The Mets already looked over matched in the subway series this year, losers of 4 of the first 5 contests in games that for the most part weren’t exactly nail biters. Now with their best offensive player on the shelf, this afternoon’s contest has the drama of a prisoner being led to a firing squad. All of which probably means that the Yanks will get blown out 14-0. That’s just baseball, Suzyn. The biggest obstacle today may be Mother Nature, with showers forecast until around 2:30.

Anyhoo, it’s time to unload my Twitter feed on you folks. Derek Jeter, Robinson Cano, Alex Rodriguez and Curtis Granderson have all been voted to the All-Star team, with Russel Martin ( who lost out to Alex Avila in a late surge of voting) named as a reserve. Mo also makes his annual All Star visit, but CC missed the cut. Eduardo Nunez is out of today’s game with a hamstring pull, but I suspect he’s really fine and this is just the Yankees attempt to stop him from embarrassing the Mets (7 for 8, 1HR) any further in this series. Lance Pendleton has been called up, but there’s still no word on who’s being sent down or DL’d. keep tweeting that assuming Garcia gets through today without incident, Hughes will be in and Nova will be out of the rotation. But nothing’s finalized yet, and we still don’t know if he’ll be the long man or sent down to AAA. So much for the temporary 6 man rotation.

UPDATE-Ivan Nova has been sent to AAA, that’s why Pendleton is up. This signals that Hughes will be making his next start. If you’re wondering why its Nova, I went over it yesterday.

Here’s your lineup, courtesy of Chad Jennings over at LoHud:

Brett Gardner LF
Curtis Ganderson CF
Mark Teixeira 1B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Robinson Cano 2B
Nick Swisher RF
Russell Martin C
Ramiro Pena SS

Freddy Garcia on the bump, with RA Dickey going for the Metropolitans. GO YANKS!!!!

UPDATE #2-Surprise, surprise, game is delayed. It’s not raining, but it will soon. No, really. It reeeeealy will, trust me.


56 Responses to Game 82-Brooms out in Flushing

  1. Duh, Innings! says:

    I am absolutely disgusted and infuriated that the Yankees have sent down Ivan Nova, 8-4 with a 4.12 ERA in 16 starts this year and replaced him with Lance Fucking Pendleton which is a roundabout way of replacing Nova with Phil Hughes, 0-1 with a 13.94 ERA in three starts this year and 7-8 in his last 20 starts (I don’t know the ERA in these starts but I know it’s way above the 3.17 Hughes had in his first 13 starts last year.)

    8-4, 4.12 replaced by 0-1, 13.94. Ridiculous and so are all you people fawning over Hughes. Why don’t you Phil Hughes Fanboys (herein PHFs) go to Hughes’ page, click on his gamelog for 2010, start with 6/29 when he got rocked by no-offense Seattle and tell me how on Earth he is a frontline starter let alone one who should bump a kid with twice as many wins as losses and an ERA just over 4 which is great for a fifth starter on an AL team esp. an AL East team who has to fend off Boston, Tampa Bay, Toronto, and even Baltimore who is 35-45 which isn’t bad for a last-place team for one 5-0 run could make them 40-45 and the toughest last place team to beat if they aren’t that already.

    Here you go – read it from his 6/29 start on and weep then realize the Yankees just weakened themselves:

    He faced exactly ONE elite team in his first 13 starts: Boston (twice.) The next best team was the Chi-Sox. The rest were crap or mediocre competition.

    Spare me the hope, promise, idea etc. of Hughes being some kind of ace or #2 coming to save the day. He is 7-8 in his last 20 starts. He has pitched 7 innings only once in those starts, 6 2/3 innings or more only twice. His 18th win of 2010 was a one-inning postseason tuneup against Boston.

    The Yankees have officially demoralized and angered Nova and fixed what isn’t broke.

