After yesterday’s story in the Post Courier about Slade Heathcott turning himself around, it is only fitting that he would be getting into trouble the same day.  Fortunately, Heathcott’s backsliding did not involve alcohol or unsafe behavior off the field.  Unfortunately, his behavior yesterday on the field will almost certainly lead to a suspension.  Heathcott took exception to getting hit by a pitch high and tight, but instead of charging the mound (as is most common in these situations), he turned around and took his aggression out on the Greenville catcher, sparking a bench-clearing (or at least Greenville players left the bench, not sure where the Riverdogs were on this one).

It’s unclear to me whether the catcher was trash-talking or saying something insulting to Heathcott at the time, but ultimately, it’s irrelevant.  It was a bonehead move that put Slade at risk of injury, and will cost him valuable development time in a suspension.  Plus, I would imagine the Yankee organization does not take kindly to this sort of behavior.  Heathcott may have set himself back in terms of getting promoted to high-A, as some were predicting would happen pretty soon.

Ultimately, I don’t see any long-term harm coming from this stupidity, but I don’t really care about the baseball impact.  It’s an idiotic, impulsive move for a kid with a checkered history of personal issues, and it demonstrates that he still has work to do to get himself on the right path.  I’m still rooting for the kid to succeed, but that will get harder to do if he keeps putting himself in situations like yesterday.

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90 Responses to Slade Heathcott’s Poor Sense of Timing

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    Reception on the LIE is fine.

    I guess this is the game thread.

    It’s only May and I’m already at the point of freaking out batter by batter. After two batters, I was ready to give up on the season,but CC got out of it. Wow.


  2. T.O. Chris says:

    What is to be made of Jorge taking himself out of the lineup and asking for a presser after the game? The only thing I can imagine is that he is calling it quits in the middle of the season, if that is the case I am willing to give Posada all the credit in the world for being one of the first athletes I’ve ever seen at the level to look at himself in a reasonable manner.

    We obviously don’t know much about the situation yet but this has to be an extremely tough time for Jorge, you just have to ask the question… what do you do with the DH spot if he does retire? Obviously one option would be calling up Jesus, but another would be moving Jeter to a semi-permanent DH role and upgrading the defense with Pena or Nunez.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    agree on the posada issue..he would look great


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    However if he simply removed himself from the lineup because he is throwing a hissy fit over being dropped to the 9th spot in the lineup, I would lose all respect I ever had for Jorge.


  3. Professor Longnose says:

    I don’t think he should retire, unless there’s really something else going on we don’t know about. I mean, I don’t think he should give up on the season. Given his power and walks, and his BABIP, I don’t think he’s completely through.

    But, yeah, I give him credit for thinking that he may be hurting the team.

    He’s been my favorite Yankee for a long time. If he retires, I hope he stays with the team in some capacity.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    his BABIP may not be all bad luck related, it could simply be a result of not hitting the ball consistently with authority. Yeah, bad luck may have something to do with it being as low as it is, but his BABIP from last year was only .285.

    If he feels he simply can’t hit in a way he expects of himself then I could very easily see him wanting to rather retire than embarrass himself. To me it would show a very humble attitude from someone I have always considered one of the most overly prideful guys on the team.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Prideful? Do yo mean that in a negative way?

    His BABIP probably isn’t all bad luck, but it’s ridiculously low, way under .285,a nd he has hit a lot of flyball outs, including three shots in Detroit. Some of it has to be bad luck. Some of its probably mental, too.


    T.O. Chris Reply:


    Jorge has always been a my way or the highway type of catcher, he hated being shaked off and would often put the same finger down 2-3 times in a row resulting in a mound conference because he angered pitchers. Quite a few Yankee pitchers have had problems with Posada over the years, he always thought of himself as the game caller, and not a sound board.

    The fly balls would result in a low BABIP if he is simply having weak contact resulting in pop ups which a lot of his outs have been. BABIP can be a luck measurement stick but it isn’t solely that, a lot of it has to do with the kind of contact you are making.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He’s not making basd enough contact to have a BABIP as low as his is. There’s luck involved. And power, and walks. He’s got something left.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    As I said there can be some luck involved but you are mistaking his HRs for solid contact, and that is something he isn’t making consistently. his last Home run was April 23rd and before that his last home run was April 14th, he isn’t blasting the ball every time up and just not getting hits.

    At times he is making hard contact but more consistently than not he is making weaker contact than we have seen him do even last season.

