Another new lineup, same results

With a loss tonight, the Red Sox will head out of town tied for the Wild Card with the Tampa Bay Rays, who were 5-2 winners this afternoon. It’s been an amazing collapse, one that no one could have seen coming. Their 6.09 September ERA is the worst in franchise history, and beating a record that stood for close to 80 years (5.27 ERA in 1932) by a wide margin. They’re 5-18 for the month and are on track for the worst September since 1926. Game 2 starter John Lackey shoulders much of the blame for their poor showing, he’s dead last in the American League for ERA (6.49) and has managed to be even worse (10.70) since the end of August.

Now we are hearing reports that the Sox aren’t well conditioned, that there’s a growing disconnect between Francona and Epstien, and even that Tito’s job may be in jeopardy. You didn’t think the Red Sox could lose without there being a scapegoat, did you? I didn’t. This is the town that smeared every big star (Ruth, Williams, Clemens, Nomar, Manny, Pedro) on their way out. Maybe they’re greasing the skids for Tito, which will be the dumbest thing they did since selling off The Babe.

Here’s your lineup, courtesy of LoHud:

Eduardo Nunez SS
Curtis Granderson CF
Robinson Cano 2B
Mark Teixeira 1B
Nick Swisher RF
Eric Chavez 3B
Jesus Montero DH
Chris Dickerson LF
Austin Romine C

Eduardo Nunez is your leadoff hitter, and Romine and Dickerson are starting? Will that help the Sox? I doubt it. GO YANKS!!!!!!!!


68 Responses to Game 158-Send ‘em off tied

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    I almost feel sorry for the Red Sox. Seriously, I wouldn’t wish that on any professional. They’re desperate for a win, and they can’t start anyone else but Lackey. It must be incredibly frustrating.

    • Steve S. says:

      I feel sorry for the good people in that clubhouse like Tito, and the guys who really care like Big Papi, Pedroia, Lester, etc.

      But a large segment of the fan base couldn’t possibly deserve this any more. Listen to WEEI for 5 minutes and you’ll know who I’m referring to. They’ve won a lot lately, but did so with less class than any other city since maybe the Detroit Pistons riots of the early 1980s. It didn’t take them 2 seconds to start chanting “Yankees suck” after they beat the Cards in the 04 series. It’s a (largely, not all) juvenile, frat boy fan base that deserves this richly. They don’t call themselves ‘Massholes’ for no reason.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        You’re right. I don’t feel sorry for the fans, especially a few I know personally. I’ll razz them about it, too. As a fan, you have to take your lumps.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m flabbergasted at the Red Sox play.

    Two on, first inning, Teixeira misses a HR by the width of a baseball. Both runners score, and Varitek throws the ball away trying to get Teixeira going into third. 3-0 Yankees in the first.

  3. Steve S. says:

    As wrapped up as we are in the Sox-Rays drama, the games that still matter to the Yanks are over. Texas and Detroit both won, leaving Texas 93-66 and Detroit 92-67. So as of today the Yanks will be playing Detroit in the ALDS.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      I’ve been following those, too. Detroit has the tiebreaker, so they have to catch up one game over the next three for the Yankees to play Texas.

      I’m not that concerned about it, though. They Yankees will have to get through both (most likely) to get to the World Series anyway. And I’m not convinced that they can’t beat Verlander in a 5-game series.

      • Steve S. says:

        No, anything can happen in a short series and I think the AL field is wide open this year. That being said, I’d feel better if we drew Texas. I like the daily pitching match ups a LOT better. Both teams have good bullpens (as do the Yanks) so there’s no edge there. Yanks have a slight edge on lineup with Texas, more significant lineup edge on Detroit.

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    If the Red Sox lose this game, the press is going to want to call this another Boston Massacre, but it feels more like a suicide than a massacre.

    • Steve S. says:

      Their bullpen is gassed, their rotation is banged up and slumping, and even key parts of their lineup are missing. My only question is can the Rays beat the Yanks twice in their 3 game set. The last game is a lock, Price is going and the Yanks will field a AAA team that day. So I think they just need one of the first two to win it. Sox will lose 2 of 3 to Baltimore. The only reason they won’t get swept is they generally own the O’s.

      (who says you can’t predict baseball!)

