Having won the first series of the seasons, the Yankees now turn their attention to the Minnesota Twins. Normally there isn’t much to be gleaned from the first few series’ of the season, but for the Twins it’s a bit different. The Yankees have owned the Twins the past few seasons. Don’t be surprised if Minnesota tries to make a statement. Also, will make his season debut. Hopefully he’ll pick up where he left off last season. Scott Baker tows the rubber for the Twins. Enjoy!

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14 Responses to Open Thread | Game 4 | Minnesota Twins vs. New York Yankees | Monday, April 4, 2011

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    My man, Jorge, comes through again! Nice start to his first DH season.


  2. Marcus says:

    All he does is smack 2-run homers!


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    He needs to expand his repertoire. Maybe a few 3-run homers.


  3. You know, I’d be pretty ok with Jorge hitting only 2-run bombs for the rest of the year if he keeps hitting ‘em at this pace.


  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Thome’s a big hitter for Nova.


  5. Professor Longnose says:

    All right, he gave up two runs, but it wasn’t a complete disaster. Now we see if he can take that next step and pitch a couple more good innings.


  6. mryankee says:

    what happenend to novas velo. not great at all


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    How low did it go?


    Moshe Mandel Reply:

    It is April, velo is usually down now. He’s only missing about 1.5 MPH.


  7. T.O. Chris says:

    Good outing for Nova, he got the shakes in the middle like last year, but instead of letting it get the best of him and get him ran he stayed with it and finished 6.

    His slider looked good and it’s good to see him trying to throw more 91-92 sinkers with good movement as oppose to the 94-95 4 seam with little movement he threw a lot last season.


    TJ Saint Reply:

    I agree. I think as the season progresses the shakes will go away. I’m a big Nova fan and a very anxious one. I’m also very satisfied with the Yankee bull pen. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Yankees surprised alot of fans this year.


  8. China Joe says:

    Anybody else preferring “Young 4th starter with some upside” to “decrepit has-been 4th starter living off past glory” tonight? ahh…but we can still enjoy watching Freddie Gracia soon enough


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    Yes, me. But I also prefer “decrepit has-been 5th starter living off past glory” to “decrepit never-was 5th starter living off an undeserved Cy Young Award.”


    China Joe Reply:

    …living off an undeserved Cy Young he stole from Mo Rivera! get the pitchforks!


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