    Let’s put it this way, he isn’t suddenly going to be even the Posada of last year because of a turn around in his BABIP.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    No0, he isn’t blasting the abll up every time and only getting bad luck. He’s in a slump. But there’s a good chance you’re making a mistake writing him off.

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    hot dog vendor..only kidding..maybe he comes back next year..a role like reggie..never this year


  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Teixeira and Rodriguez have been the pits lately. Let’s get it going, guys!


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Alex does have a 5 game hitting streak going, and he has hit in 9 of his last 13 games. The problem is he only has one multi-hit game in that stretch, people are over reacting to Alex’s numbers in my opinion. He’s struggled yes, but there is no reason to grab torches and pitch forks.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I’ve still got the safety on my pitchfork on, but he’s got to do better, or they’re in a lot of trouble.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    There is no doubt he is struggling at the plate right now, but read this board and you would think he needs to retire tomorrow. The man can still play baseball, and he has already showed that this year, at some point he is going to get hot and he will have a hot streak to be proud of. He already did it, there is no reason to believe he suddenly got too old after a an entire Spring Training on fire, and the whole first month of the season on fire.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    .239/.388/.470, 6 HRs, 22 RBI, with a wOBA of .380, and a WAR of 1.0… .293 BABIP

    .261/.360/.478, 6 HRs, 22 RBI, with a wOBA of .367, and a WAR of 1.4… .270 BABIP

    The top line is Kevin Youkilis and the bottom is Alex Rodriguez, I think it’s fair to say there is a bit of overreaction going on about Alex.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He hasn’t been worth more than 4 WAR since 2008. He is what he is. Judging him by streaks he can be proud of isn’t muchm ore helpfuyl than judging him by his contract.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He had a 4.5 WAR in 2009 in only 124 games, that is very much worth more than 4, when you consider how many at bats he missed with his hip surgery.

    You can’t judge him off of his contract because no player in baseball is worth the contract he signed, it’s as simple as that. He is what he is, and that is one of the greatest players to ever lace up the spikes, he isn’t that player anymore but he is far more than what people are giving him credit for.

    Alex is a streaky player, he always has been. He gets his HRs in bunches, and he makes his outs in bunches, but when he is on he can still mash as well or better than most players in baseball.

    At a certain point you have to look to judge players on what he is worth on the field, and Alex will hit better than he is hitting right now. No one is ever going to argue that he is going to put up numbers worth 30 million dollars this year, who could?


  5. Duh, Innings! says:

    A-Dog woofs again.

    His contract looks horrendous.

    I’m telling you, THE YANKEES NEED TO TRADE HIM IN THE OFFSEASON. Just take prospects and dump his salary. He wouldn’t refuse a trade if he knows he’s not wanted anymore. He got his World Series ring, now send him back to Seattle where he can perform pressure-free like Ichiro does.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    You can’t dump a salary and get prospects, it simply doesn’t work that way. In baseball salary dumps you either pay some of the contract salary and get next to nothing at all, or you get mediocre prospect or two and you pay almost everything.

    However with Alex his contract is untradeable, he is inked for far too long, and for far too much money for anyone to even consider taking him on. Even if you wanted to give him away no team would take him.

    Why would a team building young like Seattle even want him? He provides veteran leadership sure, but they aren’t planning on making any deep playoff runs anytime soon so there is no reason to take on an aged player like that.

    Like it or not he will finish his career a Yankee.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    he will finish his contract out, nobody not even moreno would take him.


  6. Professor Longnose says:

    Can we get rid of Sarah Silverman and get back to the damn game??


  7. T.O. Chris says:

    You know I can’t think of one game this season in which Sabathia had his A control, it just seems odd to be this far into the season and he hasn’t had one of those games yet. Obviously he can’t be “on” every game, but he certainly has his fair share of games per year when he has some of the best control in the game.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    true..adrians first at bat.. was the best i seen cc this year.. the curve to ortiz was great also


  8. T.O. Chris says:

    “No0, he isn’t blasting the abll up every time and only getting bad luck. He’s in a slump. But there’s a good chance you’re making a mistake writing him off.”

    He needs to write a book then… “The never ending slump” because he hasn’t been playing any better at any point in the season.

    Jorge is 39 soon to be 40 years old, at some point his physical skills will erode to the point that he can’t play the game at a high enough level to warrant a contract. He may not be at that point yet but he isn’t far off from it. Realistically how many catchers play at a top level until and past 40 years old? Piazza himself retired after 83 games at the age of 38, and he is the greatest hitting catcher of all time.