  5. bornwithpinstripes says:

    i hope they lose every game , feel sorry…you guys forget how they were giggling in the dugout game after are entitled to your opinion..but i am getting such pleasure watching them and their pompous fans melt.. i live in an area where there are a hugh amount of sux fans..and all year they boasted and gave digs about how great they are and how spoiled over paid old players on the yanks..i still remain quite until they lose this lead..then it is yankee wear every time i know i will see those same blowsux fans..they built them a beautiful new ball park for spring training.. wait till next year, keep training..the most vindictive fans ever..and the patriots lost to buffalo today even better ,tomorrow will be a glorious day..go rays..

    • Professor Longnose says:

      I have no problem with what you say. Enjoy it. I am, too, in my own way. As I said, I don’t feel sorry for the fans. But I do feel sorry for the Sox players. I wouldn’t want to go through what they’re going through.

  6. bornwithpinstripes says:

    let;s bury them ,,like they tried to bury that jersey in our new stadium

  7. Professor Longnose says:

    Man! The Sox cannot buy a break. Pedroia out trying to score the tying run on a wild pitch. The ball bounced right back to Martin.

  8. Professor Longnose says:

    Damn! Sox took the lead, and Nova didn’t look great.

    • bornwithpinstripes says:

      joe should have not let him come out for the 7th..shaky 6th..let him leave with a lead going into P.S. but thats joe

  9. Professor Longnose says:

    Chavez leads off the 7th with a single. Gardner in to pinch run, and Lackey out of the game.

    Gotta give Gardner a chance to run. Get that tying run in!

    And they’ll have to do it against Aceves.

  10. Professor Longnose says:

    Stolen base!

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Montero gets the runner over. Now it’s up to Dickerson to get the RBI. Infield in.

    No pinch hitter.

  12. Professor Longnose says:

    Sac fly! We’re tied!

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    Romine throws out Crawford stealing!!


  14. Professor Longnose says:

    Scutaro vs Mariano…

    Nope. Walking him intentionally. Good.

  15. Professor Longnose says:


    I’m taking this game waaaay too seriously. It means nothing…

  16. Professor Longnose says:

    Get a run! A run! A run!

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Bard walks Teixeira on 14 pitches to open the 9th.

  18. Professor Longnose says:

    They’re saying it was 12 pitches, but YES had 14.

  19. Professor Longnose says:

    Bases loaded, Romine vs Papelbon.

  20. smurfy says:

    Shucks. Would have loved the boost if Romine had caught one of those fastballs. Fouled ‘em all, and the slider got him.

    How do, Prof. Just got back from Virginia, a funeral service visit.

  21. Professor Longnose says:

    My condolences, if appropriate.

    • smurfy says:

      thanks, my last aunt, last of her siblings, 96. Saw the very last of the generation, an uncle at 91. Marbles pretty scrambled, but he’s still funny on purpose.

  22. smurfy says:

    Nice jobs by Valdez and Wade. Got Pedroia and kept Ortiz off it.

  23. Professor Longnose says:

    Let’s see if the JV team can score a run.

  24. Professor Longnose says:

    I’ve spent way too much of this season waiting for the Yankees to score in extra inning games.

    • smurfy says:

      you think they’ll bring Paps back out for the 11th?

      • Professor Longnose says:

        Maybe, but it would be a desperation move. Kay said his pitch count high this season is 25, and he’s at 19. I suppose it’s worth a shot. Is anyone else decent available? I mean, you can’t even bring in a starter, becaue all the starters for Boston have stunk up the joint lately.

  25. Professor Longnose says:

    T.O. Chris posted a couple of comments in another thread today. It’d be nice if he came back to the game threads.

  26. Professor Longnose says:

    If Sabathia hadn’t pitched a simulated game today, they could have brought him in.

    • smurfy says:

      they want to beat them, but I’ll bet they like getting experience with some young pitchers. If they can do it, it’s the proverbial win/win.

      Like that dp under Laffey!

  27. Professor Longnose says:

    Snappy DP! Two hard throws.

  28. Professor Longnose says:

    Papelpimple in the 12th? Or someone else?

  29. Professor Longnose says:

    Dunks in! Yes.

  30. Professor Longnose says:

    Pinch hit for Pena. Rodriguez needs the at bats. And a single will practically win the game.

  31. Professor Longnose says:

    12′s my limit for a game that doesn’t much matter. Good night.

  32. smurfy says:

    and the Boston fans always say the MFYanks get all the calls. Pedroia was out on a dandy play by Ramiro.

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