(photo c/o Getty)

Just when it seemed like things couldn’t get any worse, the Yankee offense managed to score an impressive zero runs in the first non-playoff Saturday night game at Yankee Stadium in seemingly forever, as threw six more scoreless innings to run his streak against the Yankees to 14 straight leading Boston to , and handing the Yankees their fourth straight loss. The Yankees only put together two four-game losing streaks all year last season, both of which came during Their miserable September. Also, according to our own William, this was the first time the Yankees have been blanked by Boston two times in one season since 2000.

Not even really sure what to say at this point. If you’re a Yankee fan, this past week has been almost completely devoid of joy. looked great until the 5th, when he gave up two runs, and though he battled and gave the team another strong outing, the wheels unfortunately came off in the 7th. CC’s final line was an ugly 6.2 innings of six-run ball. Of course, with the way the Yankee bats have been going (0-10 with runners in scoring position; eighty-three runners left on base during their last 11 games), Boston could’ve won 1-0 and it would’ve felt like 1,000,000 to 1.

I can’t say I’m terribly optimistic about the Yankees getting back on track against their personal kryptonite, , but given that just about everything that can possibly go wrong has indeed gone wrong, perhaps they’ll finally snap out of this insane funk and pick up a much-needed win.

35 Responses to Yankees shutout by Boston twice in one season for first time since 2000

  1. T.O. Chris says:

    Tough game and tough news with the Posada debacle, I’m not looking forward to tomorrow. However with as bad as things have been it can’t be any worse, what are they going to do? Beat us 8-0?

    I still can’t place my finger on why CC’s control hasn’t looked the same thus far this year. It seems like he is walking a tight rope in every start. Balancing between a good start, and an awful one at almost all times. Even today he starts with 2 runners on and 0 outs before worming out of what could have been a big inning with no runs. You expect him to go through starts where his control is shaky, but it seems like by this time in the year he has usually had a game or two with pristine control where he almost couldn’t lose and I haven’t seen it this season.

    I guess we will learn more about the Posada situation in the coming day(s) but honestly this looks to turn worse before it gets better. He may decide to apologize and wipe it under the rug, but knowing Posada it just doesn’t seem like his MO. He could simply force Cashman’s hand into DFA’ing a Yankee at the end of a very good career.

    Let’s just hope Laura Posada keeps her mouth shut and twitter off for the time being.

    EDIT: I want to give Girardi credit for handling a tough situation the only way he could.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    i hope his wife keeps us in the loop..fruit loop jorge..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I have nothing against her supporting her husband, but at this point she can only do damage to the situation so she needs to stay out of it. I’m not talking bad about the women at all, but she really cut the organizations legs out from underneath them on this one.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    you are right on..but when she heard he could lose all that money..she went to the mountain top and made it clear he was not violating his contract. millions chris only about millions..she is not advising him on whats right..my wife would have told me it’s over..get a grip..enjoy life..that door is closed.people now boo you.. about 40,000 a night and that’s without tv..wait sox fans cheer you..so you do have a weird fan base


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I highly doubt she was doing it because of the money… It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that she loves her husband, and it pisses her off to hear a bunch of people talk crap about him that don’t even know him.

    I’m sure your wife probably would tell you the honest truth of what she though… TO YOU… but if a bunch of people were tearing you down, I bet she would be fighting them tooth and nail.


  2. bornwithpinstripes says:

    that bum varitek..hits ninth tonight makes 12 mil less , is the captain ..shuts his mouth and helps to beat the yanks, again.. i can’t stand varitek. his team in a free fall..posada just made a fool of a great team and team mates on national tv..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Say what you will about Tek, he has displayed a level of class throughout his decline not seen much in professional sports.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    he is a part time player, making million less.. jorge spoiled being a yankee.. paul o’niel..quit with class..took less $ to stay with the yanks,my favorite player. jorge should have taken notice


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    gil mench, how ever it is spelled..gave back 11mil to kc this year..gave back ..do not want your $.. he should be on the covers of mags all over..very little mention of what he did.thats class


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    There is a huge talent difference between Gil Meche’s career and Jorge Posada’s. Meche is a never was, Posada is World Champion with close to hall of fame numbers.


