Not ten minutes ago, the Yankees 2011 season ended. Like 2010, it ended with a right handed closer for the opponent getting Alex Rodriguez to swing and miss to end the game. Like 2010, it ended earlier than we thought it should have.

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you. If you read this site every day, thank you. If you read it once in a blue moon, thank you. The fact that you stop by and read this whenever you do fills me with more joy than you could ever imagine. I’m sure that I speak for each and every TYA writer when I say this (again): Thank you.

Now on to the game…well, yeah. Considering how the first inning started, this could’ve been a lot worse. The bullpen did a great job of keeping it close the entire way, giving the offense the opportunity to come back. This one falls on the offense. They had two bases loaded situations with one out and pushed across just one run…on a walk. There were some bad swings, some bad at bats…sigh.

As for the series, there were a lot of frustrating things: CC Sabathia’s lack of sharpness…Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, and Nick Swisher forgetting that they’re competent, Major League hitters…Jesus Montero getting ONE at bat. I don’t know. Maybe it’s too soon after everything, but I feel like all I can do is throw my hands up and sigh.

On this season, well, it’ll probably take a little more reflection to digest it. The Yankees definitely won more games than I thought they would (I think I said 93) and I didn’t think they’d win the division. While it’s hard to think of it in this way right after it happened, this season was successful for the Yankees. They may have fallen short of their ultimate goal, but so will 28 other teams. It’s nice to keep that goal in mind, but we can’t let that cloud every season that doesn’t end with a trophy-hoisting.

In closing…

Gene Monahan and Jorge Posada. Over the next few days, weeks, and months, many words will be written about these two. Obviously, I never made a connection with the trainer like I did with the player, but Geno’s smiling face in the dugout and on the bench was always a calming presence that helped remind even the youngest of fans (like myself) of the history of the Yankee franchise. Good luck and good health in your retirement, Mr. Monahan. We’ll miss you and we love you.

Jorge…you’ve meant a whole lot to me and the fans of this organization for a long time. You’ve given us a lot of frustration over the years, but you’ve given us even more great memories. If you do in fact retire, I will be up on my soapbox, banging the drum for your Hall of Fame candidacy. Hopefully one day, you get your day at Yankee Stadium and your number retired in Monument Park. For years now, you’ve been one of the most underrated players on the Yankees and I think there is a large segment of Yankee fans that will realize what the team had once you’re gone. Thank you for the great years, Jorge. And though I’ve never liked this chant, I’ll make an exception this time: HIP HIP! JORGE!


19 Responses to The Immediately After

  1. bornwithpinstripes says:

    POSADA showed he is a pro in this series, he hit in must situations, not looking to hit the ball to canada,,like tex alex and i can not even think of this guy he makes me ill, so i won’t write his name..jorge took his walks, hit up the middle, hit to left field..he tried to give us a shot…joe should have hit him behind tex..chavez was a guy i wanted to get in the mix..i hope they bring him back..alex will break a thumb nail or the wax from his eye brows will drip in his eye.. tex will keep saying ..i dare you put the left fielder on the second base side too..i can hit it over all your heads.. this site was gave my wife relief from hearing me gripe about the humans we have an opinion and a voice to tell every one..this site made it possible to learn from others, get stats and views ..thanks guys. that guy that some of you like..with all those stats.. needs to he has choked in every playoff game since coming here is enough for the yankee world to will be hard for me to watch this team as long as he is in RF…his goofy act needs to go..damon when with the sox was an idiot..but was awesome between the were many others..thanks again for the site..

    • Joe G says:

      Really Swisher needs to go? I’m sorry I was going to ignore this but I just can’t. Who do you wish to replace him with then? Also we can’t give him a slight pass for being injured? I don’t know how bad his elbow really is, but I heard quite a few times in late September that some people felt it would be hard for him to even finish the season.

      • Rich in NJ says:

        If Swisher was hurt, why was he playing? Same with A-Rod to some degree (at least every AB of every game). The postseason isn’t about sentiment, it’s about making cold-hearted decisions about the current ability of their personnel.

        • Joe G says:

          You can take that up with Girardi, but you know how it works Rich. If a star player can take the field and swing a bat, they’re gonna play. And really, you think the fans wouldn’t of crucified Arod if he didn’t play because of nagging injuries?

