From Joel Sherman (NY Post):

In a cost-cutting frame of mind, the Tigers have let teams now that Curtis Granderson could be had for the right package, an NL executive told The Post.Granderson would be attractive to many teams, with the Yankees near the top of the list. They have long searched for a premium solution in center since Bernie Williams left his prime, but now they also face the loss of the lefty power of free agents Johnny Damon and Hideki Matsui. Granderson hit a career-high 30 homers last year.

Brian Cashman met with Tigers GM Dave Dombrowski at the now-concluded GM Meetings, but it is not believed the two did any more than discuss needs and available players. However, the two have a good relationship and have done significant trades before, going back to when Dombrowski was in Florida and obtained Mike Lowell from the Yanks to the more recent Gary Sheffield deal and the swap of Kyle Farnsworth for Ivan Rodriguez.

The Yankees have a touted center field prospect in Austin Jackson, who could be the centerpiece for a deal, though Detroit would have a market outside of just The Bronx.

Granderson would be a nice fit for the Yankees. He had somewhat of a down year in 2009, despite hitting 30 home runs, but he wields a powerful bat, has a good glove, and possesses speed, stealing 20 bases. He’s also a media-friendly character, which would work well in New York. If the Yankees traded for him, I assume he would play center field with Melky Cabrera shifting over to left—this would be a significant defensive upgrade—to replace Johnny Damon (if he doesn’t return), although I wouldn’t be surprised if the Yankees then traded Melky and signed a new left fielder.

This season, Granderson hit .249/.327/.453 yet his BABIP was low at .276 (his career BABIP is .323). He’s owed $3.5 million in 2009, $5.5 million in 2010, $8.25 million in 2011, $10 million in 2012, and, in 2013, he has a $13 million club option with a $2 million buyout.

Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

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38 Responses to Granderson available, Yanks interested?

  1. So he is under contract until 32 or 33?

    I wouldn’t be that happy with Melky starting in LF no matter what happens in CF… However why is everyone so ready to hop off the Gardner bandwagon? He doesn’t have the arm that Melky does but I would rather have his speed and D in LF than I would Melky starting everyday.

    You would still be better off with Mike Cameron in LF and Granderson in CF and Melky as the 4th outfielder than you would be with Melky in LF and Granderson in CF… At least Cameron has 20+ HR power from the corner outfield spot, and his D is better than Melky’s in CF so it should be better in LF as well.

    I really don’t see much of a need to get a CFer as just getting a LFer, I mean Gardner starting and Melky backing him up in CF seems like just as good an idea getting Granderson yet you don’t have to trade anyone to do it. I mean are we just giving up on Brett?

    I would rather acquire Edwin Jackson from the Tigers than Granderson… I doubt they would trade both in one deal without asking for the house and as I said before I like Gardner and it seems like upgrading the rotation is more pressing.


    • Chris H. says:

      I would like to see the Yankees trade for Granderson, put him in CF, trade Melky for a bullpen arm, and then sign Mike Cameron for LF. The OF defense would be significantly improved. They could then keep Gardner on as a fourth outfielder/pinch-runner.

      • It sounds like a pretty decent plan (as long as Montero isn’t involved obviously) I would like to know what the whole package would be though… How much would we be giving up for Granderson in terms of pitching depth? Kennedy or McAllister 1 would have to be involved (especially if the Tigers are willing to trade Edwin, they will need starters) and I’m sure it would take at least 4 guys to get him.

        I like Granderson and it would be a pretty good plan but I was pretty excited to see what Gardner could do playing the outfield and hitting every day…

        What kind of arm are you looking at for Melky? I’m not sure who would be available Vs who needs a strong arm outfielder…

  2. Greg F. says:

    I wouldn’t hesitate to include Austin Jackson in a deal for Granderson, but it obviously depends on what else the Yankees would have to include in the package.

    • If I were the Tigers I would ask for Jackson, Romine, McAllister and Robertson for Granderson at the minimum, they are giving up a CFer who hit 30 HRs after all (even though he is a better overall hitter when he is sitting between 20-25 HRs).

      Here’s an interesting question, where do you slot Granderson in the lineup? Say Damon isn’t back where does he fit 2-6? I would want to put him either 2nd or 5th in the lineup, I like Cano in the 2nd hole though but 5 seems like a but to far down the order for Granderson with his speed… However hitting further down may take pressure off his batting average… I don’t think he should leadoff.

      • The Scout says:

        If this is a salary dump, as appears to be the case, the Tigers will not be in a position to demand a lot for Granderson in return. The level of interest from other teams, of course, will determine what the Yankees would have to pay. At a certain point, if the cost becomes prohibitive, they would walk away. Cashman does not believe in surrendering a lot of quality young talent in trades. So this package of four players would never happen.

