The Yankees have lost two in a row coming into tonight’s game, but still have a 1.5 game (two in the loss column) on the Boston Red Sox, their closest rivals. It’s good to be the king. Here’s the lineup:

– SS
– CF
– DH
– 3B
– 2B
– RF
– 1B
– LF
– C

– P

Yankee fans have to feel pretty good anytime CC takes the mound, so this is as good a chance as the team will get to end this short skid. Enjoy.


63 Responses to TYA Game Thread, Tuesday July 5, 2011

  1. smurfy says:

    Jeter didn’t seem like a leadoff hitter with the bell-pure knock of a double to left venter, with men on first and third, two outs.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Let’s just hope he can get to 3000 and put this whole chase behind us. Maybe he’ll even loosen up some after notching 3K.


  2. smurfy says:

    Then Grandy drives it pure solid over the corner of the fence.


  3. T.O. Chris says:

    Number 24 for Granderson. Hopefully with two homeruns in as many games he’s heating back up again.


    smurfy Reply:

    I hope so, he tuned in well that time.


  4. smurfy says:

    Then Tex makes that glorious sound, too.


  5. smurfy says:

    Robbie weakly hit it to the leftcenter warning track, just a can of corn. Beginning to worry @ that boy.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    We have different definitions of weakly.


    smurfy Reply:

    Bah, it was only 395 feet, or so.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    It was lined to deep center, it wasn’t weakly popped up.


    smurfy Reply:

    you call that deep?

    but it was a fly/pop in that the center fielder had plenty o’ time to be a-waiting.

    (Not realllly weak, Chris)


    smurfy Reply:

    You been funnin me.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    We need a sarcasm font I guess.

    Number 25 for Grandy!!!


  6. T.O. Chris says:

    After what Indian fans did to Boomer I would never give one of them a ball. Obviously those kids are probably a little too young to have been involved with that, but still, a multitude of that fan base crossed the line time and time again.


    smurfy Reply:

    What did they do to Boomer?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    They taunted him by making fun of his dead mother before, during, and after games every time he pitched there. Including weeks after she initially died.


    smurfy Reply:

    oh, that is lower than humanly possible.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I knew about it before I read his autobiography, but I didn’t get the full extent until I read it. They would stand above the bullpen before his games and start by yelling stuff like “your mothers dead”.


    smurfy Reply:

    Man, I lived in Cleveland a while. People seemed pretty normal. Musta been some greasy underside.


  7. smurfy says:

    Carrasco’s recent success, as well as the story about the ligt, the setting sun, both disappeared in the thunder peals.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    The light seperating the mound and plate dissapeared right around the time the hits started coming. Can you imagine trying to face Randy Johnson like that haha, you’d be scared for your life up there.


    smurfy Reply:

    you ain’t a-kidding. In any light, especially before he gained his control; but he always looked in a bad mood, anyway.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He always looked like a 7 foot giant scowling down at the plate, mullett blowing in the wind. You know a lot of people criticize Randy for his time in New York but I completely disagree. He was everything we asked for and more that first season, he was just hurt in the second and we tend to forget the first. I mean at 41 he won 17 games and posted a very nice ERA.


    smurfy Reply:

    I don’t know where I was that first season. I disremember enjoying Randy at all. Big disappointment. What year was that? Maybe I was travelling.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    2005- 17-8, 8.42 K/9, 1.87 BB/9, 3.79 ERA, 3.78 FIP, 4.6 WAR. Those numbers are good for any pitcher coming from the NL to the AL East, let alone for one that is 41 years old.


    smurfy Reply:

    Don’t know why I would miss that. I was obviously not watching too closely.

  8. smurfy says:

    Now,that was a kinda pop. A big pop, tho I doubt it was 395′.

    whoo-hoo, Curtis, you’ll make 30 by the break, at this rate.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He’d have to go on quite an unbelievable hot streak to hit 5 more home runs in the next 5 games.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, I’m in an exaggerating mood.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    If he does it you get major bragging rights haha.


  9. smurfy says:

    Robbie hits slippery pops, Chris.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Baseballs funny sometimes. Hit a line drive to centerfield and make an out, pop one up to shallow left and get a double.


    smurfy Reply:

    He looked sheepish on second. Al he has to do is blink and think of some of those liners that have been caught.


  10. smurfy says:

    Another star ss bites the dust. Will Cleveland respond well?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Did they take him out? He stayed in to play short after the injury. I would’ve taken him out just to be cautious though.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, they pinch hit Chisenhall for him. Agreed, I woulda had him out on the spot.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He’s their MVP no way you can risk that. Especially in a game your losing 5-0 at the time.

    I wonder if he plays tomorrow then. If its just a roll he may, but with that division being so bad I would probably sit him.


  11. T.O. Chris says:

    When sabathia has this kind of fastball his slider is almost unhittable.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, But what did Santana hit? Thought that was his slider, and really good hitting.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Just backed it up, and he hit a 96 MPH fastball to right field.


