Though Johnny Damon’s agent, Scott Boras, has done his best to spur the Detroit Tigers’ interest in his 36-year old client – GM Dave Dombrowski actually seems somewhat intrigued by the outfielder – according to the Detroit News, the two parties have not had any discussions about Damon’s interest in playing for Motown. In addition, when asked about Damon, Dombrowski noted, “We’re not close to making any kind of deals at this point.” While Dombrowski’s denial must be taken with a certain level of skepticism, it is somewhat telling that the two parties have not yet had any recent discussions. Perhaps Detroit is simply waiting for Damon’s asking price to completely bottom out.

Photo by the AP

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4 Responses to Damon-Detroit Update

  1. gfd says:

    Boras is asking for a lot of money that the Tigers don’t want to cough up. Damon still wants 22 M for two yrs.

    If ever a player was mislead by an agent, and that player stood by an allowed it to happen, he (Damon) got what he deserved. Damon could have stepped in and said, I WANT TO STAY WITH THE YANKEES, do it! Instead he’s at bargain status now! because of greed!!

  2. Geek says:

    Its telling that Damon has not signed with anyone it validates the Yankees assessment and actions to date.

  3. Kurt says:

    Boras will find a sucker that drinks the snow job koolaid he dishes out. Damon wanted to stay and then Boras slapped him back to Borasville. He then started talking crazy asking for 11M yrly for 2 yrs.

  4. Boris says:

    As a Tiger fan, I don’t want the team spend any more than $5 million a year for Damon. It’s not worth it to add Damon for more than one season when the Tigers have Carlos Guillen signed through 2011 and Magglio Ordonez, who could vest again for 2011. The Tigers have too many old guys and Damon would add to Detroit’s already bad contract problem. I think we need to sign Adam Kennedy instead. Kennedy can lead off and can play 2nd, 3rd and a little bit of LF. Kennedy would be a much better fit for the Tigers. Detroit has an abundance of left handed pitching and could trade for a left fielder like Luke Scott or another outfielder, who won’t cost as much as Damon

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