The Yankees are alone if first place again, much thanks to the Athletics. Winning today, might help separate themselves with the Orioles, who are starting , but it would more importantly knock the Rays back to 5 games. The O’s have been on an incredible hot streak, but I’m still convinced the Rays are the better team. If can pick up his 14th win, Tampa’s elimination number falls to 12.

Eduardo Nunez SS

You can catch the game on YES and TBS at 1:05. Go Yankees!


105 Responses to Game 146: All Alone In First Again

  1. Phil C says:

    STAMP OUT LUNG DISEASE: A win by the Yankees will be a big step towards sending TB to the desert of baseball, a playoffless off season.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    If the Yankees win, they’ve won 4 of 5 and look to right the ship. If they lose, they’ve gone a month without winning two games in a row more than once and without winning three games in a row at all.

  3. Professor Longnose says:

    Kuroda with a K!

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    KKuroda with 2 Ks!

  5. Professor Longnose says:


  6. Phil C says:

    Jeter, Granderson, Martin and A-Rod have been doing well. Cano, Swisher and some of the hoagies have to step it up.

  7. Phil C says:

    Damn, if the Yanks had an HR they could have had an all three, true outcomes inning.

  8. Professor Longnose says:


  9. Professor Longnose says:


  10. Professor Longnose says:


  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Jones has been walking of late, but still not hitting much.

  12. Phil C says:

    The Yankees don’t have anyone better than Pearce? Disgraceful.

  13. Professor Longnose says:


  14. Phil C says:

    Looks like Oki-san is in John Deere mode today.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    I listened to the postgame show yesterday. Sterling went with “Nunie to the Moonie!” Yuuchh. It’s pathetic.

  16. Professor Longnose says:


  17. Phil C says:

    Jeter, AGAIN!

  18. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow, Yankees look alive. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Yankee steal second and score on a single with the batter going to second on the throw.

  19. Phil C says:

    How do you like your own medicine Lung Disease?

  20. Professor Longnose says:

    …followed by a wild pitch, a steal of third, and a walk. Cool!

  21. Phil C says:

    A steal of turd!

  22. Professor Longnose says:

    And the capper! Boom!

  23. Phil C says:


  24. smurfy says:

    Whoo-hoo! Light up the cigars, we’re on the high road now.

  25. Phil C says:

    Yanks are playing a BB game. Bunts & blasts.

  26. Phil C says:

    Oki-san must be in a state of disbelief with this run support.

  27. Professor Longnose says:

    Three–count ‘em, three–RISP hits in ONE inning!


  28. Professor Longnose says:

    Has anyone noticed that the YES camerawork has been terrible lately? Seems there’s a play every day that they don’t show first time around.

  29. Phil C says:

    So much for a shut-down inning. That destroys Oki-san ERA in day games at Yankee Stadium. Entering today he was 3-1 w/era of 0.32

  30. Professor Longnose says:


  31. Phil C says:

    The Yankee scoreboard showed the game as 0-0, then it was going backwards! Erasing innings.

  32. smurfy says:

    Hiro has dug a hole for us in several of his last starts, then straightened up (even tho slider and splitter may be slipping).

    Today, Zobrist may have done him a favor with the leadoff triple, waking him up. And yet again after the long sitdown. A homer got his juices flowing.

  33. smurfy says:

    Nunie’s nonchalant hit, now, whht, stole second. Dis game she be easy!

  34. Professor Longnose says:

    Yankees are running mad!

  35. Phil C says:

    So close, but at least they got back that run.

  36. Professor Longnose says:

    Hey, got the run in.

  37. Professor Longnose says:

    Gona go take care of some things. See youse later.

  38. Phil C says:

    If Maddon had gotten thrown out of the game Jennings would have caught that because Maddon would be smart enough to re-position the sun.

  39. Phil C says:

    Uh, oh. 2 on, no outs.

  40. smurfy says:

    Figures, a Swisher fan.

  41. Phil C says:

    My mother once told me to never leave dirty dishes in the sink, because if someone broke into my house, “What would they think of me?”

    I told here that I did it on purpose so if someone broke in they’d think I had an awful childhood and would leave.

  42. Phil C says:

    Apparently this run support is just too much for Oki-san.

  43. Tj says:

    Girardi is gonna miss manage this wait and see

  44. Phil C says:

    Maddon shifted that spot on the infield.

  45. Tj says:

    Come in kkkkkkkkkuroda

  46. smurfy says:

    Fire up the jets, Happy Feet.

  47. Phil C says:

    Phelps? I thought he was scheduled for Tuesday? Did Girardi announce that on Tues it would Pettittelps!

  48. Phil C says:

    Phelps threw some real pretty pitches to Jennings.

  49. Phil C says:

    The Yankees are, once again, not hitting. Only 4 hits.

  50. smurfy says:

    Hope the new baby didn’t disturb Robbie’s sleep last night.

  51. smurfy says:

    Where did that corner go?

    • smurfy says:

      Maybe the angles have me confused, but Joyce argued that call hard, yet it looked perfect from here.

      When they use the overhead camera, they are usually off, the ones that look perfect. I dunno if TBS shows those.

  52. Phil C says:

    Joyce had an argument on that call, but it was a shorter one than he expected.

  53. Phil C says:

    Come on Nunie, hit another Moonie. Opps, I guess NYC got rid of all of them.

  54. Phil C says:

    I wonder if Badenhop got his name because as a kid he was terrible at hopscotch.

  55. Phil C says:

    Yanks started 3-3 RISP, now 3-8.

  56. smurfy says:

    The slinger nipped the last one! Big win.

  57. Phil C says:

    Nice. It’s a keeper! Now to watch some FB. Chat ya tomorrow smurfy.

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