Its been a long time since the Sox were this far back on this late a date. The manager is getting heat from his two best players, Beckett and Lester can’t get anyone out, Big Papi is hurt, and they’re maxed out financially so there doesn’t appear to be any major moves on the horizon. The team resembles the mess that it was when the Henry group took over, and it looks like Theo knew when to bail. Its so bad I almost feel sor..nah, who am I kidding.

Here’s your lineup from Yankee PR:
1-Jeter DH
2-Swisher 1B
3-Cano 2B
4-Jones RF
5-McGehee 3B
6-Granderson CF
7-Martin C
8-Nix SS
9-Ichiro LF

With rookie David Phelps getting the long-awaited (by everyone who doesn’t like Freddy Garcia) start on the mound. GO YANKS!!!!!


70 Responses to Game 120-Boston Dead Sox

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    I like Freddie, but still want to see Phelps become a solid member of the rotation.

  2. Phil C says:

    Ugh. I took Katie for her walk (it looks & sounds like we’re about to get a storm) and come back and find out on GameDay that Phelps gave up a 2-out 2-run HR. Dag nabit.

  3. Phil C says:

    Come on Yanks, how about a shut-UP inning to Lester!

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Two on, no out. Don’t waste this opportunity. Get to Lester right away.

  5. Phil C says:

    If Phelps can shut down the Red Sucks offense and complete 5 innings, you may get your wish. Lowe relieves Phelps and the Yankees offense does it’s late inning magic.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Lately, they’ve really have been doing the late-inning magic. For a while, they had lost it.

      And they’ve been RISPing the hell out of the ball last month.

  6. Phil C says:

    Lester’s thrown 21 balls & 21 strikes. They should be getting deeper into counts and swinging at better pitches.

  7. Phil C says:

    Is Phelps pitching as good as it appears from reading GameDay?

  8. Professor Longnose says:

    Another solo homer for Granderson. Amazing.

  9. Professor Longnose says:

    Why the hell can’t they get Ciriaco out??

  10. Phil C says:

    That Ciriaco guy (Is he related to the I-phone voice?) is absolutely killing Yankee pitching. I bet be plays every game against the Yanks from hereon out.

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Jeter and Mays, Jeter and Mays–Yeah? Well Mays would get a hit here!

  12. Professor Longnose says:

    They keep chopping grounders to short and third. They are just not doing it right.

  13. Phil C says:

    Un-effing-believable! Three hits! What 2 yesterday?

  14. Phil C says:

    Looks like Phelps went too deep into the game to bring in Lowe.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    Leadoff double. OK, this time they can’t wsate it. Let’s go, 7th inning magic!

  16. Professor Longnose says:

    Granderson with balls on that play!

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Wasted it anyway. Back to the old RISP fail.

  18. smurfy says:

    Lester has been disgustingly good. Despite the high ratio of balls, he’s walked only two. He’s been missing down. His cutter has brought all those bouncers to 3rd, where Punto has been excellent.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      He may have walked only two because the Yankees have been hacking instead of working the count.

      • smurfy says:

        Bet the cutter is the culprit. They swing at a strike, looks like a fastball, and…

        They can let ‘em go, but only on a guess.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          Even if so, they’d have been guessing right a lot of the time. Lester doesn’t have his control.

  19. Professor Longnose says:

    They just showed a bizarre State Farm Insurance commercial with Andre Dawson. Anyone seen it?

    • smurfy says:

      oh, yeah. “What year is it?” Dumb, but any excuse to see Andre and hear his voice.

      • Phil C says:

        It’s been on a LOT here.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          It’s probably been on here, too, but I don’t pay much attention to the commercials. I usually use that time to red or or something.

        • smurfy says:

          should be showing it in Chicagoland primarily.

          I mute most commercials. Just noticed the Revel Resorts beauties dance no more. The Explorer ad that’s been running is just video game scenes and a rocking tune. I can take that.

  20. smurfy says:

    Gameday has been causing Explorer 9 to shut down the tab, twice now. Ever have that happen?

    • Professor Longnose says:

      No, but I rarely use Explorer. I’ve got both Chrome and Firefox.

    • Phil C says:

      A couple of years ago I was having major problems like that with Explorer and switched to Firefox. Significantly fewer problems now.

      • smurfy says:

        surprising, since they’re both overlays to Explorer. If it keeps up, I’ll start using Chrome, I liked that the first half of the year: handy and loaded pages quicker than EX or Ffox.

  21. Phil C says:

    That was a short outing for Bailey.

  22. smurfy says:

    Aceves should be like the wise steward in the 9th.

  23. Phil C says:


  24. Professor Longnose says:

    OK, game’s a lost cause. Not a big deal.

  25. Professor Longnose says:

    All right, everybody, all together:

    I’d like to buy the world a coke
    And keep it company…

    Sorry. My mind wandered.

  26. Professor Longnose says:

    The Fox guys just said that Derek Lowe said that when he was released from the Indians, he got a number of text messages from former Red Sox teammates wishing him luck, but when he signed with the Yankees he got no messages.

  27. smurfy says:

    Alright, we got to get three across, or better, four.

  28. Professor Longnose says:

    Need two bloops and a blast. One bloop down.

  29. Professor Longnose says:

    As always, I root for the tying run to come to the plate, which would mean at least one interesting at bat.

  30. Phil C says:

    Ugh. (Insert several cuss words.)

  31. Phil C says:

    Oh well. Chat y’all tomorrow night.

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