Sorry ’bout that. Enjoy the game, guys and gals!


67 Responses to 9/13 Game Thread: Better late than never

  1. Hawaii Dave says:

    Bottom of the 5th…1 out, Aviles just singled. Is Phil done? Wow, even as I type this, a lucky play turns a sure single and a 1st and 3rd w one out situation into a double play. Maybe Phil deserved a little luck…..inning over

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Phil done did the job so far. Normally, if the Yankees had hit they way they should, you could pat him on the back and not worry. But now you have to hope for more.

  3. Phil C says:

    Professor, what were the answers to the Trivia question?

  4. Hawaii Dave says:

    Please don’t send Phil back out…please…I got a bad feeling he is about to implode.

  5. Professor Longnose says:

    I must have missed it. But I think you were right about Turley.

  6. Hawaii Dave says:

    Well, they sent Phil back out. Keep ur fingers crossed.

  7. Professor Longnose says:

    RISP hit…RISP hit…come on, RISP hit.

  8. smurfy says:

    Valentine is smart. Doubront wouldn’t live thru Jeter and Swish and Arod.

  9. Professor Longnose says:


    RISP hit! RISP hit! RISP hit!

  10. Phil C says:

    Jeter just doubled the # of hits the Yanks have in this series RISP.

  11. Phil C says:

    Jeter Says “Hey” to the Say Hey Kid!

  12. Professor Longnose says:

    Swish: Good field, no hit.

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    A 3-run HR here would be acceptable.

  14. smurfy says:

    Phil, I tried beef chuck short ribs with BBQ sauce in the crock pot. Meat was soft, but taste was off. Wrong kinda meat? Sauce is a bit old, but I think it’s ok.

  15. Phil C says:

    @%#&% that Ciriaco!

  16. Phil C says:

    Hughes is losing velocity.

  17. Phil C says:

    It’s the “Creature from the Boone Lagoon.”

  18. Phil C says:

    Hughes had 14 swings & misses, the most since mid-June. Courtesy MLBN

  19. Phil C says:

    The one thing I hate about Sept baseball: The approximately 435 pitching changes per game.

  20. Phil C says:

    Yankee were 40-25, BA .216 RISP
    Since, 40-37, BA .277 RISP

    go figure!

    Does not include tonight’s game.

  21. Professor Longnose says:


  22. Phil C says:

    NOTE TO SORI: Remember Mo’s advice. More FBs, fewer SL

  23. Professor Longnose says:


  24. Professor Longnose says:

    2 and a half…

  25. Professor Longnose says:


  26. Phil C says:

    Yankees had gone 26 games w/o winning 2 in a row. Longest in MLB history for a team in 1st place!

  27. smurfy says:

    Held onto first. The Rays will challenge the hitters to get fine.

  28. Professor Longnose says:

    Overall, not impressed with the Yankees in the series, but it could have been a lot worse. I hope Lung Disease has stopped hitting completely.

  29. Phil C says:

    Chat y’all tomorrow.

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