Ivan Nova’s last start was awful awful awful. I don’t foresee him as a postseason starter, that’s already in the hands of Sabathia, Kuroda, Pettitte, and Hughes, but he still has plenty to prove. If he’s not on his game tonight, he might miss the postseason roster altogether, and I think there’s a legitimate chance the Yankees use him as a trade piece, thanks to his inconstancy. Here’s the lineup, courtesy of LoHud.

Derek Jeter SS
Ichiro Suzuki RF
Alex Rodriguez DH
Robinson Cano 2B
Nick Swisher 1B
Curtis Granderson CF
Russell Martin C
Raul Ibanez LF
Jayson Nix 3B


The game starts at 7:05. Go Yankees!


74 Responses to Game 156: Nova’s Redemption

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    I don’t relish facing Morrow.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    No runs, no hits in the top of the first, but at least Morrow didn’t get away with a low-pitch inning.

  3. Phil C says:

    Who’s pitching tonight, Super or Grosny?

  4. Phil C says:

    I hate nights this because the Yanks can only lose ground because O’s have night off.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      A’s lost, so Lung Disease is still in it. Those last three games between them and the Zeros could be really good.

      • Phil C says:

        I’m not rooting for any team to make the playoffs (other than the Yanks) because I don’t want to face any of them. One of those about being careful what you wish for.

  5. Professor Longnose says:

    Odd. That really hung up, and Martin is a righty. Gose should have been there. Maybe he lost sight of it.

  6. Professor Longnose says:

    Come on, early RISP hit. Let’s go!

  7. Professor Longnose says:

    Sheesh, Ibanez couldn’t have reached that with a stepladder.

  8. Professor Longnose says:

    So far, we haven’t seen Grosny.

    Sigh. There he is.

  9. Phil C says:

    Damn if that turf doesn’t look like frozen tundra.

  10. Tj says:

    I sure hope nova doesn’t make postseason roster

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Absolutely the single worst trivia question in YES history.

  12. Phil C says:

    WTF was Cano thinking?

  13. Phil C says:

    That glove really did have a hole in it.

  14. Phil C says:

    Looked like that ball was headed foul on Nix.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    That bunt would have gone foul.

    I’d pitch around Encarnacion. I don’t care if it loads the bases.

  16. Phil C says:

    If that 2nd to last game vs the Red Sucks means anything they have to start Phelps.

  17. Tj says:

    And with that double the nite is just bout over. Personally I say give the rest of novas start to Derek lowe

  18. Phil C says:

    BJ FACTOID: Nova’s last 7 starts: ERA 7.88, HRs 7, WHIP, 1.62

  19. Phil C says:

    Musical interlude of the night:

    Hang down you head Ivan Nova,
    Hang down your head and cry

  20. Professor Longnose says:

    Would getting something started be completely out of the question here?

  21. Professor Longnose says:

    I don’t think Dickens was a Blue Jays fan, though. Didn’t he say, “The Lawrie is an ass”?

  22. Phil C says:

    To Grandy: “I want candy.”

  23. Phil C says:

    Well, they got something started. First & 2nd no outs, then runnus interruptus.

  24. smurfy says:

    Michael Kay: “The Yankees are sleepwalking thru this game. You’d think the importance would wake them up.”

    What a maroon. They don’t hit, ipso facto they aren’t trying.

  25. Phil C says:

    Lung Disease leads the bleached socks 1-0 in bot 4th.

  26. Professor Longnose says:

    Gonna give the Yankees one more half inning and then abandon them to their fate.

  27. Phil C says:

    Come on Yanks. Lincoln, Lincoln, you been stinkin’

  28. Professor Longnose says:

    Maybe Aardvark will pitch.

  29. Professor Longnose says:

    Goodnight, all.

  30. smurfy says:

    The Yanks just don’t want a big lead, because then they don’t play with fire. Or do they?

  31. Phil C says:

    Chat ya tomorrow. To quote Hawk. “He gone.”

  32. Phil C says:

    Looks like Aarvark is having typical post-TJ control problems.

  33. smurfy says:

    Why didn’t Joe play Chavy rather than Nixy? Not hurt. Artificial turf, or penalty for forgetting the number of outs yeaterday?

    • Phil C says:

      Probably turf. Doesn’t want his playing 2 games in a row. Girardi to Chavez, “Opps, I forget to put you in the lineup.”

  34. Phil C says:

    Can’t resist the pun, but I’ve had my fill of this game. Chat y’all tomorrow.

  35. Stacey Gotsulias says:

    Do I really have to recap this? And can I call it a recrap instead?

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