Today’s double header kicks off with an afternoon matinee as the Yankees search for their 43rd win on the season.  Although they have beeen very efficient when it comes to trouncing interleague oponents over the years, today may prove different as the Bombers will be heavily reliant on their “B Squad.”  Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, and Russell Martin will all be out of the lineup meaning Girardi will have the best bench in the history of the universe the bottom half of the batting order will be comprised of Nunez, Pena, Cervelli, and Garcia.  Here’s your open thread for the afternoon.

*NOTE* Be sure to check out TYA’s Ottoneu Pick Six fantasy league over at Fangraphs.  The way it works is simple.  Click the link; sign up for a free account with Fangraphs; start playing immediately.  Choose the group named “What they say about baseball” and pick your six players (a catcher, corner infielder, middle infielder, one outfielder, one pitcher, and one reliever) using the $120 (fake money) stipend.  Daily points earned decide who the winner is.  Also, many of you may already have joined RAB’s Ottoneu Pick Six league already — feel free to join ours as well (hey it’s free and involves no extra participation on your part) for twice the bragging rights.  It’s quick, easy, addicting, and is a whole lot of fun.

The lineup:

Brett Gardner LF
Curtis Granderson CF
Nick Swisher RF
Robinson Cano 2B
Jorge Posada 1B
Eduardo Nunez SS
Ramiro Pena 3B
Francisco Cervelli C
Freddy Garcia RHP

And on the mound:

Freddy Garcia (5-6, 3.63) vs. Mike Leake (6-3, 4.04)

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23 Responses to Game Thread: Yankees vs. Reds, 6/21/2011 (12:35PM EST on YES)

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    Nice recovery by Garcia in the 1st.


  2. Professor Longnose says:

    I love watching Swisher out in right. He doesn’t always get it done, but he’s fascinating.


  3. Professor Longnose says:

    Odd moment in the third. The Cincy catcher walked out from behind the plate and threw the ball back to Leake, who wasn’t ready for it, and had to duck.


  4. When are the Yankees going to kick Cervelli to the curb? He was at -0.2 fWAR coming into this game. He is literally hurting the team.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Plus he’s giving you apoplexy.

    My guess is that he will go when Montero comes up, but how Cervelli is playing will have nothing to do with when Montero comes up. That just strikes me as what Cashman et al seem to be saying.


  5. Professor Longnose says:

    Ugh. Two ugly unearned runs for Cincinnati.


  6. Professor Longnose says:

    Kudos to Garcia for not falling apart when his defense screwed up.


  7. Two bad throws by Pena. Yuck.


    Phil C Reply:

    22 errors by the regulars, now 16 by the fill ins. Something is definitely wrong with that. I did not count the pitchers.


  8. Phil C says:

    If CC or Gordon were pitching with this lineup, would Girardi bat them 6th? And thank God that Pena, Nunez, and Cervelli are on this team at least in part because of their defensive skills.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    No, Girardi wouldn’t, which doesn’t mean he shouldn’t.

    My humble opinion: Nunez has potential and they should keep him around and give him some playing time, despite his current limitations. Pena I can take or leave. Cervelli I think should go.

    My arrogant opinion: They should trade the three of them for a decent announcer.


    Phil C Reply:

    Put Boomer in the booth. At least he’s funny.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I’d tune in.


  9. Professor Longnose says:


    Great to see him hit for power.


  10. Professor Longnose says:

    Nice throw by Gardner to double off Bruce.


  11. So this clearly hasn’t been holding the team back, but the Yankee defense has been way sloppy this season, huh? They already have 46 errors, compared to 69 for all of 2010.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    How are they doing on the defensive range metrics? Are they holding their own, or are they deteriorating, too?


    Larry Koestler Reply:

    There are so many competing defensive metrics these days I’m not even sure which ones I have faith in any more, but if you like UZR, the team has the fourth-best UZR in the AL.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    The outfield is doing well. It’s the infield that’s got problems.


  12. Professor Longnose says:

    Another error for Pena. He now has one more error than Cervelli has strikeouts. It’s a close race.


    Phil C Reply:

    Bets on Pena playing in game 2?


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Maybe as a pinch runner in the 14th inning,


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