    I’m not “writing him off” so much as I’m not going to make an excuse that his BABIP is mostly responsible for his bad numbers. His wOBA for this season is .276, that is remarkably low for someone who has a career mark of .368.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    This argument is getting ridiculous. I’m not making excuses. I say looking at his BABIP, his power, and his walks, it’s silly to think he necessarily can never hit again. Let’s leave it at that.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I never said he could never hit again, you are saying I said that. What I am saying is that just because he has hit a few home runs it doesn’t mean he is consistently hitting the ball hard.

    BABIP only indicates bad luck when someone is blasting the ball and yet it keeps finding the glove, when someone is not making very consistent hard contact their BABIP is going to drop.

    I’m not really sure what the problem is you are having, I didn’t even realize this was an “argument”. I also have never said Jorge can’t hit, I simply don’t think he can hit at the level we saw last year. He has a hard time seeing the breaking stuff and he is behind on good fastballs, he is aging, it’s normal.

    I understand you like Posada but to chalk his entire “slump” to BABIP is ridiculous, I have already admitted a couple times that bad luck may play some role in the lower than normal BABIP, but in no way do I think it is 100% because of that. Part of it is with out a doubt the fact that he isn’t making consistent contact on the baseball.

    Do I think his BABIP can recover? Yes, do I think he will get it back to .285? No I don’t. Yes he can continue to play, but at what level is the question, there is no doubt he is slowing down. Even you have to admit that.

    When you look at his BB% numbers his 11.9 % walk rate is down from last years 12%, and even further down from his career 13.2%. Further than that his 27.6 % K rate is up from his career 24% mark.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    What I said: “Given his power and walks, and his BABIP, I don’t think he’s completely through.”

    What you said I said, “chalk[ed] his entire “slump” to BABIP.”


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I have yet to say he is completely through, once again you are saying I said that.

    I thought you were arguing that because he hit 6 HRs this season and he is walking that his BABIP is bad luck. If that is not the case then I apologize. Each an every time you have brought up “power”, which is home runs because he has only hit 2 doubles all season, it has come across as that was your argument for his BABIP being all bad luck.

    Again I have never said he couldn’t play anymore, I simply don’t believe we will see him play at the level he played last year going forward. This is in fact all I have been putting forth, so when you kept rebutting, it came across to me as you saying that isn’t true because he is getting unlucky.

    As I said I am sure some of it is luck, but it isn’t as large a factor as I think you are arguing. He is slowing down and we are seeing his decline in front of us. I fully believe he can play the rest of the season but I don’t expect him to finish the season with a .357 OBP, or a .454 SLG%.

    Again if I misread your argument I apologize, but you can’t take this so personally just because I am talking about a favorite player of yours.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Jorge Posada’s line drive percentage this season is at 11.4%, by far the worst of his career (career average of 20.0%) and 7.1 points lower than his 18.5% LD% last season. His Ground ball percentage is also up this season to 48.1%, a full 5.1 points higher than last season, and 6.1 points higher than his career mark. He is clearly making the weakest contact on the ball of his career, and that is resulting in a lower than normal BABIP.

    While luck may be playing a role in his low BABIP, it is clear that weak contact is also a major reason why.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    This actually may make a nice post/conversation if any of the writers want to take off with it. I’m sure there are varying opinions on Posada going forward, and a deeper look into the numbers is probably worth exploring after this last episode.

  9. T.O. Chris says:

    Beckett is using his cutter very effectively this year, it drops speed quite a bit from his 4 seam, but the movement is very deceptive.


  10. bornwithpinstripes says:

    more bad news..posada seems to have a bad back..he is not retiring.if he don’t retire now after a, manny , him out and let him now


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I’m not buying back stiffness for a second, it sounds more like something he is using to try and save face. The more this story develops the more is sounds like he was simply angry he got slotted in the 9 hole.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:



    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    save way 11mil…his wife let him have it.


  11. T.O. Chris says:

    Laura Posada is hot, but she needs to shut up and get off twitter. She can only make this worse.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    well she let us know posada is going nowhere.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    That may not be true, at a certain point if he is trying to cause a real stink about things Cashman may decide to cut him. He has already stated multiple times that the Torrie situation taught him to never let loyalty get in the way of baseball decisions, and he didn’t look extremely pleased talking to Rosenthal during the game. I thought maybe he was sad that Jorge may be calling it a career, but he may have simply been pissed that Jorge decided to act like a child.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    on point


  12. T.O. Chris says:

    Is it just me or have umps been a little quick with the toss all year, in all scenarios this season?


