Mike Stone/Reuters

Its the final game of the Yankee v. Twin home series tonight. On the mound for the Twins is , who you can read about here. make his third start and another bid for his first win before things start to look even bleaker.

Yankees Twins
3B C
C 1B
Eduardo Nunez 2B 2B

Go Yankees!


54 Responses to Game Thirteen: Phil’s Phirst Win?

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    The Yankees shift, and someone hits a dribbler through the standard shortstop position. How come the Yankee hitters can’t do that against the shift?

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Ibanez and Nunez in the field at the same time…what do you expect?

  3. Professor Longnose says:

    Another 4-3 first inning?

  4. T.O. Chris says:

    So I thought the game started at 7 my time, what did I miss in the first for this to happen?

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Nunez error. Hughes gave up a two-run single when the Yankees shifted and the hitter slapped a weak grounder right where Jeter would have been without the shift. Then another two runs on a fly to left that had a lot of hang time but Ibanez got nowhere near.

      • T.O. Chris says:

        Girardi’s getting a little too happy with this rotating DH. I understand Alex and Jeter getting regular DH days but Swisher and especially Cano don’t, especially when it means Ibanez in the field.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          I can’t agree more. Especially in April.

          • T.O. Chris says:

            Cano especially has been a juggernaut when it comes to taking the field daily and he’s still in his 20′s, this early in the season I don’t need to see him at DH. I’m a little more understanding of Swisher but in that case I want Jones, not Ibanez, in the field.

        • says:

          How come the Yanks called up an eighth reliever — one who will never see innings except in the lowest of low-leverage situations — and not an extra outfielder to fill in for Gardner?

          Ibanez, like Marcus Thames before him, should honestly not be allowed to play a defensive position for the Yankees. While Ibanez might’ve been an outfielder at one time in his career, he’s definitely not one any longer.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      It’s an hour earlier there, right?

      How you doin’?

      For the Yanks, Granderson hit a solo homer, and Tex hit his first, a two-runshot.

      • T.O. Chris says:

        It’s 6:50 here right now.

        I’m good, these games haven’t been giving me the most enjoyable experiences lately but it’s still very early.

        With Gardner on the DL Granderson staying healthy and productive, in order to stay in the lineup every day, is more important than ever for the defense.

  5. Professor Longnose says:


  6. Michael Eder says:

    Granderson is on fire. Damn. I thought the lefties would have a good day hitting fastballs in, but Granderson is going crazy.

  7. T.O. Chris says:

    Granderson’s on fire!

  8. T.O. Chris says:

    Granderson is the kind of player you feel happy for when he succeeds beyond just being a fan of the team. He just comes off a genuinely good person.

  9. Professor Longnose says:

    Not only did Nunez’ error cost the Yankees a bunch of runs, but it screwed up evaluating Hughes’ game.

    • Michael Eder says:

      I’m done with Nunez. I’d rather have Ramiro Pena hitting .150.

    • says:

      I think we can still evaluate Hughes, even with Nunez’s error.

      He looked good in the 4th and 5th, that’s for sure. Then he hung a horrible change to Doumit in the sixth and showed us again how his change still hasn’t developed.

      What I don’t understand is why he only throws it to lefties. Why don’t they call it to righties, so that there’s at least a little bit of a chance he’ll jam a righty with it, instead of leaving a fat pitch for a lefty to hit.

  10. Michael Eder says:

    Pretty good outing from Hughes, but the pitch hit for a double in the first and a homerun in the 6th were terrible pitches.

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Granderson coming up again. Would love to see history.

  12. Professor Longnose says:

    Come on, Rodriguez, get a run in.

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    Er, come on, Cano, get a run in.

  14. smurfy says:

    Thank goodness they decided on the curve to Doumit. He had seen so many sliders, he was gonnaget the knack. The 2-2 one was another spinner near the middle of the playe, and he was just off blasting it. Same kinda pitch that was failing Kuroda last night.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    Tex beat the shift! Tex beat the shift!

  16. Professor Longnose says:

    Nice play by Robertson.

    • smurfy says:

      yeah! and nuney handled another. He blew his first play at second, then he’s been fine. (That wasa big error, of course.)

      Ibanez looked shakey, but got back to the wall twice, successfully.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        Yeah. But the two of them…it’s shaky.

        • smurfy says:

          Yeah, I do feel like Ibanez is a huge error waiting to blow a game. Nuney doesn’t have the same effect.

          Ibanez has been hitting these last couple games.

          • Professor Longnose says:

            Yeah, he has been hitting. He’s streaky. You don’t know if he’ll have enough good streaks to make a decent year.

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Granderson! Granderson! Granderson!

  18. smurfy says:

    ok, now. Curtis! Be our Grandyman!

  19. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m not disappointed. I’m just enjoying watching the guy.

  20. smurfy says:

    Yeah, but we’ll take it! 5 for 5!

  21. Professor Longnose says:


  22. smurfy says:

    -*Flying shrapnel from Mo’s efforts.

  23. Professor Longnose says:


    A good one.

    See you tomorrow.

  24. smurfy says:

    Nice! Still got our noses above water.

    Big baseball weekend! Bumpdebump up to Boston.

    Hey, Phil got the Win, no?

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