Two former teammates from the Sunshine State square off in this afternoon’s contest. This series facing the Cubs starts a stretch for the Yanks where 20 of the next 30 games will be on the road, and you’ll be hearing that a lot the rest of the way. The Yanks have more road games than home games left, with August (9 home/21 away) being especially lopsided.

Here’s a few quick Yankee facts and news items to get you ready for the game:

-You know that Yankee bullpen that has been decimated by injuries? The one with Soriano, Feliciano, Joba and Marte on the shelf indefinitely? Best bullpen ERA in the AL, and by a fairly wide margin.

-A-Rod’s next run scored will be number 1800 for his career. Let’s hope he does it in style with #627.

-Alex was caught cavorting in enemy territory. This has to stop.

-In minor matters, Staten Island opened their season yesterday (5-3 loss featuring a Mason Williams HR) and Manny Banny got shellacked.

-This just cracked me up.

4:10 start, because folks in Chicago just have to be different. GO YANKS!!!!!


11 Responses to Game 69-Battle of the ex-Marlins

  1. smurfy says:

    oh, boy, repeat of 1st inning bases-loaded fail. Will we succumb or succeed? Maybe AJ is setting the tone…


  2. smurfy says:

    Looked pretty good with his comand of fastballs to the first batter, but Starlin stood up, and said “I like those.” Hit a low of the zone pitch twoseam fader thru the hole to right.


  3. smurfy says:

    I’d say AJ looked pretty strong, getting two more weak ground ball outs, although his simple fastballs were mixed with breaking balls. Pretty efficient: by the time my drink was refilled, he was done. Guys have to be encouraged.


  4. smurfy says:

    Nice, Martin was running on the pitch, so Nunez hopper was only good for one.

    I know, AJ should HIT it!


  5. smurfy says:

    Well, inconclusive second for the Yankees, as Brett pops out.

    Nobodyelse here, so I’ll just watch the pitches and swings.

    a question for the passerby: where is the bound of the lower strike zone?

    the knees, but top , middle or bottom?


  6. smurfy says:

    Wow – I justgotta say wow to Russell Martin: stole another base.


  7. smurfy says:

    Nice curve to the low outside corner, to get Fukudome. okay, AJ!

    Boy, I wish he could throw more curves for strikes, he would deke them much more often on his dirtballs, too.


  8. smurfy says:

    Now, this sucks: Burnett up to hit first.

    Ah, more ballet as he sings/waves at strike three.


  9. smurfy says:

    AJ was looking good, but he put one down the middle, and Pena smashed it. Tied up!


  10. smurfy says:

    Nunez kicks one at a critical time. Ouch. AJ was laboring, but doing it, in the 6th. Coulda been doubleplay, but AJ’s out, instead.

    Now, Robbie fails to glove an Arod dp throw. Man we’re giving them 6 or 7 outs!


  11. smurfy says:

    But hold on, if you missed that, you missed it! Bret charges to catch a curling smash , and effectively channels the momentum into a perfect strike to home. Russell had the ball, and 3 steps to prepare for Carlos Pena’s fastest block. He made sure to show him the ball in the glove. DP at last, third time tells.


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