  12. T.O. Chris says:

    I’m looking forward to Cano’s second half. He hasn’t been quite as strong this year as we expected, but with strong post All-Star numbers he could finish right around where we all hoped. Him and CC are always guys that heat up and have strong second halves of the season, so I expect that from both once again.


    smurfy Reply:

    Last year, he had a super strong spring till July or so, then flattened out. Maybe revived a couple weeks here ad there.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Last year was the exception. In 2007, 2008, and 2009 he had much better second halves than first halves. His career numbers all show he hits better after the All-Star break than before.


    smurfy Reply:

    Well, that could be a very handy tendency.


  13. T.O. Chris says:

    God I hate that Pedroia’s nickname is “the laser show”. So many other players are laser shows compared to him. He’s a good little player (pun intended) but if he was on any other team he wouldn’t be thought of as near the player people overrate him to be.


    smurfy Reply:

    Oh, but you gotta enjoy the little engine that rotates his arms high when he runs after hitting it well. So cute,part of the lasering show.


  14. Where you at, Duh, Innings? How’re you liking the offense now? ;)


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    It’s clearly bad. We haven’t given up the lead and come back in the 8th or later. Seriously, does this team have no come back in them?


  15. smurfy says:

    Boy, who suddenly taught Kearns to hit?


  16. smurfy says:

    In my experience, it never feels good, and it hurts to run on any sprain for several days.

    See you later, ykeyboard issuper funky.


  17. T.O. Chris says:

    Masterson really struggles against left handed batters, so Granderson, Cano, Swisher, Posada, and Teixeira will probably be in pretty good shape.


    smurfy Reply:

    lickin’ my chops!


  18. smurfy says:

    Ah, new batteries.

    What kinda style points to you give Jete for his rangy spin throw? I say 8.5.


  19. smurfy says:

    Yo ho! JoPo!

    I dunno, Jorge, maybe you’d better avoid second base.


  20. smurfy says:

    Nice, CC. Some seven innings, goood stuff.

    Has he thrown his changeup?


  21. T.O. Chris says:

    Sabathia and Nova with best and 3rd best run support in baseball. That has to really help Nova. As someone who relies on contact as much as he does, I’m sure it helps make is easier to lay it in when you have a lead that often.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    Hughes had some of if not the best run support last year. That had to really help Hughes. As someone who relies on fastballs as much as he does, I’m sure it helped make it easier to lay it in when you have a lead that often.

    Now you’re discrediting Nova because he had great run support. Well, do the same for 2010 Hughes. It’s unfair to both guys. Run support is entirely random and doesn’t take into account only runs scored while the starter is in the game.

    Your hatred of Nova is ridiculous. The dude was a fifth starter who posted a 4.12 ERA in 16 starts this year. Run support had nothing to do with that.

    We’ll see what Hughes is made of tomorrow night.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I’ve tried to be nice to you, it didn’t work. I tried to ignore you, it didn’t work. We had one conversation during a game in which I thought you might be turning a corner towards friendly conversation, and it didn’t stick. I’m not sure what your angle is but you presume way too much.

    First of all I’m not even a Hughes fan. I think he has always been overrated by our fan base, and while I think he will have a long career a good number 3 pitcher I never saw him as a potential ace.

    Second, I don’t hate Nova. I stated facts, that Nova is a contact pitcher, and it helps contact pitchers when they constantly have a lead because they are less likely to nibble, and thus more likely to get groundball outs.

    Third, I happen to agree that Hughes’ 18 wins are overhyped and have a lot do with his run support. Something you would never know because you don’t let anyone agree with you because of how hostile you are with everything.

    Four with all that said I still think it was the right move to go with Hughes and send Nova to Scranton. He doesn’t rely on contact nearly as much, and longterm has more potential than Nova ever could. It doesn’t mean I think Hughes is a world beater, just like it doesn’t mean I dislike Nova.

    I’m sorry you love stirring things up, or have a chip on your shoulder, or whatever. But you make this board way less fun for me because of the attitude. I would love to see you be a very productive memeber of the board, and have your opinion respected and listened too. But it’s not going to happen unless you change the way you go about things.

    I’m sure you will take everything I have said here as an attack, even though it’s nothing close to that, and I’m sorry if you do. I just can’t sit back and not say anything anymore.


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    You are clearly looking for an argument every time you post, DI. Stop. His post had nothing to do with Hughes and he was simply making an observation on a fact reported in the game.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, he’s not tuned for perfection, but he knows when to bear down. The batters appreciate when their pitcher is fighting tough.

    Duh, I think you are off base. Nobody hates or diminishes Ivan. I’ve never noticed Chris speaking badly about him. He hasn’t (except the last game) struck out many, ergo, he’s a “contact” pitcher. To me, that is not a denigration.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Thank you Smurfy.


  22. smurfy says:

    Whoa, Swish is lucky that liner didn’t kill him.


  23. smurfy says:

    I’m not much for the arbitrary 3000 hits. That nice graphic on YES shows about 5 hitters’ totals topped by Lou Brock at 3023. Now that’s something: that guy made me regret the Ernie Broglio trade for years and years.

    Oh, I think the list includes Yaz and Boggs for two.


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