Yesterday’s Question: After today’s rough outing by Freddy Garcia and Wednesday’s 6 inning no-hit gem by Ivan Nova, it appears to be all but a given that the rookie Nova will break camp as part of the Yankee rotation. We all remember the right handed rookie rotation trio in 2008 of Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy, but who was the last left handed rookie to break camp as a member of the Yankee rotation?

Answer: Congrats go out to lenNY’s Yankees who answered Kei Igawa.

Today’s question: 54 MLB players were born on March 20th. Three of them played for the Yankees or Highlanders.  Name them.

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17 Responses to TYA Trivia Open Thread For 3-20-11

  1. T.O. Chris says:

    It was nice to see Montero absolutely crush a ball today! I saw him get a nice other way double the other day but it wasn’t smoked like the one he hit off the Phillies, he would’ve had a HR with another inch or so.


    Steve S. Reply:

    The slow start with the bat doesn’t bother me at all. First, since this is his first camp we have nothing to judge it against, he could start slow every year and we just never heard about it. Next, his job this camp is to work on his glove. I’m sure they’re working his ass off in side sessions, and defense should be his primary focus right now. Nobody doubts his bat.


  2. Steve S. says:

    This is a tough question tonight, it will be interesting to see if anyone gets it right.


    Brads Reply:

    That is a direct challenge that cannot go unanswered!


  3. Steve S. says:

    Peavy hurt again, this time his shoulder. Diagnosed with “rotator cuff tendinitis”. Has he been healthy for 5 minutes since he left the Padres?


    Brads Reply:

    So much for trading deadline pickups of ChiSox pitchers.


    Steve S. Reply:



  4. Brads says:

    Paul Mirabella


    Steve S. Reply:

    One down, 2 to go.


  5. Brads says:

    Paddy Greene


    Steve S. Reply:

    Nice! Paddy was the hardest one. Played for the Highlanders a zillion years ago.

    2 down……


  6. Brads says:

    Steve Dillon was signed by Yankees but played for Mets


  7. Brads says:

    Steve Blateric played like 1 game


    Steve S. Reply:

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner.


  8. Brads says:

    So, if the question was “played for the Yankee organization,” there were 4 players…but only 3 of them played for the parent club.


    Steve S. Reply:

    Right, the question was “played for the Yanks” in the context of MLB players.

    I’ll assume you actually clicked through that list one by one and found the ones that played for the Yankees. Did you notice the same thing I did? It’s amazing how many guys have the proverbial cup of coffee in the big leagues. You wonder what happens to all these guys, and it goes to show how rare even a solid everyday player on the big league level is.


    Brads Reply:

    I like to try to find answers in an elegant process…so I first looked through list to see if I knew any of top of head…Mirabella.

    Then, because you specifically stated the Highlanders, I sorted the list by last date played and went right to the players who ended between 1901 and 1906, and found Paddy on second click.

    I didn’t want to click on all the list if I could come up with another approach so I decided to start focus on the 65 to 75 era and found the others.

    To me, the fun and challenge (if I don’t know the answer) is to figure out the fastest approach to discovery.

    But to answer your question, the list has a lot of cup of coffee guys, but I bet that is representative of any date!


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