…it’s see you later

This month marks the four year anniversary of my blog writing. I’ve published pieces more often than I haven’t, and for the most part, I’ve loved it. I went into teaching so I could share my love of reading, writing, and the English language with my students; I went into blogging about baseball because I wanted to share my love of baseball with all of you, and that’s what I’ve done. Right now, though, I feel as if this has become a bit of a chore and the quality of my work has suffered. For that reason, I’m going to take a bit of a backseat here at TYA for a while. I’ll still be around behind the scenes and my drop in with a post if I really get the itch, but for the immediate future, I’ll be taking a break. It’s been wonderful to post every day and the fact that so many of you include me and all of us as a part of your day is overwhelming and we’re more appreciative than you know. Rest assured, TYA is in great hands and will continue to put out top-notch quality content each and every day. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by to read the ramblings of some random dude behind a laptop in Connecticut. And, most importantly, go Yankees.


4 Responses to It’s not goodbye

  1. EJ Fagan says:

    We’ll win it for you, Matt.

  2. jesseharoldkreist says:

    Hey Matt, thanks for all your posts. I read everything you guys write and it’s always appreciated. It’s great to have an alternative to the big guys and you’ve all done an excellent job of creating another point of view.

  3. Phil C says:

    Matt, I’d like to say thank-you to you (and indeed all TYA contributors). This is my 3rd season of following this site. When I started I knew very little about sabermetrics. While I’m no expert, you all have allowed me to broaden my knowledge and appreciation of the game. I have followed the Yanks since the days of Mantle, Berra, & Ford, but never I have appreciated the game as I do know. Best of luck.

  4. OldYankee7 says:

    Matt, This is one of the first sites I ever read. I have dropped by a few times and have seen the great work you Eric, EJ (the only ones still here, I think) have done. Adding some great people to help your team keep the news and opinions fresh.
    Thank you for all your work and have a great amount of fun in life!

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