Trade season brings out the crazy in all of us. That’s not meant to be offensive and I’m sorry if it offends you, but it’s true. I’ve done it. You’ve done it. Analysts and commentators have done it. Every year as July 31st gets closer, we all try to think of these perfect trades that sound great in our heads then just sound beyond ridiculous when we vocalize them. Most of us will admit it when we’ve made a stupid trade idea, and I’m sure I will too. For example, I’m going to love it when Mitch Williams of the MLB Network has to recant on what he said on WFAN last week.

He believes that the Mets can get Madison Bumgarner AND Brandon Belt from the Giants in exchanged for Jose Reyes. That’s so lol-tastic it’s hardly worth going into, but I will for a second. I know Jose Reyes is a fantastic player and he’s tearing it up right now and he could really help the relatively punchless Giants, but there’s no way in hell that they’re getting two young, cost controlled, relatively high upside players for just a few guaranteed months of Jose Reyes. Anyway, on to other trades that (probably) aren’t going to happen in regards to the Yankees:

1. The Yankees are not trading for Felix Hernandez. It’s not going to happen, so don’t bring it up. Luckily, the Felix-to-the-Yanks talk was essentially non-existent during the three game set in Seattle.

2. I doubt the Yankees are going to trade Jesus Montero. I had this discussion on Twitter the other day and I’m sure some of you saw it, but I’ll rehash it: Montero may have high trade value now because of his high prospect status, but the only types of players you trade him for–young, elite position-player/pitching talent–are probably not going to be available. The Yankees might (probably will) part with some prospects over the next two months, but I doubt Jesus Montero is one of them.

3. I’m not seeing the Yankees buying low on Joakim Soria. For one, he hasn’t been made available. Secondly, while the bullpen may not look great, it’s stronger than it appears and is easily changeable without having to waste resources on a trade. This isn’t to say that a deal for a reliever won’t be made at all, but I don’t see the point of wasting trade resources on the bullpen when the rotation is more in need of an upgrade.

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12 Responses to Trades that (probably) aren’t going to happen

  1. William J. says:

    I am not sure the Mets/Giants trade you mentioned is that absurd, especially if it’s contingent on Reyes signing an extension. I can also see the Giants making a similar deal with Cain or Snachez included in order to save some money in the near future. If the Mets offered Beltran and Reyes for one of the Giants pitchers and Belt, and the Giants could ink Reyes to a reasonable extension, I think that’s the makings of a pretty good deal for both teams, but I could even see the deal getting made without Beltran if the Giants offense continues to struggle so much.


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    Yeah, a Reyes extension is the only way that goes down.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I think a trade between those two could be done, but do you really see the Giants parting with Cain for Reyes? One of the main reasons they are a WS threat again is because of Lincecum and Cain. I could see them trading Sanchez or Bumgarner, but I’d be surprised if they traded Cain.


  2. Adam B says:

    Yea I happen to agree with you here. Unless you get that rare near-perfect match between two teams it is darn near impossible to get a fair return for montero. Hold on to your high ceiling prospects.

    Matt based on what you have heard, I know you are not a scout and nor do you claim to be… Can Jesus Montero give us Jorge Posada defense at catcher?


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    Probably, yeah. Granted, that’s not too hard, but yeah, I think he could do it.


    Adam B Reply:

    Yea its not ideal, but to me its the million dollar question… He is no use to us if he cant catch 120 games a year.


    Matt Imbrogno Reply:

    I completely disagree with that.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    I’ve never understood the notion that if Montero can’t catch we can’t keep him. No one questions the fact that he is probably going to be a perennial threat to hit .300, and he’s probably going to hit 30+ HRs most years. That kind of bat, even at DH, can be major piece to the middle of the order. Cano and Montero could go forward as the future 3 and 4 hitter to another potent version of the Yankee offense. I don’t think anyone in Boston complains that David Ortiz doesn’t play a position, it would help if he did, but he’s been plenty valuable to them for 2 championships.


  3. bornwithpinstripes says:

    maybe when hughes gets back , nova or him go to the pen.that would be a big help. i don’t see them making a big trade unless a position player goes down for the year. cash will wait until july,then montero gets his shot. chaves will be back..then it comes down to what posada is hitting by then..we will take the pain of posada until july.if he is not hitting 50 points higher he gets the ax.. if logan can’t take pressure spots , i think we may see banuelos ..lets keep an eye on how they use him in trenton..if his innings limits are down, that may be a fall back plan. cash will not part with the farm unless a hugh deal comes..


    Phil C Reply:

    I agree with much of what you say, except about Banuelos. First, they have to keep him in the rotation to gradually build up his innings. It would be an absolute waste of talent to male him a LOOGY. Second, he’s currently walking way too many to be effective. Third, I simply don’t like the jump fro AA to MLB. He should be a near untouchable, as should Betances. At the very least, don’t trade both of them.


    bornwithpinstripes Reply:

    phil do you think after the minor league all star game they move those two kids up to AAA?


  4. Bpdelia says:

    All the bullpen needs is a lefty. The bench is fine. There are multiple internal dh options. It’s likely they will look at rf options.

    As nice as shiny new things are the yankees have young pitching depth, silva, mintero, two decently well rounded 4th ofs. Right now I dont see any need for trades


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