New York Yankees Toronto Blue Jays
Derek Jeter, SS Rajai Davis, LF
Nick Swisher, RF Colby Rasmus, CF
Mark Teixeira, DH Edwin Encarnacion, 1B
Robinson Cano, 2B Yunel Escobar, SS
Andruw Jones, LF David Cooper, DH
Jayson Nix, 3B Kelly Johnson, 2B
Russell Martin, C Omar Vizquel, 3B
Ichiro Suzuki, CF Jeff Mathis, C
Casey McGehee, 1B Anthony Gose, RF
Freddy Garcia, SP Ricky Romero, SP

The first pitch is scheduled for 7:07 p.m., on the YES Network. Let’s go Yankees!


85 Responses to Game 112: What Interesting Lineups You Have

  1. bg90027 says:

    I think you mean Colby Rasmus not Colby Lewis. Pretty weak looking lineup.

  2. Phil C says:

    THE I DON”T GET IT DEPARTMENT: Baseball analysts who say Mike Trout should be the MVP because he’s had the greatest affect on his team. They point out how the Angles took off after his promotion. But they forget that in the 92 games since, the Angles have only closed the gap on the Rangers by 1 in the loss column. I think Trout is the MVP at this point, but NOT for the affect he’s had on his team.

    Go Yankees feast on the BJ’s pitching & fatten the lead before the coming home stand vs. the Rangers and the Evil Empire.

    • smurfy says:

      I’ve heard some analysts on MLBN who spout stuff about the Yankees that was true a month earlier. And they really get wound up talking about young outrageous eager rookie talent. Of course, he did spark that team, but its pitchers haven’t cooperated well.

  3. smurfy says:

    nice quickness, Jeter!

  4. Phil C says:

    Zip-zip after one! Good to see that Granderson’s getting a rest. Going to need him fresh vs. Rangers.

  5. smurfy says:

    Mojo sniffing around. Nix’s bunt was so bad…

    that we got a sloppy run!

  6. smurfy says:

    If you didn’t hear Ken Singleton, Phil, he quoted Jeter’s 1st inning performance: in 104 ab, he’s hitting about .375, and scoring about .250! 27 runs!

    • Phil C says:

      I know he’s been raking leading off the game. Is that scoring rate good?

      • smurfy says:

        ridiculous. A great year is 125 runs scored, over 600 ab, a little over .200.

        • Phil C says:

          Was the run scoring rate of 25% for just the 1st inning? That should be higher than for all at bats.

          • smurfy says:

            really? The Yanks have a much higher first inning scoring rate this year, is it a general rule?

            • Phil C says:

              What I mean is that when someone gets a hit leading off the inning, there is a higher probability of scoring a run than when there is 1 or more outs. So a leadoff single should result in more runs.

              • smurfy says:

                I leave it to you to refine the stat. It is a terrific leadoff performance, or not, your point is valid.

  7. smurfy says:

    Ooh, there’s a quick counter-tally. Yaqnkes better keep their bats warm.

  8. Phil C says:

    Looking over GameDay Summary, bases loaded, one out? Damn they should have scored more runs.

    No shut down inning by Freddy.

  9. Phil C says:

    LOL at line score, Yanks 2 runs, 1 hit. BJ’s exact opposite.

  10. smurfy says:

    yeah, they fritzed it a bit, I think. Was cooking a snack.

    Swish’s hit is no fluke: he hit three hard liners last night, that I saw.

  11. Phil C says:

    Live Look In on Gameday. What the hell was the BJ/s 2nd baseman doing on Tex’s grounder. Saved a DP.

  12. Phil C says:

    I’m going to watch some Olympics. I’ll be back during commercials or during incredibly boring events.

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    Why do they have to rest Granderson and half rest Teixeira on the same day? Sending up Ichiro and McGehee with the bases loaded wasn’t putting their best foot forward.

  14. Professor Longnose says:

    Good trivia. What are the only three teams to win multiple World Series since 1950 without losing a World Series during that time?

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    Did the Blue Jays lose a series? How about the Tigers?

  16. Phil C says:

    Damn, lead is evaporating!

  17. Professor Longnose says:

    Trivia answer: Marlins, Blue Jays, Pirates.

  18. smurfy says:

    Nice inning, Freddie. Economy.

  19. Phil C says:

    Three innings w/o scoring vs. Romero? That’s disgusting.

  20. Professor Longnose says:

    Both teams are in a quick-out groove.

  21. Phil C says:

    The Yanks should be hammering this guy.

  22. Phil C says:

    Why is Freddy out?

  23. smurfy says:

    Yeah, Robbie covers a wide range on popups. Terrific.

  24. Professor Longnose says:

    Teixeira’s getting hot.

  25. smurfy says:

    alright, Tex. Looking mighty strong.

  26. Phil C says:

    I love returning during the commercial and seeing that the Yanks have added a run.

  27. smurfy says:

    off the glove and then off the noggin.

  28. smurfy says:

    come on, Ichi. Ducks on a pond. Yeah.

    He (used to have) the best ability to get a hit when needed. The Yanks must have been thinking of that in relation to risp woes.

  29. Professor Longnose says:

    I love late-inning runs (by the Yankees, of course).

  30. Phil C says:

    Come on Joba, pitch good. (or is it well?) Save having to use Robertson & Soriano.

  31. smurfy says:

    Joba’s slider looks much better. The single was lucky placementm hit at ankle height.

  32. smurfy says:

    Rajai, the jitterbug.

  33. Professor Longnose says:

    I’ll trade the run for the DP.

  34. Professor Longnose says:

    Packing it in early, guys. See you tomorrow if I can.

  35. smurfy says:

    nice breaking curveballs.

  36. Phil C says:

    I’ll take a 6-3 lead going into the night. But not opposed to a few more Yankee runs.

  37. Phil C says:

    Come on guys, hammer the carpenter

  38. smurfy says:

    Has Lawrie been out since he hurt his leg on that dive down the camera well?

  39. smurfy says:

    They are lucky his bat couldn’t take it.

    On slo-mo I see it was label-hit. Went most of the way.

  40. smurfy says:

    Swish sure hit his double well. He’s gonna get hot.

  41. smurfy says:

    Whoa, the Blue Jays are feeling like the BJ’s right now.

  42. Phil C says:

    7 runs in the last 2 innings…..sweeeeeet

    I guess Epply comes in?

    • smurfy says:

      I suspected Rapada, but knew not of the two lefties due up.

      He always has to do 1 or 2 batters, so it’s a good chance for him to stretch.

  43. Phil C says:

    Looks like the BJs will be the only AL East team to lose tonight.

  44. Phil C says:

    What, did MLB declare there MUST be one balk in every game?

  45. smurfy says:

    In honor of the Professor, I’ll complain bitterly of that stupid technicality.

  46. Phil C says:

    Feast one completed successfully.

  47. Phil C says:

    Chat ya tomorrow smurfy

  48. smurfy says:

    Couldn’t do much to the floundering Romero, but another W, as you say.

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