So last night was hardly a banner night for the Yankee pitching staff. Bartolo Colon didn’t make it out of the first inning (though not all of it was his fault) and then each Yankee reliever gave up at least one run in the course of pitching in relief. Boone Logan was Boone Logan and Sergio Mitre was Sergio Mitre. So, what can be done now?

J.C. Romero was just brought in on a minor league deal and could end up in the Majors. So, does that mean the Yankees will finally cut ties with Logan and designate him for assignment? I’d say yes. Having two lefties is nice, but with Romero, Logan doesn’t serve much of a purpose, does he? What do you guys think?

As for Sergio Mitre, well, I’ll agree with Moshe on this one, even if I dislike Mitre a lot. A guy like Mitre is necessary for mop up duty. He’s a bad pitcher, replacement level at best, but that’s what the 12th guy in the bullpen should be. I’ll ask this: Who else would you prefer to Mitre? Is there really an improvement? Brian Gordon would likely produce the same results and I think using a prospect in the mop-up role would be a bit of a waste. Your thoughts?

Ken Singleton and David Cone discussed the return of Rafael Soriano and whether or not he’ll get his set up role back from David Robertson when the former returns from the disabled list. I think the answer is yes and I’ll be totally okay with it, assuming Robertson moves back into his fireman role. What say you, readers?

4 Responses to Discussion: Bullpen

  1. While I understand Mitre’s purpose, I think I’d almost rather see one of the non-prospect prospects — Phelps, Mitchell — called up and get a chance to work at the MLB level.

    We’ve heard a lot of talk about how Phelps, Mitchell et. al. could top out as 4/5 starters, but the Yankees don’t appear to have any intention to use either pitcher as a starter in the rotation this season, and if they’re getting hitters out in AAA, maybe the team catches some lightning in a bottle and winds up with another effective reliever.

    Mitre is what he is, but it’s getting tiring knowing that he’s going to give up runs literally every single time he enters a game. He’s not fooling anyone, and the Yankees may as well use a member of the TYA writing staff to soak up innings if they’re willing to let Mitre continue to punt games.

  2. UYF1950 says:

    Mitre has to go. I’m concerned that if he’s even on the roster Girardi might be tempted to put him in a game that still has the potential to be won (like last night). I prefer to think the saying “out of sight out of mind” is the ideal saying for Mitre. I don’t know what the alternative is to Mitre but I do know he’s terrible and he needs to go.

  3. YankeesJunkie says:

    Get rid of Logan and call up anyone but Romero, maybe time to give Whelan another shot. Mitre is going to be Mitre and as long as he is in mop up he won’t be as terrible as he was last night and can eat a lot innings at a time. Would like to see a little more Noesi as he has shown that he does have some potential whether in the pen or the back of the rotation beyond this year.

  4. roadrider says:

    Logan has been a failed experiment for some time now. I consider LOOGYs a waste of a roster spot to begin with and one that can’t even reliably get lefties out is an even worse waste. There is no fathomable reason to have Mitre on the roster (OK – maybe one: I agree with UYF1950 that Girardi will eventually use him in a non-mop-up role and cost us a game. He’s already blown two potential comeback wins by throwing batting practice during his appearances. I can’t go along with wasting a roster spot on a guy who is not expected to do well. There has to be at least one guy in the system who deserves a shot at reversing his non-prospect status by showing what he’s got in the niche Mitre now fulfills. What the hell, try a bunch of guys in that role. I doubt any of them can do worse than Mitre and there might be one or two that will do better.

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