I’ve been trying my best to paint a rosy picture around the Yankees’ recent struggles, but even I’m finding my patience getting a bit tested, following the Yankees’ 7-3 loss to Boston, their fourth straight at home. Not that I expected the Yankees to actually beat , because they’ve shown time and again that they just can’t hit him (this was the second straight start of Lester’s against the Yankees that he took a no-hitter into the sixth), but because their pitching has basically taken them out of each of the last four games before they even had a chance to compete. Of these last four losses, the only game they’ve even held a lead was the - start, and you usually like your chances with your ace on the hill and a 2-0 lead.

You’re going to hear a lot about how the Yankees are pulling a 2004 all over again or a classic New York Metropolitans-style collapse if the Red Sox complete the sweep tonight, which they likely will what with getting to face instead of . However, it’s important to try to keep things in perspective. After tonight there are only six games left to play. All the Yankees have to do is win half of those games; less if the Red Sox lose at some point, which they will.

None of us want to see the Yankees enter the final weekend of the season with the Sox still clinging to any shred of hope; and so it’s imperative that the Yankees take care of business during these next four games.

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One Response to Yanks fall to Sox 7-3, lose four straight at home for first time all season

  1. [...] second he was far more in control, yielding only three runs over an impressive 7 1/3 innings. Nova started against Boston at the Stadium back in September and was bad, only going 4.2 innings and giving up four runs. I can’t say I have a great feeling about the [...]

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