Joe Girardi is not ready to bench Brett Gardner just yet.

While I laid out the alternatives to the other day, I can’t say I’m shocked he’s not being benched. It makes sense to give him a handful more plate appearances to see if he can right the ship. Not so fun fact: Brett Gardner’s total bases and OPS+ are equal so far this year: 9.

This morning, laid out just how well the Charleston RiverDogs have been pitching in the early season:

Those numbers mean a 9.4 K/9, 2.4 BB/9, and a 3.9 K/BB.

. That’s a combined FIP of 2.566.

Like my 11 AM post, Pinstripe Alley took a look at other Yankee SSS issues.

My long-time Internet buddy took a look at the Tigers and Jim Leyland’s bullpen usage through a bubble chart. Spoiler alert: I’ll probably be jumping into something like this as well.

MLB is moving towards a ten team playoff. Ugh.

Carlos Silva is throwing BP today and Kevin Millwood is starting for Scranton tonight (H/T RAB). These so called “scrap heap” moves will start having a greater effect in the coming days and weeks, so keep an eye on Silva and Millwood.

Great piece here from JoePoz about the Hall of Fame, that makes mention of two of my “I wish they got more consideration” cases, John Olerud and Kevin Brown.

And, finally, the Brewers inexplicably signed Ryan Braun to a five year extension yesterday. I just don’t get this move at all. The Brewers assume all the risk and it seems completely unnecessary, considering Braun is under contract through 2015 anyway.

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One Response to Quick Afternoon Hits

  1. Betsy says:

    Anyone read Sherman’s column about Phil being sent to a fat farm? Really unbelievable, but not surprising; if you’d seen the first picture of Phil from ST, it was clear he was flabby and out of shape


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