(Photo from Daylife.com)

This post was written at about 10:00 last night. I have no clue whether the Yankees have won or not, though I’m sure they will have won by the time this goes up.

Opening Day. Play ball. Play meaningful ball. It’s about damn time, isn’t it? We can’t help that there has to be an offseason. We can’t help how fast the time between the last out of the World Series and the first pitch of Opening Day travels. We can’t even help how dull the middle of Spring Training gets or how cold the Hot Stove season becomes. But I ask, do we really want to help those things?

Well, yes and no. Yes, we want to expedite the process of the offseason but at the same time, all of that boring crap does one good thing: it helps us build our anticipation. It gets us excited. It lets us know that SOMETHING is coming next, even if we don’t know what’s coming next. That’s what baseball is all about. It’s a game of anticipation. What has happened is no doubt important, but what comes next is what drives the sport.

Opening Day is the first of the “nexts” we get during the lovingly long baseball season. And while it only lasts one day and means just as much (or little) to the standings come October, it’s our first great outburst. Our first great shout. It’s the first step in falling back in love with our favorite sport.


One Response to What Opening Day Means

  1. Moshe Mandel says:

    I think you make a very strong point, about baseball being a game of anticipation. I think that is why people think baseball is a good metaphor for life, it is about the routine, the anticipation, and then boom, something you’ll never forget happens.


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