By now, I assume most every Yankees fan has heard what may sadly be the best news of the past few weeks – Eduardo Nunez has been to make room for Eric Chavez. Per Marc Carig, this was done as a means to allow the toolsy defender an opportunity to enjoy regular reps at , likely with the hope that he will translate said tools – that is, a strong arm and fine range (albeit with questionable footwork) – into some form of competent defense.

While I am loath to be excited about a young player being demoted, it would seem almost disingenuous to suggest anything to the contrary. I strongly support utilizing the farm as a means to fill the gaps on the bench, particularly when a player comes with a toolsy, athletic profile a la Eduardo Nunez. However, we have reached a point wherein Nunez is actively harming the team with subpar defense at every position he has manned … and a bat that does not come close to bridging the gap between “useful” and “below replacement level.” In order for him to have any positive value, he will have to learn how to play passable defense – and it wouldn’t kill him to learn a bit more patience at the plate, so as to better utilize his above-average speed and baserunning ability.

In other potential roster machinations, I am curious to see if the Yankees will do something to assuage the pain of losing Brett Gardner for another two-plus weeks. There is a sense of optimism here that suggests that this injury will not turn into something nagging, or keep him out for much longer than another month or so, but his defensive value and offensive profile are sorely missed. I suspect a move could be on the horizon, particularly with Swisher’s nagging issues and pending free agency. This is conjecture, of course, but it is something to ponder as we meander through May.

Onto the line-ups:

Seattle Mariners New York Yankees
Dustin Ackley, 2B Derek Jeter, SS
Brendan Ryan, SS Curtis Granderson, CF
Ichiro Suzuki, RF Robinson Cano, 2B
Jesus Montero, C Alex Rodriguez, 3B
Kyle Seager, 3B Mark Teixeira, 1B
John Jaso, DH Nick Swisher, RF
Justin Smoak, 1B Raul Ibanez, LF
Mike Carp, LF Eric Chavez, DH
Michael Saunders, CF Russell Martin, C
Felix Hernandez, SP Hiroki Kuroda, SP

He who will not be named will be breaking hearts by squatting behind the dish for another team tonight … would it be petty to hope for a few (dozen) passed balls?

The first pitch is scheduled for 7:05 p.m., on YES. Let’s go Yankees!


4 Responses to Game 32: Nuney, We Hardly Knew Ye

  1. Phil C says:

    Without Nunez, who can we pick on next?

  2. Phil C says:

    Oh Yeah. Forgot about him. And damn, I was such a supporter. (Please take note of the verb tense)

  3. Professor Longnose says:

    26-inning 1-1 game?

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