New York Yankees Detroit Tigers
Derek Jeter, SS Austin Jackson, CF
Nick Swisher, RF Omar Infante, 2B
Robinson Cano, 2B Miguel Cabrera, 3B
Mark Teixeira, 1B Prince Fielder, 1B
Eric Chavez, DH Delmon Young, DH
Curtis Granderson, CF Jeff Baker, LF
Russell Martin, C Brennan Boesch, RF
Ichiro Suzuki, LF Gerald Laird, C
Casey McGehee, 3B Ramon Santiago, SS
CC Sabathia, SP Anibal Sanchez, SP

The first pitch is scheduled for 7:05 p.m., on the YES Network. Let’s go Yankees!


152 Responses to Game 110: Just Win … Maybe?

  1. smurfy says:

    Hmmh, neither the Professor nor Phil C? Either only my shiny nre PC made it past the database trap – oh, that was sweet! Robbie made a “nice lttle” flip play to first on the screamer between CC’s feet that he slowed or tried to, intercepting it behind second, still on a vigorous bounce, and flipped casually 95 feet with a monemtum-induced banana curve, smack to Tex.

    Pip, pip, old boy!

  2. Phil C says:

    Actually I fell asleep on the couch. Please tell me it isn’t a dream. Two first inning Yankee runs!!

    • Professor Longnose says:

      First inning runs aren’t their problem. They’ve been losing their games in the late innings, with bad bullpen work and shutting down the offense.

  3. Phil C says:

    Was that intentional by Sanchez? Hitting Cano for CC hitting Fielder.

  4. Phil C says:

    Cano steals second!!! I am dreaming.

  5. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow, Granderson is up with runners on! It’s amazing!

  6. smurfy says:

    My, oh my, oooo. The Grandyman’s three run home run, that I haven’t felt for so long, does feel, and sound, mighty good.

  7. Professor Longnose says:

    They should take Suzuki out of a game at the last minute so that the headline could be “Itchy Scratched.”

  8. smurfy says:

    okay, you can take that silly tissue off your head, Phil C.

  9. Phil C says:

    I’ll be back in a few, Katie (she’s a lab) in sitting in the doorway staring at me.

  10. smurfy says:

    I dunno if I would like to have Katie associate me with taking a dump.

  11. Phil C says:

    NOTE TO YANKEE PITCHERS: CC just demonstrated what a shut down inning is like.

  12. Phil C says:

    Fibber McGehee doubles. Come on Molly, knock him in.

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    OK, feeling better. But after that last run, they need to have a few good games to get back in the groove.

    • smurfy says:

      yeah, we gotta make such hitting a habit, so it comes naturally.

      • Phil C says:

        And pitching. I’m greedy, I want both at a high level.

        • smurfy says:

          but Kenny Singleton was worried about losing close games, and Jack Curry said a blowout win is not ideal. Maybe we have to blow a few innings just to make it exciting?

          • Professor Longnose says:

            It’s easier to win one-run games when you can score runs.

          • Phil C says:

            Blow outs meaning not having to worry about close games. And Jack, it’s just W’s and L’s. Not ideal W’s and lucky W’s and L’s. (Oh, typing that made my head hurt.)

            • smurfy says:

              well, Jack certainly would not throw a good one away, but he wishes for the chance to erase doubts from recent losses by the Yanke proving they can clutch it.

              • smurfy says:

                you add up the columns in the end, but there is a ton of psychology involved in winning, even if we can’t add it along the way, at will as it were. if.

  14. Phil C says:

    So Anibal, how do you like pitching in the AL?

  15. Phil C says:

    I hope the Yanks score a ton of runs tonight and deplete the Tiger ‘pen.

    • smurfy says:

      Below pitched Grandy tough, good sliders. The Yanks are probably more vulnerable to lefties, with Grandy, Cano and Chavez potentially disadvantaged. Tex is stronger, but a slider lefty can be effective.

  16. smurfy says:

    now that was a nice hit by Chavez. Straight as a wire.

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Granderson up again with men on base. Didn’t come through, but you can’t come through every time. At least he’ll get more shots down in the order.

  18. smurfy says:

    Ichi was close to the right timing on that foul. His earlier hit was a sharp slap down the other line.

  19. Phil C says:

    Damn, they went down 1,2,3….bench the bums.

  20. Professor Longnose says:

    The big man is pitching a big game.

  21. Phil C says:

    I think the people controlling GameDay are Tiger fans. They have only one highlight posted and it’s Boesch’s RBI single.

  22. says:

    Finally the Yankees are playing a great game, we needed a great performance from NYCC

  23. smurfy says:

    Trivia question is who, a former Tiger catcher, caught Jim Abbott’s no hitter for the Yanks in 1993. Tigers had a great hitting longtime catcher… who was …

  24. smurfy says:

    Swish , or anybody, should keep going when he gets picked off. Saw a throw bounce off the pickee just today, on the highlights.

  25. smurfy says:

    Ooo, I liked the authority, the pureness with which Tex smoked that one. Good things coming…

  26. Professor Longnose says:

    One more big knock, guys, just for laughs.

  27. Phil C says:

    OK. I’m going to watch the beach volleyball finals. At least I know the USA will win the Gold. I’ll check back during commercials.

  28. Professor Longnose says:

    I looked it up. Matt Nokes caught Abbott’s no-hitter. I should have thought of him. I remember him with the Yankees. He had a good year when he came from the Tigers, hit 30-something home runs.

