I was able to watch the whole Spring Training game last night and I thought I’d drop a few thoughts about the game, mostly just about two players.

looked good. Damn good. If we’re going to go with this whole start-by-start, then as of right now, he’s clearly got a spot in the rotation locked up. Hell, if we look at the whole picture of Spring Training, then Colon definitely deserves a spot in the rotation. He’s had control of his pitches, has been striking guys out, and has been keeping the runs off of the board. He appears to be healthy. He appears ready to start the season. I know we can’t do too much based on one good stretch in Spring Training, but at this point, it’s hard to deny that Colon deserves a spot in the rotation, at least to start the season. seemed to have a hold on a rotation spot, but he’s regressed in his last few outings and may have fallen out of favor, especially considering how well has performed of late. I still think they should go with Garcia and Colon with in long relief while Nova starts in Scranton, but I’m cooling on that idea a little bit.

Of course, that plan also assumes that either Colon or Garcia would leave the organization if not on the Opening Day roster. If the loser of this competition comes to some agreement with the Yankees to stay with the organization, I’d be fine with putting Nova in the rotation to start the year since a move like that wouldn’t hurt the pitching depth. I doubt that happens, though.

got another look in the leadoff spot and he walked and stole a base. I mentioned this on Twitter last night: for whatever reason, I love watching work walks. Maybe it’s because I see it as his best offensive skill. Maybe it’s because I think that’s what leadoff guys should do. For whatever reason, it makes me happy to see Gardner in that spot. And if Gardner is going to bat leadoff, I want to address one thing: Bunting. I know everyone says Gardner should work on his bunting since it may help him pick up a few extra infield hits over the course of the season. No. If he’s leading off, he should not be wasting pitches and outs on drag bunts. As a leadoff guy, his job is to work the count to get on base. Gardner’s not a great bunter and I don’t think it’s time to force it, especially if he’s going to be hitting in the number one spot. He has the on-base skills to work walks and the act of “forcing” him to drop down drag bunts takes away from his best skill (which also happens to be the best skill a player can have). Let’s make the refrain “Walk, Brett, walk!” not “Bunt, Brett, bunt!”

Other things I wanted to mention:

–Holy fast, Batman. Melky Mesa can flat out book it in the outfield.
Brandon Laird had easily the worst swing of Spring Training last night.
–Manny Banuelos scuffled a bit last night. Whatevs.


4 Responses to Collection of Thoughts on Last Night’s Game

  1. UYF1950 says:

    Colon deserves his shot at breaking camp with the Yankees and heading north. And to be fair Garcia doesn’t. Colon has done everything he could have possibly done to earn his shot. If and I do mean if the Yankees had no intention of giving him a shot if he performed well and earned it then they never should have signed him. Also, keep in mind the way Colon has performed this spring if the Yankees don’t give him a shot and he “opts out” he will be signed by another ML team very quickly.

  2. TedK says:

    Matt, I don’t necessarily wholehearted agree with saying Gardner shouldn’t be trying to bunt to get on base. (I thought I read that he was a good bunter when he was in the low minors.)

    What I do think he needs to do is bunt at least often enough to affect the positioning of the corner infielders. It’s like bluffing in poker – you don’t do it all the time to try to win hands, but you need to do it often enough that people will call you when you do have a good hand. Brett hits enough grounders and soft liners that aren’t sure-thing base hits, that bringing in the defense will increase his BABIP and AVG. This is the same reason why I think power lefties like Tex should occasionally bunt/slap swing against the shift, especially the extreme shift, but I guess that’s a whole other debate.

    • Moshe Mandel says:

      I agree. I assume he’d be bunting at pitches that are strikes anyhow, so he wouldn’t exactly be wasting pitches. Bunting can open up the defense, which is a big plus for a slap hitter with a game based on speed.

  3. [...] away with the 5th starter’s role. He looked terrific his last start, so much so that our own Matt Imbrogno was singing his praises and the general consensus after both player’s recent performances was [...]

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