Once again, the fine folks at ESPN have decided to make us Yankee fans late for work on Monday. Just kidding, I do love Sunday Night Baseball but staying up for the whole game becomes a problem for those of us who have to get up early. But enough of me whining. Its baseball! Yanks! Rangers! Revenge for the 2010 ALCS! OK, maybe we can’t really get revenge until October, but I still want this one.

Pitching match up for tonight is the big man CC Sabathia vs (no, he’s not in the bullpen anymore) Alexi Ogando. A-Rod is out of the lineup after leaving yesterday’s game with back/oblique stiffness, so Eric Chavez gets the start at 3B. Use this baby for your game thread and open thread for the evening. Go Yanks!


7 Responses to Open Thread-2010 ALCS Redux Rubber Match

  1. Duh, Innings! says:

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m Joe Girardi. I’m an idiot who takes out C.C. Sabathia, one of only a handful of true aces in baseball, after he blew away a guy for the first out of the seventh inning, and brings in Joba in the middle of an inning. I also allow Joba to face Michael Young, the AL or MLB leader in hits since 2003, with first base open and two outs.

    How on Earth do you not have Sabathia face the next batter after he blows away a guy? Righthanded bat Schmighthanded bat, this is Sabathia not a righthanded middle reliever you take out for Boone Logan. Allow C.C. the chance to get a one-pitch out the next time, thanks. Oh wait, you have no feel for the game whatsoever cuz you’re too in love with your pitch counter and charts.

    Where’s the pinchrunner for Posada at 2B in a 5-5 tie?

    Oh yeah…the Yankees should give Derek Jeter until May 1st to get his act together or to the #7 slot he goes. Granderson leadoff, Swisher second. 1 for 4 with no walks tonight, no stolen bases after 14 games, and one stolen base attempt isn’t cutting it. Neither is Gardner batting below his weight, so he stays in the #9 slot.


    Moshe Mandel Reply:

    Seriously? You would walk Michael Young in that spot? Absurd.


    Daler Reply:

    U can defend JG all u want but he’s right


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Sabathia was over 110 pitches on a rainy night, you really want to push that? I wasn’t overly joyed with CC even coming into the 7th with as shaky as he had been, and the weather that was happening.


  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Interesting move by Ron Washington walking psada to load the bases and pitch to Martin. Gains a righty-vs-righty matchup, but I don’t know…


  3. bornwithpinstripes says:

    they need to get swisher to play a little deeper, way too shallow, thats twice this series in a big spot the ball sailed over his head..he is terrible going back ,much better coming in. joba should have been out with youngs shot .and jeter still s the league leader in balls hit to the SS..


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