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    last three years they are out of control


  13. bornwithpinstripes says:

    hey tex 1 for 31 vs sox..looking up


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    His 1 for 15 struggles against the Sox this year is actually pretty strange. Over the last 3 seasons Teixeira has actually hit the Sox very well, posting a line of .286/.396/.604 with 14 HRs, and 29 RBI in 154 ABs.

    2010- .237/.341/.579 with 8 HRs and 16 RBI
    2009- .351/.461/.662 with 6 HRs and 13 RBI

    The average really dropped in 2010, and his OBP dipped (though remained decent), but his power numbers were actually better and he continued to drive in runs.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    chris he is 1 for the last 31..forget those old #s..if girardi is the #s guy he makes out to be..tex sits exceptions to his rules.great bench again tonight


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    You can’t sit Teixeira, that doesn’t make any sense if you want to actually win. Swisher would have to play first base, and Jones would have to start in RF. Swisher isn’t the defensive player Teixeira is, and losing Teixeira’s potential in the lineup for Andruw Jones makes no sense.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:



    T.O. Chris Reply:

    You are being ridiculous…

    Texeira playing first gives us the best opportunity to win, I really don’t care if he has one hit in his last 31 against the Red Sox. Those are extremely arbitrary numbers, and you aren’t even taking into consideration that he has one of the best wOBA’s on the entire team this season.

    Andruw Jones and Swisher are not better options than Mark Teixeira, I won’t continue to debate that because it makes no sense to say otherwise.


  14. T.O. Chris says:

    Buster Olney stating that Posada flatly declined to play once he found out he would hit 9th, and Cashman himself came down to ask Posada to play and was also rebuffed.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    hey everyone can make a mistake..accept it ,say i threw a tantrum.. a sorry ..sit and wait for your name to be on the line up card..if he lies about cash and joe.. cut him loose..see you old timers game 15 years from now


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Not going to happen… He obviously feels very disrespected they asked him to hit 9th, and if he feels that way I can’t see him trying to “save face” by apologizing. It isn’t in him.

    Quote from Posada “I don’t feel like I’m in a slump,”.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    isn’t that crazy..not in touch with reality..they should D.L. him on a mental..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    It’s understandable, and he is no where close to the first great player to think he wasn’t in decline.

    I mean as much as people love Michael Jordan, he wasn’t good at all when he came out of retirement to play with the Wizards and yet he was still acting like “his airness”.

    What makes these players great is also what makes them not want to let go.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    was he a part owner Chris?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Jordan? He was General manager or something at the time… The Jordan thing was weird because he drafted Kwame Brown number 1 overall, Kwame, as well all know was a huge bust. Jordan kept saying that it wasn’t Kwame’s fault it was that he had no talent around him so he decided to come out of retirement and play with him. Problem being he wasn’t the same Jordan anymore and still wanted to play the exact same way, he rubbed a lot of players the wrong way and you will find no teammate from those days that liked him.

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    just a ploy to get people in the seats..about dollars not ego..

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    you stand corrected.he said uncle


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    What are you talking about?

    I said he was making a fuss out of all of this because he was hitting 9th in the lineup, but at the same time I am not calling the man a liar about his back either.

    As I have said several times at this point in the season he probably does have a tweak here or there and he used that as the excuse afterwards.


  15. bornwithpinstripes says:

    Chris.. posada should go to cash and say give me half of what i have left..leave off on a good note and have a hip hip jorge goodbye day


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Why would he do that when he could make them DFA him and take home the whole 11 million? He has shown you how prideful he is today, it isn’t him to “walk away on a good note”.

    Besides Jack Curry said he talked to Jorge Posada Sr today during the game and he said his son is going to play the whole season.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    he should do it not for the money, but dignity ..this 4th year on his contract was a gift a hugh mistake ..everyoone knew he wouldn’t have been able to catch this year..what is his problem..13mil..varitek gets what 1.5mil..take half go home save face.. he has a hugh fan is over for him..he is past his time..does he really need the rest of the $s compared to being a broken down has been..greeddy for every last million he can squeeze out of a team that made you super rich and famous..quit for your fans..pride of the yankees..or greed of one of many..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He clearly doesn’t care what we, the media, Joe G, Cashman, or anyone else thinks about him and Posada has always been a hot head more concerned about his pride than anything. He’ll make them DFA him before he walks away.

