That’s what Yankee manager Joe Girardi said last night about Brett Gardner’s HR after Russell Martin was hit by a Josh Rupe pitch. When you start giving up HRs to the Brett Gardner’s of the world, you might want to call your uncle with the plumbing business and tell him to leave a job open for you. There’s a good chance you’ll need it. Here’s what O’s manager Buck Showalter had to say about the incident from last night:

Buck Showalter: “We asked (Rupe) after the game. He said, ‘I know what it looked like. I was trying to go in.’ It did not look good. I didn’t like it at all. But I choose to believe my pitcher and I’ve known Josh for a long time. I think he’d be very straight with me. But I do understand what it looked like and it didn’t look good. Martin had a great night tonight. He’s had a good season for them, was a great pickup. He’s hard enough to get out without the way it looked. They responded the way good teams do. That’s why they’re as good a team as they are and are going to be. That’s a good example of it.”

Hopefully, this ends right here. The Yanks made their statement on the field with their resounding 15-3 win last night. The last thing we need is for Camden Yards to turn into a scene from one of the local McDonald’s restaurants. It might make some fans happy, but the Yanks have more to lose than the O’s do. The Yankee prize is in October, not April.

With that out of the way, here’s your game thread for this afternoon’s contest. Freddy Garcia goes for the Yanks with Jake Arrieta pitching for the Birds. The Yanks just saw Arrieta a week ago, which typically is bad news for the pitcher. But Garcia won’t be pitching in the cold, rainy conditions that favored him last week in Yankee stadium. Game time temp is a balmy 74 degrees going up to 83 this afternoon. Strap yourselves in folks, this could be a bumpy ride.

BTW-Happy Easter!

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12 Responses to Game 18-”It was beautiful”

  1. Moshe Mandel says:

    Totally agree. Id be very upset if the Yanks retaliated. No reason for it. Brett’s homer was more than enough.


  2. smurfy says:

    That gritty homerun was beautiful, showing Martin has some protection. Here’s hoping the Gritster has exorcised his batting demons. Nicely stroked lined and legged double earlier.


  3. T.O. Chris says:

    Granderson has really found a hot bat! I’m glad Girardi finally decided to stick with him in the 2 hole against righties, he is just such a dynamic fastball hitter it just makes sense to put him in the best position to get fastballs early and often. If he keeps this kind of power up he could be at 30 easy, may not have have the best OBP but for some reason I don’t think people would mind a great defensive centerfielder, who hits 30 HRs, and has low on base skills. I’d love to see him get on more so he could steal, but he’s hitting lefties better this year and he is consistently making hard contact. It’s a great start.


  4. Steve S says:

    Oh shit

    benshpigel: RT @swbyankeesTT: There are three guys helping him off the field. Montero is really, really in serious pain. Jose Gil is coming in.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Sounds like those trade rumors can die down before they ever get off the ground.

    You have to love a rain delay!


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    You had me worried it was a break or something, the man got drilled in the cup by a foul tip. I can totally understand needing help off the field after that!

    That is never a good thing for sure but at least it isn’t a severe injury like a knee tear, or a break or something.


    Steve S. Reply:

    Sorry about that. I just got a Twitter feed and posted it before I had the details myself.


  5. T.O. Chris says:

    Man you think Bobby V would check his Yankee hate just a little bit if he’s going to do television… “All good things must come to an end, is it nearing the end for Mariano Rivera, two blown saves in one week”. Talk about an all time overreaction, how many closers would be run out of baseball if blowing consecutive saves was a fire-able offense?


    Steve S. Reply:

    Girardi said on today’s postgame that Mo’s problem today was his cutter was moving TOO much, which was an issue a few years ago in April. He wasn’t worried about it at all, said he probably just needs some work to get it down.


    smurfy Reply:

    These guys rely on the audience’ Yankee hate to say outlandish things, way overboard.


    T.O. Chris Reply:

    Well I guess he had to move on from his “Russell Martin is really going to hurt the Yankees this year” theory. He had Martin pegged as washed up with the bat, and said he would never be able to learn the staff well enough to be good behind the plate.

    I’m not really sure how it would take him so long to learn the staff like that, sure there is a learning curve but he isn’t mentaly challenged.


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