Photo courtesy of the New York Daily News

It’s been two days since Yankee backup catcher Francisco Cervelli fouled a pitch off his left foot. The initial results of the CT scan were negative, but a follow up MRI was inconclusive, leading the Yanks to believe he may have a hairline fracture. The injury could put Frankie on the shelf for up to one month. You may recall last year that Jorge Posada fouled a ball off his foot on May 15, was diagnosed with a hairline fracture on May 19th and was out of action until June 2.

While its a tough break for Cervelli, chances are it won’t make much difference in how the Yanks decide who will break camp as the back up Catcher. Friend of TYA Marc Carig has the quotes from the Yankee manager:

“If Cervi is down for a little bit, we have an idea of what Cervi can do,” Girardi said. We’ve seen him play very well at this level, so the evaluation is a lot of the young kid, Montero.”

What this does mean for Jesus is he’ll be getting more opportunities behind the plate, which could cut both ways. It could give him a chance to display the strides he’s made defensively in more situations. But it could also have the opposite effect of exposing him as he gets more playing time, showing him to be still unready to head north with the team. From a fan’s perspective, this is a positive development. You don’t want Jesus exposed in a game that counts where a miscue could cost the team a win. From an evaluation standpoint, the more infomation you have to work with, the better. There’s some things that can’t be simulated on the sidelines, and you want to see how a player reacts in game situations. Cervelli’s injury pushes Jesus front and center, and now all eyes will be on him to see if he can handle the job.


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13 Responses to Cervelli’s uncertain status opens door for Montero

  1. Scout says:

    It’s all a math problem:

    Cervelli:Montero as Pipp:Gehrig.

  2. yankeefan7 says:

    Montero has much bigger upside than Cervelli ,and Martin combined !

    I’ d like to see Montero and Romine as their catchers

    • joe botchagaloop says:

      Yeah … Matt Wieters had more potential and hype than Montero…still waiting.

      • yankees2o11 says:

        honestly…what upside did Wieters really have in an organization with nothing? Montero, at three years younger, exceeds Wieters’ hitting ability in all minor league categories except average.His fielding % is actually better as well. Wieters only advantage is throwing runners out, which is what Montero has been working on. Fact, Montero’s overall #s last year were better than Cervelli or Posada (be it minor league vs. major).

        • joe botchagaloop says:

          Hey, nobody wants Montero to succeed more than me…but he hasn’t done anything yet. Catcher’s tend to get the most hype and accolades because a great hitting catcher with defensive skills is a rarity…anybody’s better than Posada behind the plate now.

        • T.O. Chris says:

          Minor league pitchers < major league pitchers

          Montero isn't going to put up numbers from the minors in the bigs this year and he isn't guaranteed to do anything so let's not act like just because you hit in triple A one year your better than what someone did in the MAJOR LEAGUES.

          Romine is way too young to be in the majors this year and I have heard his defense while better than Montero's is also highly raw, we don't need to carry 2 rookie raw catchers because potential doesn't equal production.

  3. Ross Hansen says:

    We already know what Cervelli can do (not much) so Montero is bound to be an improvement.

    None of see Russell Martin as a “great catcher” or “superior hitter” yet he was annointed the starter when he was signed which tells you exactly what the Yankees think of Cervelli, his 2010 season, and his future potential. We’re talaking career backup…at best.

    If one of the kids can get MLB experience it brings them that much closer to the day when we have another Munson or Posada behind the plate instead of another Cervelli or Jake Gibbs.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      Did you ever see Martin play in his great years? He was a great catcher then and had he not been injured and continued with that production playing the defense he plays he is a yearly all-star selection waiting to happen.

      The guy has tremendous abilities and dending on what he can gain back he could be the best catcher on the team this year including Montero.

  4. Jeffrey Howard says:

    Russell Martin if healthy ( and I admit that’s a big if) can be a first rate defensive catcher and hitter he proved it in Los Angeles but Montero and Romine are the future.

  5. Tono73 says:

    well,well,well..this look’s like the break we/ve all been waiting affense to cervelli,he’s a hard nose plyr.but what’s a better time than now to finally see what montero’s made of..

  6. tommy cassella says:

    i don’t care if a.j. burnett does’nt give up another hit this spring. when he signed with the yanks two years ago,i told all of my friends that he just robbed the yanks of 82 and a half million dollars. let’s just see if he can pitch when it counts and if he don’t,then the yanks could send him to siberia for all i care. with any luck he will freeze to death.

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