    I think it’s less about the money, and much more about being able to say he was forced out.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    then he really didn’t love and respect the game ,his team.the fans.. greed.. and i think you are right was always the money.. what a way to exit from a great franchise and career..when you have that much pride……you exit with class..and have a posada day.. Chris if what you feel is true ..he has a lot of class..just too bad it’s all low


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Again I’m not saying he played his whole career for the money, and I don’t believe he is playing this year for the money. I believe he is playing for himself, and he has the mentally that a lot of great players have had and that’s that they won’t get old.

    A lot of players in any sport have a hard time seeing themselves as a regular Joe, they just don’t think it’s going to happen. It’s part of what made them great in the first place.

    Jorge has always been a very prideful guy, and the fact that he was say he isn’t in a slump lets you inside the mind frame he has. He thinks he is going to get going at some point and when he does we will all owe him an apology, he still believes he is the old Posada and should be treated as such.

    He never accepted that his catching skills were eroding, and he never accepted that he was wrong when it came to putting fingers down and calling a game. This is the Jorge I have always known.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    yes .nice view of what he may be thinking..but he does look up at the score board..and he does not own the team..if he is delusional he needs help..his wife must not want him retired.. keep him on the road..bring home that check..he weighs more than his B.A. if joe sits him and sits him..what do you think roy hobbs will say or do?

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    chris ..who is the highest paid catcher in BB?

  16. bornwithpinstripes says:

    really, he is upset to bat ninth on a team that has problems, making 13 plus 40 years old.. is he a team player …or just playing the team..this is not softball in the can you come to the park and see 160 on the scoreboard ,have the fans boo you ,can not smell a curve ball, and say i am a catcher can not tell me .i can’t catch or bat 6th..hal i believed gave posada that fourth year as a look what he does to them..the more i think about..he is a garbage pail..your right pay him off and throw his catcher mitt on the major deegan..


  17. T.O. Chris says:

    “yes .nice view of what he may be thinking..but he does look up at the score board..and he does not own the team..if he is delusional he needs help..his wife must not want him retired.. keep him on the road..bring home that check..he weighs more than his B.A. if joe sits him and sits him..what do you think roy hobbs will say or do?”

    It’s not about being delusional, it’s about being a world class athlete. He simply believes the numbers aren’t adding up the at bats he is having, but he certainly doesn’t think he is done and he probably believes he is one good swing away from breaking out. You get no where in this business without believing in yourself, and Jorge has always had that in spades. To act like that will go away and he will accept being old in baseball terms is unreasonable. He believes he should still be catching and hitting 6th, and while I understand that, he should be willing to move down to 9th and hit his way back up into the 6 spot. The problem is he has now let his pride overrule his common sense and he is in hot water now. He either admits he was wrong, or he fights this to the end.

    His wife is just sticking up for her husband, which she should do, if we were talking to her in a private session. The problem I have is her getting on twitter and cutting the legs out from under the team saying he was injured when he pretty clearly wasn’t. I can’t blame her for being behind her husband, that’s understandable. However she should keep those things to herself because it can only make things worse.

    “chris ..who is the highest paid catcher in BB?”

    The money is irrelevant to me, as is Alex’s contract. All I care about is that they show up, try as hard as they can, and produce. The problem with Posada is now not only did he not produce but he sort of didn’t show up now. He has become a distraction for a team that certainly doesn’t need one, and I think he is going to tarnish his reputation if he keeps this up.

    The funniest part in all of this is that Posada replaced Girardi as the Yankees starting catcher years ago, and no report came out of Girardi being anything but supportive.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    Chris can they send him to AAA until he works out his back problems?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He’s 40, at this point he is way out of options haha.

    Besides do you really think the man would accept an assignment to triple A if he wouldn’t bat 9th?


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    just my point..what is he going to do? quit…exactly..roster spot open.. wally pip time


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He won’t quit, he has way too much pride to ever believe he is done. He will make the Yankees cut the tie, that way he will be able to say he was forced out. Posada isn’t going to slip quietly into the goodnight because someone else thinks he can’t play.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    not a someone, the yankees and a .165 ba. chris.. come on you know have been off base on the lie and him saying sorry .he did both today


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    What are you talking about? His batting average has nothing to do with whether he will retire or not, he won’t. His father said as much yesterday, saying he will play all season.