        • I know it’s a salary dump but with a player like Granderson as young as he is the compensation would have to be substantial, I mean this isn’t a scrub, this is a centerfielder who hit 30 HRs.

          I don’t see the Tigers trading Granderson for anything less than 4 players, no matter the issues, they could just as easily dump salary with lesser players for lesser prospects instead of giving up Grandrson for lesser prospects.

          • What would you offer if you were the Yankees scout?

            I think my opening offer would be Jackson, Mcallister, Juan Miranda? and Kennedy? Kennedy and the first 2 make sense but I don’t know if they go with just those 3 for Granderson, and if they don’t who fits without overpaying?

  3. Matt O says:

    I don’t know why people are so high on Gardner? He is 26 years old and has a career .677 ops. Melky, a FULL year younger, has a career OPS of .716. And while he seems to have lost a bit, when compared to Gardner, he has a howitzer for an arm. Also, every time another fan mentions Carl Crawford, some guys on this site jump down their throats about how overrated he is. 2 years ago, when CC was the EXACT same age as Gardner is now, CC had an OPS of .821.
    If CC is just a speed guy who can’t be considered a long term option @ 28 years old…we should just give up on Gardner now who has 144 (821-677) OPS points to make up in the next two years when he is as old as CC is. I’m not making a case to trade for CC, just a case the Gardner shouldn’t be considered anything more than player #25 on the roster…a pitchrunner and defensive replacement.
    As for Ganderson, are his #s offensive #s good enough to replace Damon? I’m asking because I’m not sure. If they are, then imagine him and Melky just swapping Left and Center and Matsui still at DH. Now the lineup has only one change, Granderson for Damon (not counting order). But the defense would be vastly improved in my eyes w/ Granderson tracking the ball in center and Melky throwing peas to home on hard hit singles and shallow fly balls. Granderson is cheaper than even rock bottom cost of Damon for 2 years plus the team gets 8 years younger. Just a thought, I’m not a big fan of signing any outfielder over the age 30 (2010 FA class) to a long term deal. The yanks looked experienced and poised this year. In 2012 they’ll just look old.
    But I’d throw all this out the window if the Yanks could trade for King Felix. I’m going home w/ that happy thought in my head.

    • Kind of dumb to give up on a guy with that kind of speed this early… If the guy hit .270-.290 for a season with his speed and defense he is more valuable than Melky was this year in CF.

      Also the Carl Crawford comparison isn’t really a good one because when you are talking Crawford you are talking a guy who is going to have to be traded for and then signed to a long term deal of at least 12 million per year while Gardner is already on the team and is making much much much less money than Carl.

      Curtis Granderson is more than enough of a bat to replace Damon and never care again!

      2007- 612 ABs, 122 Rs, 185 H, 38 doubles, 23 triples, 23 HRs, 74 RBI, 52 BB, 141 Ks, 26 SB and 1 CS
      2008- 553 ABs, 112 Rs, 155 H, 26 doubles, 13 triples, 22 HRs, 66 RBI, 71 BB, 111 Ks, 12 SB and 4 CS
      2009- 631 ABs, 91 Rs, 157 H, 23 doubles, 8 triples, 30 HRs, 71 RBI, 72 BB, 141 Ks, 20 SB and 6 CS

      The only disturbing trend is that he has become much more reliant on the HR each and every year which seems to have made his other numbers go down slightly (some dramatically), though his walks have gone up but if you can get him back to only hitting 20-25 HRs and get his doubles and triples back up very few centerfielders can match his production.

      The Mariners have already said they will not trade Felix Hernandez… That dream probably won’t ever come true!

      • Basil Fomeen says:

        He’s obviously fallen in love with the home-run… as his 141 K’s & lower BA indicate. Can somebody tell me if its easy or difficult to hit a home-run in his ballpark in Detroit?… I heard it wasn’t easy.

      • Matt O says:

        OK…how about this defensive study. Case 1) Gardner in CF and Damon in LF. Case 2) Granderson in CF and Melky in LF. I don’t know the #s but my eyes tell me case 2 is better (arms and range)and a combined 9 years younger and cheaper. I could be wrong…I’m just going on what I’ve seen w/ my own eyes. As for giving up on Gardner, isn’t it time to. He’s a 26 yr old slap hitter. If healthy all year he would have hit 6 to 7 home runs and 2 of them would have been of the in the park variety. If he was 22 or 23 putting up these #s I would say the yanks may have something. But @ 26, he seems years behind. i.e., A. Jones, Nick the Greek, M. Kemp, Ellsbury, Fowler, the Uptons, Span, Gutierrez, Coghlan, Pence, and The MELK MAN!!! He isn’t even on the top 20 list for OF under the age of 25 let alone 2

        • What’s the big deal about being 26? He could start next year at 26 that’s not bad for a player with his speed, I mean id he can hit .280-.300 he can be a leadoff man on any team in baseball.

