On every (non-game) night throughout the year, one of the TYA writers will post a trivia question as the nightly open thread. The blog administrators will keep track of the winners, and the commenter with the most correct answers will win a prize that has yet to be decided upon. The answers will be posted in the following evening’s open thread.

Every so often, these trivia questions write themselves. Last night, the Yanks tied an AL record for hitting into six double plays in a 9 inning game. Name the last AL team to do it without going to extra innings and who holds the NL record.


5 Responses to Open Thread-TYA Trivia for 4-16-11

  1. bornwithpinstripes says:

    think the yanks can win a sunday night game? anyone know their record on SNBB? we have bragging rights..nobody can hit a ground ball to the SS like jeter..why hit to the right side any more..


  2. Simon says:

    Cleveland, and is it San Francisco??


    Steve S. Reply:



  3. Vinnie says:

    Houston v Giants 5-4-69. Seven.


  4. Vinnie says:

    Almost forgot. The last AL team is the white sox vs indians, 8-7-09.


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