Yesterday here at TYA, Domenic posted some information about the other pitcher the Yankees received for Jesus Montero, Jose Campos. After seeing that, George from Prospect Instinct shot me an email with a link to a more detailed scouting report of Campos. There’s information there about his background, his pitches, and a video complemented by a break down of Jose’s mechanics. Click here for the whole thing, but here’s a nice tease:

Get him on your radar now….the rest of the world will be taking notice really soon.

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One Response to Jose Campos Scouting Report

  1. T.O. Chris says:

    “Campos has great presence on the mound. This was exemplified multiple times during the games that I saw. Campos was victimized by several errors committed by teammates on what should have been routine plays. Each time that I witnessed this Campos would acknowledge the teammate as if to say “ don’t worry I got this one”. And then he would go right back to work. He exudes confidence on the mound.”.

    This was the best part of the whole scouting report to me.

    Very good scouting report! Great job bringing it to our attention. It’s the most detailed I’ve seen on Campos and just reenforces how I feel about this trade.

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