    Goose54 Reply:

    It’s almost like you’re saying that Posada is justified in being a prima donna because of his rings and career stats. It’s a team sport, there’s no justification for the way he acted yesterday.

    Don’t get me wrong, Jorge *was* a fantastic player, and how much better he would have been if he added “hustle” to his repertoire. I’ve seen him get gunned out at first on plays that should have been an infield error – only because he jogged down the baseline instead of actually running.

    Who can forget that pop-up last year with less than two outs and a runner on first? He simply turned and started walking to the dugout before the ball was even caught! That could have turned into a nasty DP if they let the ball drop.

    Posada is a prima donna who doesn’t put an effort forward if he doesn’t feel like it. He’s too spoiled, and not a team player. Lucky for him, baseball is a sport where going through the motions is not readily apparent, but you can see the difference. When he feels like playing, he runs like a HOF-bound player. When he feels like slacking, he runs like he’s wearing a wet diaper.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Actually I never came close to saying that, and had you read all my posts you would know that I said I lost a lot of respect for Posada over this whole thing.

    However to compare Posada to Gil Meche just isn’t realistic, since the talent levels are no where near the same. Therefore the mentality won’t be anywhere near the same, because Meche never got close to where Posada did.

    It’s not an excuse it’s reasoning.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    hey goose .i could not of said it better..i thought i was alone in my opinion on this. how many guys would take 13mil and bat 9th on the ny yankees..and skip to the stadium every day..


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    i did not compare talent Chris ..it was class or lack of it..posada probably has made triple what meche made over the years..and he left it on the table.. you are correct no comparison


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I know but my point is that their mentality isn’t the same. Part of what makes a great athlete great is the fact that they believe in themselves to come through in any situations ever, so it’s reasonable to assume that Posada would never think of himself as someone not earning his money.

    Meche retired because he felt he couldn’t earn the money, a player at Posada’s level would never feel that way. Even at this point I’m sure he feels he will turn this around and be a key piece.


  3. bornwithpinstripes says:

    if posada never played baseball, what do you think his job would be today?.. bell captain, security guard..i got it ..astronaut..


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Irrelevant because he did play baseball, and did so very well, coming close to a hall of fame career.

    He should have handled this better than he did, but let’s see what he does going forward. He is sticking with his bad back story, so we’ll see if he plays tomorrow or if he is still “ailing” to the point he can’t play.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    so he makes his wife lie to the world.just says cash and joe are wrong..and see if he may not want to be hurt sunday..oh he will come in doing back flips hand stands..eyes are watching him..if he plays the im hurt story..he may be getting a lawyer..no way he says can’t play..now when joe asks him sunday with a few witness around can you play.. he will say yes..and his name will not be in the lineup. if they pencil him in, boy now they deserve to be ridiculed.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I think maybe you need to sleep on this one… No one said he had his wife lie about anything.

    He never said Joe was wrong, he said he asked Joe for a mental break day, which is what Joe said. He also said his back was stiff but that he didn’t tell anybody, but mostly he just needed a mental break.

    Now on Cashman, there are clearly problems with that relationship. When asked about what Brian said during the game Jorge said he didn’t understand why he would do that, and added “that’s the way he does things now”.

    If Jorge says he can play tomorrow he needs to be in the lineup, he needs to be hitting 9th, and he needs to stick to this mental break/back stiffness story.

    Emotions are running high on all sides right now, I understand that but let’s take a step back and see what happens tomorrow.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    so did he lie or not..they called selig to say what.. posada says his back is stiff and not mentally ready? first he was ready , then he refused to play if ninth..that is what was reported all night chris


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I don’t think it’s as black and white as did he lie…

    He said he needed to clear his head, a lot of players get mental break days in the MLB that’s normal. Whether his back is really stiff or not, we will never know because we aren’t Jorge Posada. At this point in the season I would be surprised if he didn’t have some kind of injury, or pain somewhere in his body.

