• The Yankees won both their home and road game today behind and . Kuroda went 5.2 innings, giving up 6 hits, 1 run, 1 walk, and 3 strikeouts. David Phelps relieved with 3.1 innings, giving up 3 hits, 2 runs (one off a solo homerun from ), 1 walk. Offensively, went 3 for 4 with 2 doubles, and and went 2 for 4. (Box Score) In their home game, Nova pitched 7.0 innings, giving up 7 hits, 4 runs, (2 off a homerun) and 5 strikeouts. and relieved, each going 1.0 inning with 1 strikeout and all zeroes. Offensively, hit a , Eduardo Nunez went 3 for 3 with 2 doubles, and kept his hot streak going with a 2 for 3 day. (Box Score) I should also mention that Mason Williams singled in his only at bat, and Dante Bichette Jr. pinch ran without an at bat.
  • After all the anticipation, It’s About the Money has their minor league preview of the Charleston Riverdogs. I’m not even going to hint at who they have to watch, half the team is full of superstar upside players. It’ll be an incredibly exciting year in Charleston.
  • Yankee Fans Unite took a look at the few recent MLB players to come out of retirement. It’s a small sample filled with mixed results.
  • Here is today’s workouts, which include throwing to hitters and throwing a batting practice.


4 Responses to Nightly Links: Chamberlain, Charleston, Pettitte

  1. T.O. Chris says:

    That is a ton of blood, it’s almost hard to picture being that injured in that scenario. Gotta feel bad for the guy, and his son, for this to happen now. What a terrible turn Joba’s career has taken. At one time he looked to have all the talent in the world, but one injury after another has all but ruined what he could’ve been.

  2. T.O. Chris says:

    So Buster Olney is saying he thinks with Joba’s injury the Yankees won’t even think about trading Hughes… Maybe I’m dumb but I don’t see the connection. Hughes is a starter, if you are going to trade him it’s to do so while he has starter value, if you are even thinking of putting him in the pen this early in the year he needs to be traded now anyway. Also with Mariano, Soriano, and Robertson why would we NEED Hughes in the pen? If Hughes ends up in the pen it’s because he isn’t pitching well in the rotation, to not trade him because of Joba’s injury would seem to imply we need him in the pen for some reason.

    Does anyone see some connection I’m not getting or is this just Buster being Buster?

    • roadrider says:

      I stopped reading Olney and ESPN a long time ago. But your analysis is spot on – barring at least two of Robertson, Soriano and Rivera simultaneously being injured, becoming ineffective or being abducted by aliens it’s hard to see what role Hughes could fulfill in the bullpen. The Yankees have plenty of pitching depth at AAA that could be used in the middle-relief, long man role which is all that’s really left in the pen for Hughes.

      I’m encouraged by Hughes’ showing this spring and I expect that he’ll be in the rotation to start the season. But if the Yankees doubt his ability to start and are not planning to put him in the rotation then you’re right – he needs to be traded right now because his value will seriously decline if he’s left to languish in the “Sergio Mitre” role.

  3. Paraguay says:

    Auch in Paraguay ist es schön und man kann hier gut leben – auch vom Internet.

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