There’s a theory making the rounds that the recent sruggles of David Robertson and last night’s blown save by Rafael Soriano is a product of an overworked bullpen that’s running out of gas down the stretch. I’m not so sure I buy that. If you watch the replay, the pitch Soriano gave up the game-tying HR on had plenty of life on it, he just caught too much of the plate and the hitter did a good job getting to a pitch below his knees. Also, let’s not forget Soriano wasn’t even the Closer for over a month to start the season, setting up for Mo in limited appearances until early May. But anytime you have more games than days left in the season, you have to be a bit concerned that the bullpen may wear down. Especially when you’re on a winning streak of mostly tightly played games.
Here’s your lineup, courtesy of LoHud:
1. Jeter SS
2. Suzuki CF
3. A-Rod DH
4. Cano 2B
5. Swisher RF
6. McGehee 1B
7. Nix 3B
8. Jones LF
9. Stewart C

Ivan Nova on the bump, looking to build on his the stellar outing he had facing the (fading) Tampa Bay Rays last week. GO YANKS!!!!


213 Responses to Game 151-Bullpen needs a blowout

  1. Phil C says:

    Make your wish (tell no one) and sing the song.

    When you wish upon a Nova
    Makes no difference who you are
    Anything your heart desires will come to you

    Apologies to Walt and Jiminy

  2. Phil C says:

    Well isn’t this just an awful way to start the game!

  3. smurfy says:

    Nice response, Ichi!

  4. smurfy says:

    Arod takes a stroll to first. The well-travelled Australian is a bit shaken by Ichi’s blast.

  5. smurfy says:

    The slow boat grazed the dock! Great path, Arod!

  6. Phil C says:

    Nice slide by A-Rod…..tie game! Believe in the Jiminy!

  7. Phil C says:

    Actually, last night Parker was playing marsupial ball!

  8. smurfy says:

    Oh, bottom four. Now is the time to shine for all to see!

  9. Phil C says:

    Ole! What glove work!

  10. Phil C says:

    A walk is a run!

  11. smurfy says:

    ow, they almost screwed the kangaroo in that transfer.

  12. Phil C says:

    Cliff? Are all the kids in the family named after geographic features? Does he have a sister named Peninsula?

  13. smurfy says:

    Nova still burns. Take some oxygen, oh young star.

  14. smurfy says:

    Ichi: skip to Malou, and rope a dope, too.

  15. Phil C says:

    Damn, the size of the gloves these guys use. They could have their own zip codes. Immigrant families of 10 could use them for shelter!

  16. smurfy says:

    Yes! The pressure wears a hole in the defense.

  17. smurfy says:

    Ain’t pretty, but we can trowel over later. Come on Nova! Find your stride.

  18. Phil C says:

    Nova needs to step it up if he wants to be a starter in the playoffs!

  19. Phil C says:

    Have you heard anything about playoff rosters for the one-gamer? I mean could you have only 1 starter and carry extra relievers and subs, then change for the Division Series?

  20. Clay Rapada already up in the bullpen. Girardi obviously doesn’t like what he’s seeing from Nova.

  21. smurfy says:

    Outstanding Clay, in front of the mound! Best pitch of the year for Rapada. (was praying he could throw it home, for sure.)

  22. Phil C says:

    Well, I guess Granderson only gets a 1/3 day off.

  23. smurfy says:

    Basically a new game. Freddy?

  24. Phil C says:

    Rapada CAN NOT get right handers out!

  25. Phil C says:

    Lowe’s warming up? Not Freddy? When did Girardi start hating him?

  26. smurfy says:

    Derrek Lowe used to be the long man, but what happened to Freddie? This should be a spot, no?

  27. smurfy says:

    saw a sharply diving sinker. Mebbe Lowe has been working on the recipe.

  28. smurfy says:

    Ho, that lame flip, all he could do, barely, by a whisker, did.

  29. Phil C says:

    Cano needs to break out of his slump.

  30. smurfy says:

    Lowe has been very tough today. Right pick, I reckon.

  31. Phil C says:

    Yaaaaaa Hoooooooo!!!!

  32. smurfy says:

    Yay! Raaaaaoooul! Back to being coool!

  33. smurfy says:

    The Stadium looks packed.

  34. Phil C says:

    I think Granderson wants to catch Dunn for the K lead.

  35. smurfy says:

    Man, has swish’s ability to play first been a life-saver, along with his switch-swishing. Love to see them shift those guys around to optimize, though it’s amazing the defense holds up.

  36. Phil C says:

    If he keeps pitching like this there will be plenty of Lowelights to show after the game.

  37. Phil C says:

    Red Sluts are sucking again. Trail 6-3 in bot 7th.

  38. Phil C says:

    What? I had to walk away for a few minutes because my dog wanted to play. Needing to conserve the pen and Girardi goes to Logan in the top of the 7th?

  39. smurfy says:

    Fie on the scratchy single. ooh, don’t let Ichi hear that.

  40. Phil C says:

    The Bermuda Triangle.

  41. Phil C says:

    Red Sucks have tied the game!

  42. Phil C says:

    CAESAR SCORE UPDATE: Baltimorius VI – Bostonius VI in topus of IX.

  43. Phil C says:

    They showed RISP graphic a little too early.

  44. Phil C says:

    Damn, damn, damn!

  45. Professor Longnose says:

    So what’d I miss?