    Just because he is struggling doesn’t mean he will stop playing, he doesn’t feel he is done, he just feels he isn’t hitting… That is all I have been saying.

    You really have yet to understand what I am saying… You keep taking things out of context and thinking I am defending this whole situation.

  18. T.O. Chris says:

    Posada is claiming to have a bad back from taking infield practice at first base? Apparently he also declined to tell Girardi about this in their meeting before the game, and instead said he needed a mental break day.

    So either he wanted out of the lineup because he dropped to 9th, or he asked to be taken out because of injury, and decided it would be best not to inform anyone of said injury.


  19. bornwithpinstripes says:

    wally pip anyone


  20. T.O. Chris says:

    “just a ploy to get people in the seats..about dollars not ego..”

    No it wasn’t… Jordan was and is an egomaniac and everyone knows it.

    He had his pride on the line with Kwame Brown, his first ever draft pick, taken out of High School with the first overall pick. He wanted to “prove” Kwame could play, if he had talent. This also isn’t debatable, he said as much, and every sports writer from that time period will tell you how much his ego played a role in that comeback.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    well i will defer to your knowledge of the game..i can not back anything up in that sport outside of just a novice opinion..if i never watched a b ball game ,it would be just fine with i will take your word on MJ


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Michael invited the guy who took his spot on the JV basketball team in High School to his hall of fame induction speech. I think that speaks to his ego.


  21. bornwithpinstripes says:

    CHRIS, you started this by saying you would lose all respect if he took a hissy fit..well he did.. then backed it up with a back hurts. he has now said i’m sorry..good first step..lets see if he stops the poison flowing in the club house.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I did lose a lot of respect for him, however that doesn’t mean half of the things you said here are correct. You get a little emotional sometimes and I think it overrides what it an objectionable look at the situation.

    I also said yesterday we need to wait and see where this is going to go, because no one can make decisions based off of yesterday. You don’t run a business off one night, if he continues to struggle the Yankees will DFA him. That was probably going to happen anyway though, this only gives them more ammo, not the reason to do it.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    chris is he allowed to have a hugh ego and everyone have no principal to stand on.. everyone can make a mistake , he is allowed to also..when someone fires the first shot ,you are allowed to shoot back..he works for the yanks..they pay him.he blew up the whole night..his #s are a can he carry hard feelings because he will not catch again..this was him boiling over ..he held them to blame for his not hitting..or excuse. without saying it.. what did i say was wrong..plese point them out


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I’m so tired of this conversation… You have yet to understand how I feel on this issue and you probably won’t, I’m done with this conversation.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    He didn’t shoot a shot at you… and you aren’t shooting shots back at him, you are talking bad about the mans wife, and you are calling into question his motives for playing his whole career (money).

    You keep mistaking the problems I have with what you are saying with me defending Posada.

    I told you yesterday emotions were running high and while that is OK everyone should take a step back and wait for this to work itself out in due time, and that is what should happen.


  22. bornwithpinstripes says:

    chris ..what is your take tonight..they hit lester or he humiliates them in another sunday night game..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Lester has always been a beast against the Yankees, but I won’t write off any game before it goes down. I would say it’s probably 60/40 we lose, but I’ll be watching just the same.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    this game is a defining moment for this 2011 team..lets see if they lay down and dog it..or come out pissed off vs boston. yes they can lose..but how they lose is going to be a statement..we need a paul o’niel..billy martin..inspired game..not an andrew jones ho humm game..or jeter looking down at his manicure.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    No it isn’t… They can lose and still go on to be a playoff team, it’s one game being blown up because of yesterday.

    I have never seen this team dog it anyway, I don’t know where you would get that from. The bottom line is this is a tough lefty one the mound with a history of being great against us, that means it will be an uphill battle, but we can win.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I have tried to break this down so many times and yet you keep missing the point.

    1. He was wrong for not playing, he quit on the team in so many ways and that is disgraceful.

    2. He is too proud to retire, despite the numbers he doesn’t think he is done. Athletes at the top of the hill very rarely ever get this, and they force the team to cut the tie because they just can’t bring themselves to do it.

    3. I have a problem with you insinuating that Laura Posada is a gold digger, and is so obsessed with Posada losing his contract money.

    4. I have a problem with someone getting so emotional on the subject that they keep going overboard as you did yesterday.

    5. Posada was wrong, but at this point we can’t cut him yet. He deserves a chance to prove he can still hit, if he can do that he will and should be cut in the coming month.


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