    Boston and Tampa Bay are happy with this dumbassed move and if you think the pressure is on them to beat Hughes, think again. Hughes is the hunted one. Every team will be gunning for him and he better be ready like Nova has been for the most part. Nova’s final out as a Yankee for now was getting out of a bases loaded jam against a hot team at their ballpark. Let’s see Hughes get that out. Let’s see Hughes finally pitch more than 6 1/3 IP cuz he’s done that only twice since last 6/2.

    Fuck Brian Cashman and fuck Phil Hughes.They both suck and I want both out of here. Fuck 2010, too, what all the PHFs harp on. 2010 is over, it’s 2011.

    I am sick of the nonsense about Hughes “stuff”. 7-8 in his last 20 starts is total #5 starter what he is until he can prove he’s a #3 or #4, because he is no ace or #2. He will need more than a 90+ mph fastball to get MLB hitters out.

    Bottom line is Nova should still be in the rotation and starting the last game of the series at Cleveland 6/6. What’s the point in starting Hughes before the All-Star Break when he’s making only one start then and won’t start until I’d imagine 7/18 at the latest? And do you really want him to begin the first game of a four-game series at Tampa Bay 7/18? The only good thing about that is if he starts 7/23, 7/29, and 8/3, he will just miss facing Boston at Fenway.

    I call for this rotation 7/14 through 8/1 if the Yankees went with a six-man rotation 7/14 through 8/1 (off-day 7/28):


    This way if Hughes started 8/2, he’d still miss facing Boston at Fenway.
    Sabathia pitches on normal rest. The downside is he misses Boston but he’d pitch one of the four games at the Chi-Sox and those games are important, too. Take 3 of 4 from Chicago and you’re still 4-3 vs. them and Boston if you drop 2 of 3 at Fenway.


    Phil Hughes Reply:

    “Fuck Brian Cashman and fuck Phil Hughes.”

    Fuck you.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    Nah fuck you, Phil. You have been a 7-8 starter since last 6/29 who’s 18th win last year was a freebie.

    You pitched 7 innings or more only once since last 6/29 (when Seattle pummeled you) and it was 7 IP even against no-offense Oakland and guess what? That was also the game you gave up less than 3 ER 6/29 on: 1 ER. Congrats on shutting down Oakland.


  2. Duh, Innings! says:

    Michael Kay is whining that Sabathia isn’t on the All-Star team.

    I could care less and I think it’s a blessing in disguise.

    Sabathia could start on normal rest 7/5 at Cleveland, 7/10 vs. Tampa Bay, 7/15 at Toronto, 7/20 at Tampa Bay, 7/25 vs. Seattle, and 8/5 at Boston (he’d start on an extra day of rest 7/31 vs.Baltimore with the off-day 7/28.)

    If he starts at Cleveland 7/5 then the All-Star Game 7/12, he could be have too much rest, falter, and possibly help cost the Yankees homefield advantage in the World Series if the Yankees make it there. More importantly, he’d miss facing TB 7/10 and 7/20. He MUST face TB 7/10 and 7/20 – that’s what he was signed and is paid to do. Start him in the ASG 7/12 then 7/17 at Toronto and he definitely misses pitching vs. TB again. Fuck that.

    Josh Beckett and his just over 2 ERA starting the ASG is fine by me.

    Michael Kay is an idiot for wanting CC to miss facing TB 7/10 and 7/20. Even if you pitch CC for a couple of innings in the ASG, his next turn on normal rest is 7/17.


  3. Duh, Innings! says:

    I’m taking shit over today.

    Some of you will probably say big deal Nova was sent down as he’d make only one start between now and the ASG if he started on normal rest 6/6 and probably would start next 7/19 assuming Burnett/Sabathia/Colon/Garcia/Hughes/Nova.

    My problem with the move is it has bad energy written all over it.

    1. Nova is demoralized and angered. He must be thinking “Why did they send me down when I am on pace to win 16 games and I’m the fifth starter?” I really feel bad for the kid.

    2. There is even more pressure on Phil Hughes to produce and he must be at least as good as Nova to justify him replacing Nova.

