It’s been 2 weeks since my last update, so it’s time to take this baby out for another spin. At this point of the year (mid-season) most of the numbers are a big enough sample that we should have a good idea of where these guys are and what they’ll produce. Arodys Vizcaino has earned himself a promotion to the Braves High-A affiliate, but has been getting knocked around in his first 3 appearances. While the Diamondbacks are looking at a fire sale, don’t expect Ian Kennedy to go anywhere. He and Justin Upton are the only two players on the team who are considered “untouchable” by GM Josh Byrnes. Looking up and down the list, there’s very little to complain about, especially with the free agents who left the team in Damon and Matsui. The only guy who the Yanks really miss right now is Mike Dunn, as they find themselves looking for a 2nd Lefty out of the bullpen.

Here’s the full recap:


G-71 PA-245 H-59 BB-19 HR-1 SO-29 BA-.267 OBP-.325 SLG-.339 OPS-.664


G-71 PA-282 H-65 BB-28 HR-9 SO-59 BA-.259 OBP-.333 SLG-.418 OPS-.752


G-67 PA-288 H-67 BB-37 HR-3 SO-39 BA-.270 OBP-.366 SLG-.395 OPS-.761


W-L 3-5 G-13 ERA-3.60 IP-95.0 H-81 ER-38 BB-31 SO-82 WHIP-1.179


G-58 PA-262 H-75 BB-16 HR-1 SO-67 BA-.306 OBP-.351 SLG-.412 OPS-.763

Arodys Vizcaino (High-A)-

W-L 9-3 G-15 ERA-2.71 IP-83.0 H-76 ER-25 BB-12 SO-77 WHIP-1.060


G-44 PA-102 H-22 BB-8 HR-4 SO-20 BA-.250 OBP-.333 SLG-.432 OPS-.765


W-L 1-2 G-19 ERA-7.64 IP-17.2 H-21 ER-15 BB-20 SO-16 WHIP-2.321


W-L 5-0 G-34 ERA-3.00 IP-30.0 H-28 ER-10 BB-11 SO-23 WHIP-1.300

Mike Dunn (AAA)-

W-L 2-0 G-25 ERA-0.79 IP-34.1 H-24 ER-3 BB-14 SO-46 WHIP-1.114


(AAA) G-53 PA-224 H-69 BB-23 HR-3 SO-35 BA-.308 OBP-.373 SLG-.424 OPS-.797

(MLB) G-15 PA-67 H-15 BB-5 HR-1 SO-10 BA-.242 OBP-.299 SLG-.339 OPS-.637


W-L 8-4 G-38 ERA-2.11 IP-47.0 H-32 ER-11 BB-20 SO-53 WHIP-1.106

12 Responses to Keeping up with the ex-Yanks June 27th edition

  1. Ken (OR) says:

    Last year before the trade I said IPK would be a #3/4 starter in the NL or a BP help for the Yankees.
    I guess I was wrong…he is the #1/2 starter with that team.

    • Steve S. says:

      Yeah, I was always a big IPK fan, and it’s just a shame he’s not doing it here for the Yanks. Fans thought he didn’t have “the stuff” to get MLB hitters out. Who has more ‘stuff’ than AJ Burnett? There’s more to pitching than throwing a ball 96 MPH.

      • Ken (OR) says:

        Amen to that Steve!

      • joe says:

        umm did you see IPK starts against the rays and red sox this year ?

        red sox- 6IP-9 HITS-6 ER- 1 BB-6K

        RAYS= 5.2 IP- 2 HITS-4 ER-9 BB!-7K

        still want him in the al east?

      • Scout says:

        Sorry, but I don’t think Burnett’s failures are relevant to Kennedy’s ability to succeed as a starter int he AL East. He is exactly where he belongs.

        • Steve S. says:

          If you think a pitcher can’t succeed in the AL East with a 89-92 MPH fastball, then explain Mike Mussina, James Shields, Andy Pettitte and Javier Vazquez.

        • Ken (OR) says:

          As Steve pointed out, many pitchers with -90 mph fastballs have made it in the AL East. I agree that he is in a better place…for being a #1/3 starter, but he would have been good as a long man in the BP/ #5 or #6 starter with the Yanks.
          I think he could have fit in well and gotten the job done. Where he is now, he will end up making more money and winning more games. So, yes…he is where he should be!

  2. [...] S. at TYU has been keeping up with how former Yankees have been doing. Aroyds Vizcaino has done well enough to earn a promotion to Hi-A, though he’s struggled in [...]

  3. oldpep says:

    I see Jackson’s OPS has slid down to 763 and still falling. It’s starting to look like he’s going to be pretty much what we expected.

  4. vin says:

    You may want to update Tabata’s MLB stats. He’s now had 67 PA’s (per B-R).

  5. JD says:

    I wouldn’t mind still having Eric Hinske on the team.

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