It’s official — the Yankees have resigned Joe Girardi to a three year, $9 million pact. A $450-$500k incentive has also been baked into the agreement dependent upon postseason success. In other words, the rumors during the past few days have been fairly close to reality. In terms of salary relative to his peers, Girardi will be the sixth-highest paid skipper in MLB.

Since Girardi took the helm back in 2008, the Yankees have experienced three winning seasons and one World Championship. Obviously, Girardi isn’t exactly hurting for talent. Still, he’s managed to generally excel in his bullpen management, the players all seem to really respect his approach and many of his decisions have generally been right. He also seems to be quite popular with Cashman and the front office.

There had been some discussion of Girardi heading to the Chicago Cubs; however, many of us felt from the start that this was both unrealistic and illogical, and the rumors soon became irrelevant anyway as the Cubs hired Mike Quade.

Personally, I’m not sure that there is another manager available on the market better suited for the job and I couldn’t be happier for Joe’s return. In any event, I’m pleased to see the manager position filled and the renewed quest for #28 already in progress.

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