With the news of Pineda’s torn labrum hitting the news all of an hour ago, it seems almost depressing that a game between two of baseball’s juggernauts could feel anything less than serendipitous. Not quite as depressing as the notion that the Yankees dealt one of the very best prospects in baseball for a pitcher that we will not see pitch meaningful innings for at least a calendar year … but upsetting in its own right. Anyway, there is still a game tonight, and it should be a good one! (that exclamation point may be less than sincere)

New York Yankees Texas Rangers
Derek Jeter, SS Ian Kinsler, 2B
Curtis Granderson, CF Elvis Andrus, SS
Alex Rodriguez, DH Josh Hamilton, CF
Robinson Cano, 2B Adrian Beltre, 3B
Mark Teixeira, 1B Michael Young, DH
Nick Swisher, RF Nelson Cruz, RF
Raul Ibanez, LF David Murphy, LF
Eric Chavez, 3B Mike Napoli, C
Russell Martin, C Mitch Moreland, 1B
Phil Hughes, SP Scott Feldman, SP

The first pitch is scheduled for 8:05 PM on YES – let’s go Yankees! Distract us!


14 Responses to Game 18: Any Positive Distraction is Welcome

  1. Red Stag says:

    A repeat of Phil’s Texas start from 2007 would be a very nice distraction…

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Here’s a distraction: everyone in the AL East is in first place except the Red Sox.

  3. oldpep says:

    How about the same first five innings?

  4. T.O. Chris says:

    I do kind of find it funny that the entire Yankee nation was ready to anoint Montero the all time HR king through 61 ABs last year, yet no one has said a bad word about him through 59 ABs equally as bad this year. I mean so far into the short season he actually has a negative WAR value, he’s showing no plate discipline (with a BB rate of 3.2%), and is only hitting .254/.270/.373, with a wOBA of .269. I’m not saying he’s going to be a bust, far from it, but don’t judge a trade 17 games into year one of the deal. For all we know Pineda comes back and has a great career at the top of the rotation, or Campos development goes great and he ends up being what we thought Pineda would be. We don’t know yet and if we had to guess how this whole thing would turn out we’d probably all be wrong.

    • oldpep says:

      Are you comparing Montero’s WAR after 59 ABs to Pineda’s injury?

      It’s quite possible that Pineda never pitches again.

      Dammit Hughes, get it together.

  5. Michael Eder says:

    BABIP fail on that linedrive from Raul.

    • Phil C says:

      I wonder what all these new shifts are going to do to BABIP on line drives this year. If I remember correctly it was about .700.

    • smurfy says:

      Do you mean he shoulda had a single? Hamilton got a real early read and jump on that. Tex couldn’t believe it.

  6. smurfy says:

    Phil better cut his hair. All those curls must be throwing his command off.

  7. smurfy says:

    Phil has to command his stuff, starting with the fastball. He should focus on hitting the mitt. He should give control to Russell, quit shaking him off. Focus on execution.

  8. Mark Finke says:

    It’s just frustrating to watch Hughes. Over and over again he is throwing those BP fastballs down the middle and they leave the yard or get hit…and hit really hard.
    I have given up on him and hope that Cash can turn him into something good with a trade.

    By the way: I take Monteros first 60 ABs over Pinedas 0 innings so far and put him in for Martin (who looks old and slow with the bat)
    A pitcher with a torn labrum in his shoulder at that young age is simply awful and not good. If he comes back fine but don’t expect him to be a top of the rotation guy. Everything has to go right for that looking at the success pitchers with the same injury have had.

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