    3. What if Nova gets hurt? He’s now pitching on fields inferior to MLB fields and DON’T tell me Scranton’s field is just as good as Yankee Stadium’s.

    4. What if Nova gets hurt and Hughes sucks? Who from AAA replaces Hughes? Carlos Silva? Then that begs the question “Why didn’t you just leave Nova alone?” Now the Yankees have gone from Nova to Hughes to Silva, and what if Silva sucks? The Cubs ate this guy’s remaining money and he couldn’t get a guaranteed contract with anyone.

    5. What if Nova AND Hughes get hurt? Who replaces Hughes in the rotation? Again, if you just stuck with Nova…

    6. What if Nova AND Hughes suck? Sometimes demoralization leads to destruction, and yeah, you could say Nova should suck it up, he’s only human and it’s not that easy. It must be devastating to go 8-4, 4.12 ERA then be replaced by a 0-1, 13.94 bum which Hughes is. Again, I pull for the kid to stay strongminded and not let an idiot like Cashman bring him down.

    These are legitimate, very real questions/concerns for the Yankees. Yeah, it’s no given Nova will keep pitching like he has, but that is more of a given than Hughes pitching as well as or better than Nova. If you PHFs actually fuckin’ saw Hughes’ 2010 on gamelog, you’d see he is nothing special.

    Once again, you are ringing the dinner bell for Boston, Tampa Bay etc. NONE of them see Hughes replacing Nova as making the Yankees stronger, I just don’t see it. These teams already want to beat the Yankees badly, why give then ammunition?

    The bottom line is the Yankees are fixing what isn’t broken. If they miss making the postseason by a game, I want Cashman and Girardi fired within 24 hours of the last out of that elimination game.


    Moshe Mandel Reply:

    Hughes is a better pitcher than Nova when healthy. That’s all there is to this. Nova has a 4th starter ceiling, Hughes is at least a 3, maybe a 2. This is an obvious move, and certainly isnt a fireable offense.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    He is not better than Nova when healthy.

    You are basing your argument on projections from stats not reality, and the reality is Hughes has had exactly ONE great half-season as a starter in the FIVE seasons he has pitched for the Yankees. He did start his Yankee career in 2007, right? Guys with “stuff” are a dime a dozen. Hughes may or may not be one of them.

    Again, look at Hughes since last 6/29. One start with 7 IP and under 3 ER vs. Oakland. That’s a future ace or #2?

    You cannot say for certain Nova isn’t a future #3 or better. I’d say he’s probably a #3 at best from what I’ve seen, so what he’s not a strikeout pitcher. Wang wasn’t. Wang would probably still be a productive player if not for that injury in Houston 6/15/08. What has Hughes done to show he is an ace or #2? Hughes is a #4 at best until he can prove he is a #3, and once he’s actually put in a #3 season the whole season, then we can talk he’s an ace or #2.

    Btw, name me ONE Yankee after Andy Pettitte who was an ace or #2 for the Yankees. Chien Mien Wang but for only 2.5 years (2006 until he got hurt in Houston.) The ONLY 1985 on Yankee farmhand who was an ace for a team the Yankees traded him to was Doug Drabek. The only #2 was Al Leiter, but I chalk up them going elsewhere to stupid trades.

    History doesn’t show Hughes will be an ace or #2 for the Yankees or anyone else. Pettitte was/is the only starter in the Gene Michael/Bob Watson/Brian Cashman era who was an ace or #2 depending on the year who was that for more than two years. Pettitte was a solid #2 who had one legitimate ace season: 1996, his sophomore year. The Yankees haven’t had a farmhand who was an ace for more than two years since Ron Guidry.


