7th inning, Twins up 9-4 now.  This would be the best case scenario for the Yanks, forcing the Tigers to burn Jackson and wearing out the Twins already exhausted pen.  How excited are you guys for this?  Here’s the gamecast link:

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One Response to Twins Close to Forcing 1 Game Playoff

  1. The other Chris H says:

    Well it looks like it goes down to the day after the season to decide this and I know I have been saying the Tigers couldn’t blow this lead, but in a one game series for the whole thing I think I am going with the Twins because I think they want it more. Either way whichever team gets in is wearing themselves out for us and should fall into a buzz saw of CC, AJ, Andy and go home in no more than 4 games with the ability to only face Verlander one game.

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