Detroit fans probably like . He pitches for their team and he’s good at his job. But to watch him pitch against your team is to root for him to fail every time. From his ugly delivery to his constant chest thumping and related antics, Valverde excels at irritating fans and players alike.

That’s why Monday’s Yankee victory was so sweet. After the Tigers tied the game in the seventh inning,  handed things over to his closer in the top of the ninth with the score knotted at three runs each. Valverde couldn’t find the zone with a map. He was missing all over the place. He walked (who was later thrown out when he slid over second). He walked . He allowed a little dribbler to , which really should have been ruled an error on . Then, he gave up the go-ahead RBI single to Nick Swisher, scoring Tex. He later allowed A-Rod to score on a passed ball that really should have been ruled a wild pitch. The Yankees took the field in the bottom of the inning with a 5-3 lead.

In total, Valverde allowed two hits, two walks and two runs (one earned) in only one inning of work, costing Detroit the game. Then, handed the ball over to a real closer. was perfect in the ninth, and demonstrated that his recent struggles are certainly behind him. He retired the Tigers on just nine pitches, seven of them strikes.

Earlier in the game,  gave the Yankees yet another strong, efficient performance. He lasted seven innings on only 97 pitches, allowing just three runs on seven hits with no walks and seven strikeouts. Once again, Colon is demonstrating real command of a fastball that he throws for about 93mph with real life late in the zone. It almost looks like a curveball on television, and it freezes batters. It freezes righties in particular. If Colon had any weaknesses Monday, it was his inability to get out , who hit two homers against him, including the tying run in the seventh.

Colon may not have been able to get the better of Avila, but he was better than . Leyland kept Verlander on the mound for 127 pitches over just six innings of work. Verlander struck out eight, but he also allowed eight hits, walked four, and saw an incredible number of batters get to full counts. To Verlander’s credit, however, he kept the Tigers in the game, preventing the Yankees from leveraging the base runners as much as they could have.

Offensively for the Yankees, three players who had struggled in April had good nights. was two for five, including a two-run double in the first inning. was two for four, including the previously mentioned go-ahead RBI single in the ninth. continued his hot streak, going one for one with two walks and a crucial run scored in the seventh that gave the Yankees a 3-0 lead at the time.

For the Tigers,  continues to be the single hitter who frightens me most in the American League. Once again, the Yankees just couldn’t get this guy out. He went three for four with an RBI. I consider the Bombers lucky that all three of those were singles.

The Tigers have now lost seven in a row. The Yankees are in a good spot Tuesday to make it eight. looks to continue his excellent start to the season Tuesday, while the Tigers will counter with . Anything is possible, but this obviously favors the Yankees. Game time is at seven.

4 Responses to Nick Swisher singles in go-ahead run in the top of the 9th, as Jose Valverde implodes

  1. It really has been a joy to watch Colon work thus far. He’s quick, efficient and just pounds the strike zone. File this under things I didn’t expect I’d be saying on May 3.


  2. Krispy really has been an absolute joy to watch. File that under things I never thought I’d say!


  3. Duh, Innings! says:

    If Colon can pitch like a #3, Garcia like a #4, Nova like a #5, the Yankees don’t need to make a trade for a starter. I’d make a trade for a starter anyway to be safe, but I’d go for a #3 starter the Yankees don’t have to give up the farm for as I doubt an ace or #2 would be available.

    Here’s to the Yankees having a 18-9 / .667 ball / 108-win pace record after tonight! 18-9 would be nice cuz then they’d have to play only 14-13 ball the next sixth of the season to still be on pace to win 96 games.


    RL Reply:

    While I’d agree with the non-trade if I felt both Colon and Garcia could remain healthy the entire season, I have little faith that either will do that. I’m certainly thrilled with what they’ve done to this point and hope they continue, I just don’t see either of them being healthy come August. Hope I’m wrong and they continue providing valuable pitching performances into early November.


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