    Steve S. Reply:

    You are basing your argument on projections from stats not reality

    If anything, you’re the one doing all the projecting. Nova has less than 1 year of MLB experience, Hughes has parts of five. While he’s had his ups and downs as a starter, his skill set far outweighs anything Nova brings. He misses more bats, walks fewer, gives up less hits, and is far more mature and developed as a pitcher. Also, despite the fact there’s only 1 year age difference, Phil was pitching in the big leagues when Nova was getting smacked around in A-ball. There’s no comparing the two as prospects or MLB pitchers.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    I’m not projecting anything, I’m merely saying Nova is a better #5 than Hughes right now, for 2011, based on each pitcher’s 2011. It’s about winning in 2011, not giving Hughes a chance to suck or shine. Every game is precious when you have Boston and Tampa Bay along with perhaps the most level-playing league in years breathing down your neck. Even Baltimore is no longer a pushover at 35-45.

    2011 Nova 8-4, 4.12, 16 starts

    2011 Hughes 0-1, 13.94, 3 starts

    So what Nova was getting smacked around in A-ball while Hughes was in the big leagues? Nova made it to the big leagues and did a fine job this year, one he should still be given the chance to do. I’d imagine every team in MLB would want him for his age, cost, getting it done in MLB, and demeanor. The Yankees? Send him down.

    Hughes misses more bats huh? He posted a 3.17 ERA in his first 13 starts last year and finished with a 4.19 ERA. Someone got smacked around a bit hmmm? The guy struck out 7 batters only once last 6/2 on and never struck out 8 or more batters in a game all last year. I’m gonna check on the hits and walks.

    Bottom line is Nova is producing now, and Hughes isn’t, and if Hughes is so good how come he’s just the #5 after 4+ years as a Yankee? Cuz he isn’t good enough to bump either old free-agent signing, Colon or Garcia, to the bullpen. He’s bumped Nova cuz this is what Cashman and all the PHFs he surrounds himself with want. His future as a Yankee GM is founded on Hughes. The replacement was forced and based more on the hope/idea/promise of a good or better Hughes than the failure of Nova.

    You know what’s funny? I hope Hughes does as well as or better than Nova has done. I have to. I don’t like it, but I’ll have to grin and bear it and root for Hughes.


  4. Jaquen says:

    Why are Yankee fans always so miserable and angry at their team? Even when they are in first place, ahead of the team everyone, Yankee fans included, said would be ten games ahead of them by now, they are whining and complaining and wanting half of management canned. And do these fans ever stop and think that the team’s management might, just might, know more about how to build a good team then random, angry complainers on a message board? Just a thought. Finally, is it worth getting this upset over baseball. It seems like Yankee fans just get themselves upset when they talk about the Yankees, no matter how good or bad the team is. I don’t get it.


    Steve S. Reply:

    Why are Yankee fans always so miserable and angry at their team?

    I would appreciate if you would say “some Yankee fans”. Most of us are ecstatic with how the team is playing right now, others just need something to complain about. I’m sure you could say that about fans of every other team as well. It has to do with the individual, not the fan base of certain teams.


    Duh, Innings! Reply:

    Steve you’re an individual, too, neither of us represent or claim to represent the fanbase.

    I’m not miserable and angry at the Yankees. I’m not miserable at all. I’m angry that the Yankees are fixing what isn’t broke.

    Cuz I don’t agree with you people, I’m miserable and angry? I don’t think so. If anything I’m sparking discussion and debate all of you are afraid to engage in. You won’t even read Hughes’ gamelogs.

    They’re replacing a 8-4, 4.12 ERA FIFTH STARTER with an overrated 0-1, 13.94 ERA guy who can never stay healthy for a whole year as a starter save once who is more hype, promise, idea, fantasy than reality, what Nova is.

    The move opens up a multitude of negative outcomes which are entirely realistic given Hughes’ history of injuries.

    How ’bout you people give me statistical and beyond the stats reasons why Hughes should start over Nova besides generalities like “he has great stuff” or “he is a strikeout pitcher.” Really? The dude didn’t strike out more than 7 batters in a game all last year and this year so far. I believe he struck out 7 batters only once or twice since last year. Hardly a strikeout pitcher.

    I never said Hughes wouldn’t be a future ace or #2, I am merely saying it is not his time, it’s Nova’s. Nova is getting it done, Hughes isn’t.