          So Chone Figgins isn’t valuable? HE doesn’t hit HRs either but he steals bases… Gardner is a better everyday player than Melky in any position both defensively and with the bat when you consider everything involved (avg, speed, etc..)

    • daneptizl says:

      Arm strength is the lead needed tool in the sport.

  4. misterd says:

    If we could get Granderson I’d be more than happy to wave goodbye to Damon (already said goodbye to Matsui). However, bringing Damon back for a year or two wouldn’tbe out of the question – BG is owed only $5.5m. Him + Damon would cost the same or less than Holliday. It would allow us to DH Damon most of the time, but also give us the versatility to DH Posada without too big an offensive cost.

    Lineup 1:

    Damon (DH)

    Lineup 2

    Damon (DH)
    Posada (DH)

    The question is what to give up? Won’t be cheap. Granderson is young, talented and relatively cheap for now.

    Jackson becomes irrelevant. Let him go if they want him. Add in one pitcher (Kennedy/Nova/ZMac I think) and one catching prospect other than Montero and, preferably, Romine. If they want Romine, then sub someone else for Jackson (call it the 1 Austin per trade rule).

  5. Jd says:

    The Other Chris H,

    You have been wrong on Melky all year and just cling to it. The guy can hit .280 and has 15-20 hr capability at less than $1m. Gardner doesn’t.


      • The capitalized letters are not yelling, I just don’t know how to bold…

        As I said I have been on the defending side of Melky for a while I just happen to think if you are talking CF Gardner is the man for the job because he has the much better D and Melky’s arm can’t make up for his bad route taking and insecurity in certain situations. Gardner just goes after the ball and effectively! He is a crash into the wall, take away runs CF type of player on D and that can be huge in close games! More so than a bat sometimes (a lot of times).

  6. Matt F. says:

    Where do I sign up?

    Granderson is the exact type of player the Yankees should trade for. He’s young, cost controlled, plays a premium position, and allows the Yankees to walk away from Damon.

    Obviously, the question remains, what would it take to get him? You start with Austin Jackson, which is fine, probably add one of the Yankees minor league catchers, and a pitcher or two (McAllister, Nova, Bleich, etc). You know you have to give something to get something, but I would have reservations if Detroit asked for Montero, Hughes, or Chamberlain for him. (Hughes, Chamberlain should only be moved for another young, cost controlled pitcher, if that situation ever presented itself).

    You can move Melky to LF which would be a huge upgrade defensively, you would be trading Damon’s production for Granderson’s…

    Damon (past 3 years) – (.270/.351/.396), (.303/.375/.461), (.282/.365/.489)
    Granderson (past 3 years) – (.302/.361/.552), (.280/.365/.494), (.249/.327/.453)

    Despite the dropoff in 2009 for Granderson (anomaly?), he will be hitting in a MUCH better hitters park than Comerica.

    This move would allow the Yankees to get cheaper (keep Melky in LF, Gardner 4th OF), get younger, and allow them to focus any additional cash they may want to spend on a pitcher rather than overpaying for Damon or (God Forbid) Holliday or Bay for LF.

  7. Jd says:

    Do you think Girardi didn’t get that melky was better. Gardner is a slap hitter who is totally overwhelmed by good (not even great) stuff.

  8. Steve S. says:

    If Dombrowski is selling low on Curtis, I’m buying. But first I want to know what happened this year. Was he hurt? I know the BABIP was low which suggests bad luck, but that could also be a function of him making poor contact for some reason.

    Definitely interested, need more info.

  9. Old Ranger says:

    Curtis would be a good pick-up if, the cost is in line with the goods.
    It looks as though there is going to be a long winter debate over which player has more value to the team as a starter Brett or Melkey? Untill one of them is traded, could happen, right?!?
    I think it comes down to where one comes from with their thinking; Power or Speed, defense or not so much, right on down the line…so have at it, this winter will be interesting.
    Oh, as most know, I am on the side of good defense, youth, speed, athleticism and (avg.+) hitting.

    • It’s not even a debate from what I read, next year Gardner will start in CF is we do not pick up someone like Granderson… Gardner is the much better defender, much faster and did pretty good in the payoffs in the few at bats he had to work off of so I would much rather go with 70% Gardner and 30% Melky next year.