          • Rich in NJ says:

            We all admire athletes that play hurt, but if that injury is hurting the team, any courage is kind of negated by misplaced stubborness.

            You make the right decisions and live with the consequences. I wish Girardi was as imaginative with the offense as he was with the pitching.

            At least move a hot hitter like Posada up, and PH for offensive zeroes.

            • Joe G says:

              I agree with you Rich. If Arod was really banged up as he appeared, I’d have rather have him give way to a few more Montero PH’s, but really that never was going to happen. Its tough for managers to ruffle feathers and keep the players happy. And if the star players aren’t happy, the manager is going to take the fall.

          • bornwithpinstripes says:

            not me i wanted chavez this series at third

        • bornwithpinstripes says:

          rich you are on point i agree with every thing..joe g. usually post good opinions..but for three post seasons with..swisher the choke artist..joe you were watching. the same as can you cop out for this guy..brutal..but you like him and that;s ok

          • Joe G says:

            It’s true I do like Swisher. Is he the guy I would always want up in a big spot? No, not really. But lets not act like he never comes through in big spots. I know you hate hearing it but the postseason stats are a small sample. And there is still no denying the contributions he makes during the regular season, which are just as important. So I ask who would you replace him with, if you want him gone so badly? (and someone within reason)

            • bornwithpinstripes says:

     seaso a small sample..that is what makes the brian doyles ,,boones spelling is criminal but it is all about PS.. it is not just this year with him it is every year..for my money dickerson would have played RF from the third game you really think it is swish better than any other option..jones would have been better…,260 hitters are all over baseball that are twice the fielder he is.he chokes…and his sample is big ..i have never liked him as a player.joe screwed up the line up every game..with all the RHers gardner lead off jeter..grandy..cano ..alex tex that would have put us in a better chance to win. jie should have hit chaves for martin late..tex missed ball after ball down the middle fouling them off all series.. it was not just swish…we would have won making two outs..two fly balls..tough for me to except this loss arod to the cubs eat have his pay.we will despise this guy in years to come..he will never hit 20 homers again..he will never hit .300 again.

  2. Joe G says:

    I’m really happy Posada was able to go out with a little bit of pride after a long season. I would of loved to see more Montero, but there will be plenty of time for that. Jorge has always been under appreciated, and he’ll be sorely missed by me.

    All in all, a fun season. They went further than I expected, and although they lost at home in game 5, I was glad they didn’t go out meakly in Game 4.

    Excellent work by the staff here at this site (even if I don’t always understand the charts you post, I’m trying lol). You guys are all first rate, looking forward to an entertaining off season.

    My only disappointment today is seeing how some of the Yankee fans are turning on Arod (again!). Whatever, he has his ring, he can tell them all to go shove it. He’ll probably never be the same player he once was, but I think he’ll have a few more moments in the sun. Staying healthy is the first step.

    But again, so long Jorge, and Geno. And thanks again to all the writers on the site.

    • You’re quite welcome.

      Re: the charts, we put up a stat primer a little while back that’s housed under the “Extras” tab at the top, if by chance you haven’t yet seen it it should help explain some of the stats we use:

      A TYA Stat Primer

    • bornwithpinstripes says:

      arod has been a fraud roids game..i was a hugh arod fan

      • Joe G says:

        Was he on roids in the 2009 playoffs? I highly doubt it since that was right after he was outed as user in spring training. We he did in that postseason was far from fraudlent. But I don’t think I’m going to change your mind either way….

        • bornwithpinstripes says:

          what i’m saying he is falling apart like most roid guys who stop..hafner sizemore..and dozens of others..yes he did have a great series..does not mean he can’t but as a look back he will never come all baseball has shown..offense is way is just a fact..

  3. Rich in NJ says:

    They need to find an everyday role for Montero. It’s probably their most important task of the offseason.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      He’s got one… He’ll be the everyday DH who catches around 40 games next season. They probably will still carry Cervelli to be the backup catcher as to not lose the DH if Martin goes down.

  4. Marek says:

    Thanks to the writers for a great season, and thanks to the Yankees for a better season that I could have reasonably expected.

  5. Goose54 says:

    Guys, great job on the blog….really. This is one of the best blogs I’ve ever seen in any category, not just sports. The work and effort you guys put into the articles (would be a dis-service to call them “posts”) is greatly appreciated.

    Really looking forward to the analysis next year as well!

    Stay warm this winter!

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