    EDIT: Nope, only 24 home runs.

    • smurfy says:

      thanks, at least we were justified in forgetting. Sorry I brought it up.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        Parrish was a catcher–1818 games caught–but he never played for the Yankees.

        • smurfy says:

          remind me not to challenge you in a trivia contest. Only if I quailed and hit the buzzer before I thought more would I have had that. Parrish was a hitting force for several years.

          And nothing wrong with Nokes, just was thinking it was a big star.

  29. says:

    Oh GOD, Yankees!

  30. Phil C says:

    7-3. What’s wrong with you guys. I left this game in your control. Now don’t let me down. (ELO!)

  31. Professor Longnose says:

    And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey’s blow!

  32. smurfy says:

    I think I saw the lefty pitcher flich, fake a pickoff throw to first. No balk?

  33. Phil C says:

    First set, USA 21 vs. USA 15. Dodgers are going wild.

  34. smurfy says:

    Yanks need watching: first Robbie, now Tex bobble on a stress situation.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Teixeira made an error a couple of games ago. The August heat must be getting to him.

    • smurfy says:

      This new error by Tex: the second hop took as turn toward second, extending Tex’s lunge into Robbie territory.

      Really don’t like the hit off Dave, though. Not now, please.

  35. Professor Longnose says:


  36. Tj says:

    Is it me or does any1 else feel like Sabathia is not pitching like an ace this year?

  37. Phil C says:

    What’s up with Robertson?

  38. Professor Longnose says:

    I spit so much blood that inning I need a transfusion.

  39. smurfy says:

    Guess Jack Curry got his wish. Now, the Yanks have another chance to enforce their will. Bring back Anibal.

  40. Phil C says:

    Crosses fingers. Give me a hit of Coke. Opp, i meant they can hit Coke.

  41. smurfy says:

    Grandy has taken hell as a fielder since his big botch, but Swish’s hit and another short fly earlier, that Jackson let fall, Grandy would have had, I think.

  42. smurfy says:

    Thank you, flubber arm!

    Not a bad throw: this one fell more in your stated theory, Phil. Swish coulda been cut down, but it was a fair chance.

  43. Professor Longnose says:

    Teixeira is SUCH a different hitter from the right side.

  44. Phil C says:

    May-Traenor/Walsh Jennings win. USA Gets Gold and Silver.

  45. Phil C says:

    I had to break out the rally tissue.

  46. Professor Longnose says:

    Chavez hanging tough.

  47. Professor Longnose says:

    All right. Chavez gets it done.

  48. smurfy says:

    Polish the turd, Grandy!

  49. Phil C says:

    If they lose after scoring 10 runs I’ll scream.

  50. Phil C says:

    Ugh……that’s all. I’m speechless, good thing I can still type.

  51. Phil C says:

    Is Logan up in the ‘pen?

  52. smurfy says:

    Woah! Dave challenged him, and he juuust missed. We’ll slide by and call that mojo.

  53. Phil C says:

    I simply can’t help myself. I like the line on Coke…..1 IP, 3 H, 2 ER

  54. smurfy says:

    Whew, the Yankees better find whatever they had, and need, to keep focus on… I’d say the goal is 20 games better on the won/loss tally.

  55. Phil C says:

    Wow. Every Yankee starter had at least 1 hit and 6 with RBI

  56. Professor Longnose says:

    They can’t just have a nice, easy game, can they?

  57. Professor Longnose says:

    The Rovers outslugged the Crimson Hose, 10-9.

    The Istiophoridae have a slight lead on the Urbanites, 13-0.

    • smurfy says:

      Rovers, they must be another team like the Visitors. I asked Dad where the Visitors came from, when they were beating the Pale Hose. “The Washington Visitors?” – oh, the Rangers: did love to see the last innings. Will tied it up with a 3-run homer in the 8th. But “Ryan,” “Comeon, Ryan” couldn’t do it in the 9th. Ah, poor little kids in Boston.

  58. Phil C says:

    Now every Yankee playing tonight has a hit.

  59. Professor Longnose says:

    There’s your balk, smurfy!

    • smurfy says:

      but this guy didn’t flinch, or even try to fool anybody. Not my balk! I was complaining because the pitcher did a move patently unaccepted, yet they didn’t call it. Lefties get away with absolute murder.

  60. Phil C says:

    They scored on a balk????? Sweeeeeeet!

    • Professor Longnose says:

      The balk rule is so silly. There was no attempt to fake out a baserunner, no baserunner was going anywhere, there was no possibility of a play on the bases. So what difference does it make if the pitcher does what he did?

      • Phil C says:

        That having to come to a complete stop is crazy, especially since you could pitch from a windup if you wanted to. I think.

      • smurfy says:

        maybe somebody drove the runners crazy by fusting up his address/delivery timing, but so many innocents slaughtered.

  61. Professor Longnose says:

    Jeter was running all the way on that. They aren’t stopping for Dirks no matter where the ball is.

  62. smurfy says:

    Tomorrow’s a day game, right? You guys be chatting? Fister v our Hiro.

  63. smurfy says:

    Good for Dirks. My money was on Tex. Nice try, Texy.

  64. smurfy says:

    all my love not fade away.

  65. Phil C says:

    WOW!! Glad that’s over. Add a W.

  66. Professor Longnose says:

    All right. Not beautiful, but better than they’ve been doing.

    See you all tomorrow.

  67. Phil C says:

    Chat y’all tomorrow!

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