!! Comparing the Yanks to The Beatles and the Indians to The Who! I found it lame.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I missed it, thankfully. It sounds ghastly.


  7. Professor Longnose says:

    Not good overall. Some encouraging things, I suppose, including the strikeout, and some ground balls got through, but he still can’t put away guys with 2 strikes on them. How’d he look to you?


  8. Phil C says:

    His fastballs were up.Nerves? At least he mixed in some good curve balls.


  9. Professor Longnose says:

    I suppose first we should worry about his health and velocity, and then go back to worrying about him learning to pitch.


    smurfy Reply:

    don’t worry, just watch.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    What?? I don’t understand. What language are you speaking?


    smurfy Reply:

    Whoa, did you see that? Jete stabs it, and Cano throws stealth, partially straightarm 180, and comes close. Oh, Isee Cano’s throw on replay and get how he dunnit.

    Whut language? Whatdsyamean?


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    That was Jeter’s best play of the year. Really nice.


  10. I guess LaPorta was closed on that one!



  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Damn that they couldn’t get at least a run back in that situation. That could be big.

    A zero for Hughes in the second. So his ERA for this game is 9.00 so far, an improvement over 13.94.


  12. smurfy says:

    Yes, he’s adopting the crafty contact pitcher approach, till he finds his stuff. Nerves are down now, it’s all about location, location, loc…


  13. smurfy says:

    Masterson looks good, right, Professor, right Alex? Lefties were smacking it loudly at first, but quieter recently.


    smurfy Reply:

    he doesn’t look nervous anymore. His two seam/sinker is nasty for the righties. Don’t understand why he can’t do something to the lefties with that.

    Coney was saying lefties get a much better look from his sidearm style.


  14. Steve S. says:

    BryanHoch: RT @benshpigel: Hughes according to pitch f/x data a) yet to generate swing/miss on FB and b) his avg FB velo has diminished every inning

    This is exactly what I was worried about. I hope this is wrong.


    Moshe Mandel Reply:

    According to Lucas A., who tracks all this stuff, that’s something he’s always done.


    Steve S. Reply:

    That’s some good info on the velocity side, but it still doesn’t address the lack of swings and misses. He’s averaged 7.73 SO/9 over his career, but 2.61/9 this year and he struck out just 2 tonight. Again, while generating no swings and misses on the FB.

    Here’s the plate discipline stuff. Off the charts this year, saw no difference tonight.


  15. smurfy says:

    Hafner definitely wanted some.


  16. smurfy says:

    and Phil didn’t want any of Santana’s crusher chamber (the plate).


  17. smurfy says:

    Can you hear that echoing evil laugh? Must be from the tunnel of derision. Chris told me what Cleveland fans did to Boomer.


  18. Professor Longnose says:

    Two out in the fifth, bases loaded, I’d take Hughes out. He looks tired.


  19. Gotta think that’s Phil’s last inning.


  20. Professor Longnose says:

    Tying run at the plate!


  21. Steve S. says:

    5 IP
    6 H
    2 ER
    2 BB
    2 SO

    Phil’s final line looks OK, but I’m still not sold that he’s all the way back. You have a very pitcher friendly umpire in Marty Foster behind the plate, a middling offense in CLE and he still struggled mightily to get through the game. It was OK, but had a 2nd half 2010 feel to it. What’s going to happen the next time he’s getting squeezed facing a good team? He’ll need more than he had tonight.

    One nice thing is he shaved 6 runs off that ugly ERA he had going into the game.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Are there any radar gun readings?


    Steve S. Reply:

    YES had his velocity dropping inning by inning, but he seemed to get a little extra giddy up (92s) after Rothschild’s visit gave him a rest. But he can be throwing 92-93, if the FB has no life on it hitters are going to square it up. See the link above where I replied to Mo. His contact rates are way up, his swinging strikes are way down.


  22. T.O. Chris says:

    Only managed to catch Hughes’ 5th inning tonight, but it sounds like he struggled somewhat. I expected that in his first start back, but at least he held them to 2.


  23. Phil C says:

    2nd, 3rd, & 4th innings were pretty efficient. Struggled in 1st & 5th. I though his curve looked pretty good tonight. But Steve S. is right. Not a great night and he must get better…


    Steve S. Reply:

    He can’t pitch the way he did tonight and get away with it facing a better offense or if he’s getting squeezed.

    If he struggles, you’ll see Nova back here or a deal made pretty fast. Phil has the month of July to make his case.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Does Hughes have options left? I would assume so, but I’m not sure.


    Steve S. Reply:

    I don’t know, but he’s been in the bigs since 2007. I think when you get 3 years of service time you have to clear waivers, but the team can pull you back. Cots has him at 3.113 in service time.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Yep, he’s out. I guess they could always make up a DL worthy injury if he struggles.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    How was the fastball command? That’s always been my biggest thing with Hughes. People tend to think he has good control when he isn’t throwing balls, but he often very wild within the zone leading to problems. When he has the good fastball he can’t get away with it more, but if he is ever going to be what he and the Yankees want the fastball control is what is going to have to improve.


  24. Professor Longnose says:

    Tying run at the plate again. This time, do something about it, Yankees.


  25. Professor Longnose says:

    Warning track. Arrrrggggh.


  26. smurfy says:

    Boy, from the sound of it, I thought Posada had the game-tier.


  27. smurfy says:

    Chris, looks likeI need to work on my reply command:

    He spotted some, but Coney demonstrated one that was intended for the high tight corner to a lefty leaked back over the middle.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I think his fastball command is way more important than his velocity. Honestly I think he could pith in the 88-91 MPH range if he had to, with the right control. He’s just always pitched with the control of someone throwing 94-96 MPH.


    smurfy Reply:

    Yeah, it looks like command and control is all he’s got, for now, unless he was just too tight tonight.


    smurfy Reply:

    Saw him throw a couple nice changeups. Coney said his curve was better at high-70′s than it had been 10 mph slower.


  28. smurfy says:

    Wow, some defense Cleveland showed there.


  29. smurfy says:

    Sergio is getting some nice strikes.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    There is not a place on Earth far enough away to send Mitre. He needs to be shot into space.


    smurfy Reply:

    They had the cannon out a some minor league ballpark. I think they were going to shoot the starter out before the game.


  30. RubeWaddell says:

    Well, at least Jete got a hit! 3 away! /sarcasm


  31. Professor Longnose says:


    One more baserunner and the tying run will be at the plate. That will be at least one interesting at bat.


  32. smurfy says:

    Hey, nobody out. Be a fine spirit lift if they rally. Swish coming through again.

    Get it going again, Brett.


    smurfy Reply:

    ooouch, fine backdoor cutter to get ‘im! Phil got one of those, earlier.

    i am an Asdrubel believer.


  33. Professor Longnose says:

    If Gardner gets on, Granderson will be the tying run. It’s a long shot, but it’s possible.


  34. Steve S. says:

    Gardner down looking? I’m shocked.


  35. Mark Finke says:

    Not a good outing. Velocity still isn’t there and propably not coming back this year and the way Hughes pitches he can’t survive with 90-92 mph fastballs.
    The curve saved him today!
    I think we see a trade for a starter and Hughes goes back in to the pen or the minors.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    It would have to be the pen, he can’t be sent to the minors without going through waivers.


  36. T.O. Chris says:

    Jesus Montero has been placed on the DL after a stiff back had him sit out a game or two. Montero thought he would be able to return to the lineup soon, but the team thought otherwise.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    More on Jesus. The DL stint is retroactive to July 4th, and he will be eligible to return July 11th.


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