    Truth be told, I’m not even arguing who the better pitcher is long-term, I am arguing that the 2011 Yankees are better with Nova in the #5 than Hughes, that’s it. And I base this argument on the performances of both pitchers in 2011, not 2010 which is over for the fifteenth time. Nova is better than Hughes for the 2011 Yankees. I would LOVE for both to be in the 2012 rotation.

    This is not extended spring training and it is ridiculous to change a rotation which has been working on all cylinders for over three weeks enough to overtake first place, be there by 2.5 games, and lead Tampa Bay by double that.


  5. smurfy says:

    Fine slice o’ double, Robbie!

    Now if Swish can just not swish



  6. smurfy says:

    Russell just got under it too much.

    Ramiro, me boy! See it, hit the damn thing!


  7. smurfy says:

    We got the whammy on Mets second basemen!

    Freddie gets it down! 2 men ready to score!

    Bases loaded! Oh, the Grandy Man can!


  8. Steve S. says:

    Dickey’s not this dumb, he must have completely lost his ability to locate


  9. smurfy says:

    Me be pulling Grandy’s trigger on the tight pitch, 1-1..


  10. Steve S. says:

    Come on Curtis, break this thing open.


  11. smurfy says:

    Great call – he checked it (by intention!)


  12. smurfy says:

    3-2, 3 -2, aw, bowshit!


  13. smurfy says:

    Dickey pitched Curtis with hard to reach or decide pitches. He’s not dumb.


  14. smurfy says:

    Hey, Steve. I left what I think was a good question for you on the article Bartolo’s return… Hector and Nova pitch relif -no harm?


    Steve S. Reply:

    Sorry I missed that, Smurfy. I think it’s best to send Nova to AAA to keep him stretched out as a starter, just in case someone goes down or becomes ineffective. Noesi is probably a reliever long term anyway, so leave him where he is. Or send him down, either way I really don’t care. I like Noesi, but don’t see him having a big role on the team now or later.


  15. smurfy says:

    Tex over-spurred himself as he crossed the foulline. Overran it!


  16. smurfy says:

    Brett caught that in center! Yanks are really shifting. Must have a plan with Freddy involved.


  17. smurfy says:

    Whoo-hoo! a wicked blast – foul!

    Yet that’s six innings, just one run. Has retired 8 straight, say the boys.


  18. smurfy says:

    He didn’t tag Russell, nor did Russell go out of the baseline. Wish Ramiro had taken second.


    Steve S. Reply:

    Look at the footprints. He didn’t go out of the baseline.

    We got one yesterday, the Mets got one today.


    smurfy Reply:

    yep, another couldn’t see, should have got him play.


  19. smurfy says:

    De-fense, de-fense, DEFENSE!


  20. smurfy says:

    Yahoo! Brett! Hit that perfectly. I was cheering three right from the corner.

    oh, man, easy do, Grandy.!!


  21. smurfy says:

    ‘nother double, from Tex. Oh, it’ a fine time to be Yankee fan.

    Alex’ swing showed some of that hip pain, regrettably.


  22. smurfy says:

    ah, hittin’ for the fence is the wrong bet:liners, that’s your goal in the big Citi.

    See, Grandy, above, Swish. Well, yours was a sac fly, too, but you know what I mean.


  23. smurfy says:

    wow. Fredde leads the Yanks with 11 “quality starts.”


  24. smurfy says:

    boy, that ump is impressed with Dave’s curve. Strike on 6 inches outside!


  25. smurfy says:

    Coney is great, standing up for middle reliever, set up men value re the All Stars.


  26. smurfy says:

    nice fastball down the middle. Finesse gets Turner, the tough out.


    smurfy Reply:

    Turner was guessing curveball on 1 -2. The prior pitch was fb, way high and outside. Coney, on Al’s question, says no, he’d put it at the catcheer’s mask, then hit him with a curve down. Dave surprised ‘em all.


  27. smurfy says:

    Mo shaves the knees of righty Beltran with the backdoor cutter! Jumped back flinch!