  46. Professor Longnose says:

    Well, I’m sure we can root the Yankees to victory.

  47. Phil C says:

    While we have a break, what is Mayor Bloomberg’s favorite team?

  48. Professor Longnose says:

    CO–DY!! CO–DY!! CO–DY!! CO–DY!!

  49. Professor Longnose says:

    Bricka-bracka, firecracker, sis boom bah!
    Bug Bunny, Bugs Bunny, rah, rah, rah!

  50. smurfy says:

    alright, alright. Who’s up? Who’s gonna circle the infield?

  51. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m listening to the Red Sox radio feed. Bottom 10th, one out, man on first.

  52. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m OK with bringing in Phleps.

  53. Phil C says:

    Nice inning by Joba.

  54. Professor Longnose says:

    Bottom 10, first and second, two out, Posednik up.

  55. Phil C says:

    Come on Yanks, back-to-back 9th inning walk-offs!

  56. Professor Longnose says:

    How can a guy named Balfour not give up a lot of walks?

  57. Phil C says:

    Cano will end it right here!

  58. Professor Longnose says:

    Going to the 11th tied at 6.

  59. Phil C says:

    Swisher will end it right here!

  60. Professor Longnose says:

    270 feet to go!

  61. Phil C says:

    The end is coming soon!

  62. Phil C says:

    C-Dick run!

  63. Professor Longnose says:

    Back-to-back walkoff hits by Russell?

  64. smurfy says:

    a little dab will do it.

  65. Professor Longnose says:

    Bottom 11th, still 6-6, Sockholes vs Orioles.

  66. Phil C says:

    See RISP fail.

  67. Phil C says:

    Guys I have to go, I hope you are able to root the home team to victory. Remember the fate of Civilization as we know it depends on you. No pressure!

  68. Professor Longnose says:

    Here comes Freddy.

  69. Professor Longnose says:

    Going to the 12th in Boston.

  70. Professor Longnose says:

    I thought that was going out.

  71. Professor Longnose says:

    Freddy does the job nicely.

  72. Professor Longnose says:

    As long as no one makes out this half inning, the Yanks should be in great shape.

  73. Professor Longnose says:

    Feh. O’s took the lead.

  74. smurfy says:

    don’t need slomo: pulled off the frigging bag.

  75. smurfy says:

    another Freddie inning?

  76. Professor Longnose says:

    Come on, Freddy!

  77. smurfy says:

    wow! way to go, Pearce! I was really frightened of Reddick, who is uncanny hitting breaking stuff. That was a smash. Whew.

  78. Professor Longnose says:

    They can’t score!

  79. Professor Longnose says:

    Ibanez legs out the double!

  80. smurfy says:

    Ibanez! great running.

  81. Professor Longnose says:

    This is IT. If they can’t get the damn run in, they deserve to lose.

  82. smurfy says:

    Scribner is kinda wild, so maybe we get another chance. Ho, another runner at third!

  83. Professor Longnose says:

    I gotta leave my computer a while.

  84. smurfy says:

    Three homers, four runs, guess that’s how to do it. But the Yanks have them loaded with nobody out, tying run at the plate. We just need one, a big one.

  85. Phil C says:

    I just got back to see Ibby tie the game! DAMN!!!!!! HOLY S@#T!!!!

  86. smurfy says:

    Hunh! How about that? Tie game on Ibanez homer. Just one out.

    Who’d a thunk it?

  87. smurfy says:

    Damn, thought that was it.

  88. Phil C says:

    Come Cory, just Wade through this inning!

  89. Phil C says:

    The box score looks like they played musical chairs!

  90. Phil C says:

    Nice inning. Now the Yanks’ batter must end it NOW!!!

  91. smurfy says:

    a second seventh inning stretch! Free baseball that I would like to see ended. Soon.

  92. Phil C says:

    I turned on my TV to listen/watch some college football. When did teams start using young pop stars as their nickname. One of the teams playing is the Oregon State Beibers.

  93. Phil C says:

    Look at this guys ERA and hits/inning…..drool!!

  94. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow, wild isn’t it?

  95. Professor Longnose says:

    Chavez on.

    Now we need the over and in.

  96. Phil C says:

    Hello Melk Man II. But if the Yanks don’t win, who’s on 1st?

  97. Professor Longnose says:

    That’s the over. Now the hard part: in.

  98. Phil C says:

    Itch-E, Itch-E!

  99. Phil C says:


  100. Professor Longnose says:

    Oh, bloody hell!

  101. Professor Longnose says:

    Still, they can get the run in.

  102. Professor Longnose says:

    Crap! The Yankees just can’t score with a runner on third and less than 2 out.

  103. Phil C says:


  104. smurfy says:

    Wow, Ross made a nice play. Come onnnnn, Nuney!

  105. Professor Longnose says:

    We need a walkoff walk.

  106. Phil C says:

    A BOOT!! A walk-off!

  107. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow. Wow. Just wow.

  108. smurfy says:

    Who cares how pretty. That was a hell of a win.

  109. Phil C says:

    All those HR’s and the game is decided on a muff!!

  110. Professor Longnose says:

    Man, you gotta hand it to them for the 13th inning comeback, even with all the other failures in the game.

  111. Phil C says:

    Chat y’all tomorrow.

  112. Professor Longnose says:

    Michael Kay said the game wasn’t unmanageable!

  113. smurfy says:

    here’s to hanging in there, Yankees.

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