  10. leftylarry says:

    HE STRIKES OUT 140 TIMES A SEASON AND DOESN’T WALK THAT MUCH.I can live with him or without him.

  11. daneptizl says:

    Gardner > Melky. Gardner has a 2.1 WAR and was valued at 9.3 MM compared to Melky’s 1.6 WAR and value of 7.2 MM. Gardner was more productive than Melky while playing only half the time that Melky did.

    • Matt O says:

      Which Gardner are you talking about? The one who had an OPS above 900 through June or the one who had an OPS of 621 in July before breaking his thumb on 7/26? And then an OPS of 588 in September? Are we talking about the Brett Gardner who slugged 538 on turf or the one who slugged 349 on grass? If you take out the 17 (JUST 17) at bats he had @ Dolphin Stadium and the Metrodome, his slugging % this year drops from 379 to 359! And both of those stadiums are history in the near future. He is not a major league hitter. Can he field? Yes. But so can Cervelli!

      • Gardner is not a power guy and he isn’t a big hit guy but he can slap the ball around effectively and steal bases, that is what you are forgetting… If he can get 30-40 SB next year he would be way more valuable than Melky in CF when you combine that with D… Just something to think about, you have to open your mind to the defensive side of the game it’s more important on a big hitting team than adding another bat.

        Gardner can hit .270 easy next year and at .265+ he is valuable as an everyday player because of the speed especially on this offense… He gets on in the 9th spot and can cause havoc for a pitcher with Jeter at bat, and then he opens the hole between first and 2nd for Jeter who always hits that way.

  12. will says:

    naa this is gonna happen there gonna get granderson nd then have austin jackson, joba/hughes,and jesus montero for roy halladay. granderosn wil be our center fielder jonny d in left melky wuld prob be in the granderson trade

    • You actually think the Yankees would give up Montero for Halladay let alone him and Jackson and Hughes/Joba… The farms best young arm, the farms best outfielder and farms best prospect for a soon to be 33 year old Roy Halladay? Really?

      Melky wouldn’t be in a Granderson trade, Austin Jackson would be… He has more potential than Melky does and is thought of much more highly! Also after a Granderson trade the Yankees probably wouldn’t be willing to make another big let alone bigger trade this offseason, no reason to drain the system for no reason… We’ve been there did that and it didn’t work out.

      Also if we do trade for Granderson it all but assures that Damon won’t be back and Melky or Gardner will start in LF, I mean with Granderson’s bat you have more than replaced Damon’s production and Granderson would probably hit 2nd in Damon’s place. The most likely answer would be to re-sign Matsui or they would let him go as well and go with the “rotational DH spot”.

  13. The latest on Granderson, this time to the Angels…

    By Tim Dierkes
    “The Angels and Tigers have discussed a trade for center fielder Curtis Granderson, according to Ken Davidoff of Newsday. Davidoff says the Halos would use Granderson in left field and either shift Juan Rivera to DH or trade him. In my opinion, the Angels could fill several needs cheaply for the Tigers with players such as Mike Napoli and Brandon Wood. Davidoff adds that the Yankees “think very highly” of Granderson and the Cubs are “expected to inquire.”.

    I really hope the Angels don’t get him, that makes their outfield extrmely athletic despite Bobby and they all have above average arms except Torii.

    I think the Yankees are going to get Granderson, this is their first chance to get a real long term answer at CF since Bernie was actually good and with a guy who could hit 25+ HRs a year hitting 2nd in the lineup to boot, I think they are hesitant to make a big trade but I think they want him enough and can get the price low enough that I really see this being one of the first moves made by the Yankees this year.

    It’s a good move to get done before the others because it gives them leverage over both Hideki and Damon, especially Damon who would be forced to have to take a 1 year deal (2 if the Yankees wanted to) if they actually still wanted him back. The only thing that Damon has over Granderson is that Curtis is a real lefty on lefty dud (.183) while Damon can handle his won against lefties to a degree (.269). Not to mention it will save a 40 man roster spot or 2 while upgrading the Yankees defense in the outfield no matter if the Yankees stick with a guy in house to man LF (Melky/Gardner) or sign someone (Cameron/Figgins/Holliday) it’s a pretty good trade and as someone pointed out the other day the Tigers are in sell mode so maybe we could get him a little cheaper.

  14. This year Curtis Granderosn has hit HRs off of the following starting pitching… Roy Halladay, Ricky Romero, Kevin Millwood, AJ Burnett and John Lackey… He also had HRs off of closer Bobby Jenks, Jonathan Papelbon and Mariano Rivera this year as well which all in all is a pretty impressive list so 8 of 30 HRs came off of some of the best in the game.

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