    Do I think he was probably mad about hitting 9th, yes I do. However, I am not ready to call the man a liar.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    not on national tv playing the redsox..what did he think was going to happen..he thought for him..not the team

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    o.k. chris..i see..

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    chris , just to be clear..i say cut him, pay him. it is to late now for him to say my back hurt .but i didn’t tell anybody. i think if his name was sixth tonight we both be asleep.what is your position on him if he says hurt back/..if you don’t mind


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Honestly this is a tough situation because of how poor he has been playing, but I still want to give him time to try and fix things at the plate. I also want him hitting fairly low in the batting order, 8th or 9th if he’s willing to do it. At a certain point though, I guess we can’t keep hoping for a miracle.

    Like I said we have to wait and see where this is going to go, I don’t think anyone has an answer to these questions at the moment.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    posada has the answer..show up ,look at the line up card..stay in the cage trying to hit a curveball..collect the rest of your 13.1 mil..show up next year for a posada day

    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    why should the yankees reward him for the mess he made..put him in the line up.. what is his avg. vs lefties?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Now that is actually a valid point, he has been awful against lefties so that may be a reason to hold him out of the lineup. It might create more of a mess, but I wouldn’t be upset if Jeter or Alex got a DH day tomorrow.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    i’m glad you said i finally had a valid point..jones will be in left. maybe arod DH

  4. oldpep says:

    Nothing to see here. He has to be at the end of his tether, and sometimes people act irrationally in that situation. One part of him has to see that he may be done as a MLB player, and that’s not easy to deal with for a guy like Jorge.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    well at least two people we know that love are around, his wife and father, if you can’t listen to them..seek help


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Unfortunately pep he (or more realistically) the media has seen it something to see, and this does need to be handled carefully. You don’t want the veterans on this team to start looking into the future and wondering how they will be treated as they decline. The clubhouse could split over something like this.

    Now on the flip side, something like this could bond the group together, and give them some type of us against the world mentality. We’ll just have to see.


  5. T.O. Chris says:

    What is with all the Mark Teixeira hate? I have seen a ton of unkind words being thrown onto Mark’s performance this season and I really don’t understand.

    Going into last night he had a triple slash line of .254/.384/.523 and a wOBA of .398, with 9 HRs and 21 RBI. These are actually really good numbers aside from the batting average, which is really a worthless stat when you combine it with the .384 OBP and the .398 wOBA. His WAR on the season is also 1.3. His ISO power is even at .269, 18 points higher than his career ISO.

    He also has a BABIP of .255, when you consider that his career BABIP is .302 that number is bound to go up and improve upon his already good numbers.

    In comparison Albert Pujols is hitting .273/.343/.429 and a wOBA of .344 with 7 HRs and 24 RBI. Pujols has a WAR of 0.7, and a .156 ISO.

    So Mark is playing better than the world consensus best player in all of baseball.


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  7. T.O. Chris says:

    “i’m glad you said i finally had a valid point..jones will be in left. maybe arod DH”

    Actually they are going to start Gardner in LF apparently, I’m not sure who is getting the DH spot though.

    “posada has the answer..show up ,look at the line up card..stay in the cage trying to hit a curveball..collect the rest of your 13.1 mil..show up next year for a posada day”

    That really isn’t an answer… At some point he is either going to have to hit or be cut, he can’t be a pinch hitter, not with his lack of ability to play the field anywhere. He has to either be a legit DH or he has to go, the problem with that is how long do you give him to turn things around. To that question no has an answer right now.

    “not on national tv playing the redsox..what did he think was going to happen..he thought for him..not the team”

    If he had come to Girardi the night before hand and asked for a mental break day off then he would have got it without anyone caring. Players can get breaks on a nationally televised game, the problem is that no one believes this is over anything else but the 9th spot in the lineup.

    Yes he did think about himself, I have said this every time you brought it up. Posada has always been about himself first and team second, nothing new their.


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