Sure, there’s a ballgame on this evening, but first and foremost I want to wish a very happy Father’s Day to all of our readers and my fellow TYA writers who I know are Dads. A very special Father’s Day greeting goes out to our own Larry Koestler, who is celebrating this day as a father for the first time this year. Exciting stuff, we can only imagine how special that must be for him.

On to Baseball. Florida Marlins manager Edwin Rodriguez has decided to step down after a horrendous June (1-22), and the team is reportedly considering 80 year old Trader Jack McKeon as a temporary replacement. Personally I think they should have hired Bobby V, hopefully now they’ll come to their senses. Local critics of interleague play are having a bad week. The city of Chicago has been abuzz with this Yankee-Cubs series, with players, announcers and fans all gushing over what a special treat this series has been, even if their bathrooms aren’t exactly up to date.

Use this as your game thread for tonight’s contest. CC is facing Randy Wells, which looks like a mismatch on paper. Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN, post game on YES. Here’s to hoping the boys deliver a win for all you Yankee fan dads out there. GO YANKS!!!!


48 Responses to Game 70-Happy Father’s Day!

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    Gardner starts the game off with a homer. He’s on fire.


  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Ugh. Sabathia’s struggling. 4-1 Cubs. Yankees need to pick it up offensively.


  3. Professor Longnose says:

    RBI single for Swisher. Nice! And left-handed.


  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Nunez with the bases loaded. Get it done.


  5. smurfy says:

    Yeah, Swish’s lefty slump is over. Come on Nunie!

    Uh, Maybe CC will do better…

    Oh, well, maybe that’ll keep the tension on our hitters. We gotta lick ‘em good.


  6. Professor Longnose says:

    Couldn’t get the DP. 4-3 Cubs. OK, they’re in it. Sabathia up with 2 on.


    Eric Schultz Reply:

    I enjoy watching CC hit, he hit that one pretty far.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He put good wood on it.


  7. smurfy says:

    Hey, Professor. Whaddya think? Should they start to alternate Pena and Nunie?


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Nah, let Nunez play and see what you got. We already know what we got with Pena.


  8. smurfy says:

    Martin is sure and solid.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He’s fun to watch. Haven’t had a good defensive catcher back there regularly in a while.


  9. Professor Longnose says:

    Now Martin’s up with the tying run at third and one out. Get the run in.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He did! 4-4.


  10. smurfy says:

    Good knocks by Swish and Russell. Yeah, he’s outstanding behind the plate. ’tis a joy!


  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Intentionally walked Nunez to get to Sabathia. I would loooooove to see Sabathia get a hit here.


  12. smurfy says:

    I dn’t like the DH theoretically, but thepitcher has been coming up at the wrong time too often, these last few days.


    Steve S. Reply:

    There’s never a good time. It always finds you, often by design of the opposing pitcher.


    smurfy Reply:

    boy, Gardner is leading off an inning for the third time. I’m beginning to see a pattern.

    Get ‘em Brett!


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha


  13. smurfy says:

    Did you see that K-zone demo on a breaking ball to Granderson? They said it showed the ball finishing outside, but it looked to me to go thru the box.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I can never tell, because the box they draw is 2D. I never know where the ball is on its way to the plate.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, it might have broken before the cube that should show the zone, but they seem to lead you to judge by where the ball finishes, which surely is misleading.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    They should have a virtual strike zone, like the virtual scrimmage lines in the NFL.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I mean, 3D ones.


    smurfy Reply:

    yeah, the shading of 3d would make the offset plate easier to read, too. I’d settle for the dots they sometimes put on the K-zone to represent where the ball went “over” the plate.


  14. Professor Longnose says:

    Sabathia is only at 88 pitches after 7.


  15. Professor Longnose says:

    All right! Singles by Rodriguez and Cano, Yanks are set up.


  16. smurfy says:

    Nice knock, Robbie. Way to go, lads!


  17. Professor Longnose says:



  18. smurfy says:

    What slump? Right, Nick me boyo! Bring ‘em home!


  19. smurfy says:

    “Plants his feet. Long throw…” But no.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    They said he’s making a bunch of throwing errors. He’ll have to learn a little control, but it looks like he has a good arm.


    smurfy Reply:

    With that bat, they should hire a personal mentor!


  20. smurfy says:

    This lefty, Russell, looked pretty tough on lefty batters yesterday.


  21. smurfy says:

    Martin got quite dirty on that slide. Did he hit the brakes too soon?


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He might have. He definitely looked better tonight on defense than on the basepaths.


  22. smurfy says:

    Who is going to pitch the bottom of the 9th? Think Mo, who was not warming while Dave was pitching, probbly has the night off. Cory Wade would be my choice.

    Nope – there’s Mo.


  23. smurfy says:

    ho, ho, ho Gardner, sweetness! Nice hitting, great running.

    On your 4th leadoff.


  24. smurfy says:

    the grand tripler strikes again!


  25. smurfy says:

    Did you see Tex go with the pitch, hitting lefty to left in the early innings? A smash that Ramirez intercepted. Good thinking and hitting, tho.


  26. smurfy says:

    Jeez- they gotta make Soriano dh.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    The Cubs just collapsed.


    smurfy Reply:

    Let’s see, 6 run deficit, Maybe Mo. Oh, no.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Only if he needed the work, which I don’t think he does.

    Heck, even Kei Igawa should be able to finish this out.


    smurfy Reply:

    nah, it won’t get to that, don’t think. Marques should get it turned around.


  27. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m tired. Night, Smurfy.


  28. smurfy says:

    oh, boy. The clowns are trying to get into the act.

    whew! That’s done. Took the smack off the lick.


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