Here are some links from the Yankosphere to tide you over until the Yankees’ 10pm start time tonight.


4 Responses to Yankee linkapalooza

  1. oldpep says:

    “the Yankees have gotten the least production out of the Designated Hitter slot of any team in the American League.”

    And yet Po is the DH again tonight.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    It’s a tough situation. It may be necessary to release Posada if he doesn’t come around very quickly. If it comes to that, I hope they can do it some way that keeps Posada in the Yankee fold. (And by “they” I mean both the Yankees and Posada. They both have to want to make nice.)


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I’d like to see the Yankees work out a deal with the White Sox for Carlos Quentin, and Edwin Jackson. It would probably be a 4-2 or possibly 5-2 trade but it wouldn’t cost Banuelos or Montero, they may ask, but it wouldn’t happen. The Yankees would have to part with Betances, Romine is probably a must add, and I would imagine a couple pitchers like Noesi, Nova, or Warren would be thrown in. The deal would bring back a nice middle of the rotation arm, and Quientin could be the primary DH this season, spelling Swisher on occasion in the field. Then if the Yankees decide they won’t want to pick up Nick’s option, Carlos would be an in house replacement for Swisher next year.


    Nick Reply:

    If only we had some top level hitting prospect. oh well


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