  28. smurfy says:

    Where’ the Perfessor? This is an interesting at bat.

    oh, it’s one – two what? Tied game !?!

    oh, buddy! thru Ramiro’s legs, but Gardner throw, Russell; dives, he’s out!!!

    bet the Perfessor will be sad he accepted that BBQ invitation.


  29. smurfy says:

    fine , fine tag by Russell.


    Professor Longnose Reply:

    I’ve been checking in but can’t stay focused on the computer, so I’ve been reading your comments instead of making my own.


  30. smurfy says:

    triples at Citi! Robbie does it again. Bring him home Po!

    Walk, okay come on Russell!


  31. Steve S. says:

    I really miss Derek and his lack of range.


  32. smurfy says:

    Yankees gotta face it: Mo is human. Not really, fully 100% divine.

    Nor is Ramiro, sadly.


    nyyankeefanforever Reply:

    No, he’s not divine, smurfy — not when he’s pitching a day game after a needless no-save night game. Sorry Freddy and Mo, this one’s on Joe.

    P.S. Would someone please remind me again what Ramiro brings to our bench that Eddie doesn’t? Sheesh!


    smurfy Reply:

    On the post-game, he showed he hasn’t forgotten Cincinati. He needs to. Lynch party, right?


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    This is flawed logic. He only blew this save because he got 2 outs, 2 days ago.


    nyyankeefanforever Reply:

    Well, it was a little less than a day ago but, yeah, I get your point. Just saying day after night isn’t ever a smooth outing for him … is it? Look it up and educate me where I’m wrong about that, please.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    If Mariano was coming in for 4 out saves, and was having 3 out saves 4 or 5 days in a row there would be room to criticize Girardi. But to my knowledge he hasn’t attempted a single 4 out save all year, and they have done a great job managing the back to back saves. At the end of the year Mariano should have 60-68 innings pitched, as long as that happens how he gets there is almost irrelevant, from an overworking point of view.

    I think we have all gotten to the point that we never expect Mo to blow a save, and when he does we look for someone to blame instead of just accepting that Mariano does blow saves from time to time.


  33. Goose54 says:

    Hypothetical —- Jeter doesn’t come back. Maybe he’s hit by a bus, maybe he decides to become a monk. Assume he’s not going to play anymore. Does A-Rod move to short?

    If so, why are we allowing guys like Pena and Nunez to play short when Jeter is out? I know, great potential, but they’re not fielding at a major league level.

    Jeter’s my favorite player, and in my 39-year life, I can’t say that I’ve liked another player as much. But all this “Can’t put A Rod at short because it’ll piss off Jeter” when he was on the 15-day DL is insane.

    And Pena….after 2 critical errors, had the balls to smile and laugh through the postgame interview is insulting. He should be telling the story of the “Ball that was in the wrong spot” on the bus to AA Trenton.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Alex can’t play short anymore, that ship has sailed years ago. When we first got him he could, but at this point with the hip and his size it’s out of the question. He can still play the hot corner but he doesn’t have the range anymore.


    Goose54 Reply:

    I’m not arguing that he’s not as good as he was, but he’s got to be better than Pena and Nunez. Those two are great shorts who share the same critical flaw…fielding.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    It’s not that he wouldn’t be good, he simply wouldn’t be able to move well enough to play the position at all at this point. At 3rd he pretty much just has to make a dive one way or the other fore the hard plays, that isn’t the same as having to go up the middle and back into the hole.


  34. nyyankeefanforever says:

    Somebody here told me the other day Pena’s more valuable than Nunez because “if you’re coming off the bench for the Yankees you’d better be bringing something to the table.”

    Remind me again what it is Pena is supposed to be bringing?


    smurfy Reply:

    His glove was flawless at three positions for two years, making routine plays and difficult ones. His multiple errors of the past several games are doubtless the product of crushed hope.

    As it is evident that Nunez will fill the backup role, let him retreat without calumny to Scranton to sacrifice a bat in an entreaty for renewed confidence.


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