While writing the title for this game thread, I was torn between the tasty pun that you see before you and a reference to the ever-shuffling line-up. Given that I am mostly depressed by any references to Mark Teixeira’s offensive production at this point in time, I stand by my decision.

With Swisher likely out until next week and Gardner being for a few more days, it’s nice to see the Yankees add another capable outfielder to the roster … though, it is sort of bothersome that it came at the expense of Eric Chavez. Yes, with Chavez being placed on the new 7-Day DL, the team had to replace him with a position player – but having two long relievers and two lefty specialists in the bullpen seems a bit much when Curtis Granderson and Andruw Jones are the only players that can competently roam the outfield right now. Nix adds a tiny bit of versatility to the roster, having seen a fair bit of time at 2B, 3B, and the corner outfield spots, as well as a decent amount of pop.

Despite my aimless rambling to the contrary, I am far more interested in David Phelps’ first Major League start than any of the team’s roster machinations … at least for the next few hours. Mark Simon wrote an interesting read about Phelps for ESPN today – I suggest checking it out.

Onto the line-ups:

New York Yankees Kansas City Royals
Derek Jeter, DH Jarrod Dyson, CF
Curtis Granderson, CF Alex Gordon, LF
Mark Teixeira, 1B Billy Butler, DH
Alex Rodriguez, 3B Eric Hosmer, 1B
Robinson Cano, 2B Jeff Francoeur, RF
Andruw Jones, RF Mike Moustakas, 3B
Eduardo Nunez, SS Humberto Quintero, C
Russell Martin, C Chris Getz, 2B
Jayson Nix, LF Alcides Escobar, SS
David Phelps, SP Danny Duffy, SP

The first pitch is scheduled for 8:10 pm, on YES and the MLB Network- let’s go Yankees!


57 Responses to Game 25: Nixing the Nunez Experiment?

  1. Phil C says:

    Right now, once you get past Granderson, this lineup does not scare me at all. Hopefully that will change tonight.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Russell Martin had two great months last year and four crappy ones. But his first great month was April, so his season numbers never looked awful. Maybe this year he’ll have a great May.

  3. roadrider says:

    but having two long relievers and two lefty specialists in the bullpen seems a bit much when Curtis Granderson and Andruw Jones are the only players that can competently roam the outfield right now.

    The two LOOGYs are a bit much irrespective of the circumstances.

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    Holy crap. Mariano is hurt.

  5. Phil C says:

    No, but it’s still early. When they get hot, they can get HOT!!

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Agreed. And given that just about everything that could go wrong has, and they haven’t collapsed, they’re in decent shape.

      • Phil C says:

        And I doubt that Balt and TB can keep up the pace they’re on right now.

        • T.O. Chris says:

          Why couldn’t Tampa keep up the pace? They’ve been one of the best teams in baseball since 09 and they have one of the deepest pitching rotations in the game.

  6. Phil C says:

    I liked that tag by Jeter. It should be done more often.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      I missed it.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      OK, I rewound and saw it. Yeah, the outfielder didn’t expect that at all. Nice running.

      • Phil C says:

        I think players should do that more often. You’ll reached 2nd much more frequently than the OF will miss the ball. Now with Nix’s catch, he was still running to the ball so the runner had to go at least half way.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          Yeah, I see that a lot–the outfielder is waiting under a high fly and the runner is halfway.

  7. Professor Longnose says:

    Phelps’s first big K! Nice!

  8. Phil C says:

    Yankee batters should be sitting on the FB, Duffy’s having trouble getting his CB over.

  9. Derek Jeter > lefties.

  10. Phil C says:

    Not overly impressed by Phelps. Too many pitches, too many balls, not putting away batters. Seems to be following the Hughes method tonight. However, his FBs have great movement.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Potential, I suppose.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      His secondary stuff isn’t great, he’s always going to have problems putting guys away with Ks. Everything about him can be described as good but not great, which isn’t the best recipe for a starter, fastball control will be everything for him.

  11. smurfy says:

    Wowee! I just had to celebrate Andruw Jones’ over-the-shoulder, running at the wall, sweet catch!

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Just don’t think about what Ibanez would have done.

      • smurfy says:

        You made me: I imagine a double clutch, a hurry to compensate, get there a bit before the ball, and oops! Shame, comes from prior ballups, current worry.

        The sweet contrast was the smoothness that Andruw strategically retreated, no rush, but a surprise that he got there.

  12. BGrider85 says:

    Like how the strike zone for Yankee pitching is the size of a golf ball…for Royals pitchers? A golf cart.

  13. smurfy says:

    Butler got caught waiting on the bus there.

  14. smurfy says:

    Like the Nix coverage on that one.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      The runner stopped before he made the throw. I think Nix had trouble getting the ball out of his glove for a half a second.

      • smurfy says:

        good thing by then, he’s stopped already. Nix was all charge, great momentum, you could only expect a good throw. You say he bobbed it? I missed that part, and I can’t wind it up, no DVR.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          Not a bobble, just sort of reached into his glove for the ball but took an extra step before pulling it out.

          • smurfy says:

            bobbed on the ball, then bobbed his mo. Know what you mean. Like I say, good thing he charged it so hard. Throw came home real nice, plenty time, too, I think.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    Jeff Francouer walked???

  16. T.O. Chris says:

    97 from the left side, as a starter, that’s special.

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Tying run at the plate!

  18. Professor Longnose says:

    Come on, Russell, show your muscle…

  19. Professor Longnose says:

    Not giving up on the game, but I have to leave the computer for a while. If I don’t make it back during the game, have a good one, everybody.

  20. smurfy says:

    Wunnerful song, on the commercial: “I know we’re going to make it tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll be alright.
    Let go! Let go-o.

  21. Phil C says:

    Pathetic clutch hitting again tonight except for 2 SFs by Tex.

    • smurfy says:

      well, we got two innings left, so we could tie it at that rate. But, yeah, be nice if Tex could double sweet on Jeter’s again, but what we got? Jones, he could get one on the nose, but let’s get some baserunners. Nunez, Martin, Nix then Jeter? Yeah, Let Go!

  22. smurfy says:

    Grandy was all over that liner deep in left center.

  23. Phil C says:

    You know you have problems when Ibanez is your late inning defensive replacement!

  24. smurfy says:

    Jeterrific, really amazing.

  25. smurfy says:

    b – baserunners!

  26. smurfy says:

    No shift – unh!

  27. smurfy says:

    it was a damned strike, Alex.

  28. Phil C says:

    Girardi absolutely MUST shake up the line up!!! Good night all.

  29. smurfy says:

    I feel good for Broxton. We destroyed him in LA.

  30. smurfy says:

    Phelps should develop a fading pitch, either a two-seamer or an effective change. His stuff is good, could either do the Cory Wade -like thing, or develop.

  31. smurfy says:

    Oh, no…no Mo, no mo’.

  32. smurfy says:

    Phelps said a good thing, about letting guys hit ground balls, that last inning, loosening up, not trying to conquer the world. Hope Phil was listening.

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