There’s a reason the Boston Red Sox are in last place. They’re terrible, horrible, no good and very bad. The Red Sox hadn’t won in like two months – okay, that’s an exaggeration but still the Yankees should be beating teams that are this bad.

The Yankees, as usual, had issues with runners in scoring position and the Red Sox had all the luck in the world. They barely hit the ball and yet they kept getting guys on base and scoring with those dinky hits.

One positive thing about the game was Joba Chamberlain’s outing. He has really turned things around of late and that change in mechanics is working wonders for him.

This game was just uber frustrating to watch but it’s really a micro-chasm of the… wait, no, I’m not saying that. When I start sounding like Michael Kay, it’s time to end the recap. So let’s move the discussion to the comments, shall we?


6 Responses to Losing To The Red Sox? Seriously?

  1. says:

    The truth is this team, with the age and the injuries, is a .500 team at best. Maybe not even. But the eternal optimist, aka Cashmoney, publicly stated we had enough to take the division. And he’s closing in on making one of Bobby V’s more moronic soundbytes seem prophetic. Wouldn’t want to be in Cash’s shoes if Yankees miss playoffs.

  2. hawaii dave says:

    Joe Girardi is completely out of touch with the playing ability of his team as far as hitting is concerned. Joe thinks that these are the Bronx Bombers. It is astonishing. They are averaging about 3.5 runs a game for a month or longer, but Joe tells the media, “we are not the Bronx Bunters”…..yeah, and you’re not the Bronx Bombers either. Joe actually manages this team the exact way to play .500 ball…and he is succeeding.

  3. fuster says:

    14 baserunners …and only 3 runs …..

    doesn’t cut it.

  4. ChrisGuitars says:

    In the first inning with 2 on and none out our base runners didn’t budge. As early in the game as it was, and with the “knowledge” that it was to be a blowout against the hapless Sox, I remember thinking that this little misstep could turn Out to bite us in the ass. The bottom line though was if the homers arent flying out of the park, we ain’t going to sleep with a win.

  5. hawaii dave says:

    Tomorrow we face a 3-9 pitcher…..we haven’t got a chance.

  6. Paul says:

    2 things I feel like I am seeing that are problematic: first, DRob seems to have a noticeable velo drop and second it seems like tevery time they take an early leaf the SP gives up a huge HR the very next inning. Is this my exaggerated view due to frustration? Or are they real issues?

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