New York Yankees Detroit Tigers
Curtis Granderson, CF Austin Jackson, CF
Derek Jeter, SS Andy Dirks, LF
Robinson Cano, 2B Miguel Cabrera, 3B
Mark Teixeira, 1B Prince Fielder, 1B
Raul Ibanez, LF Brennan Boesch, RF
Nick Swisher, RF Delmon Young, DH
Eric Chavez, 3B Alex Avila, C
Ichiro Suzuki, DH Jhonny Peralta, SS
Russell Martin, C Omar Infante, 2B
Ivan Nova, SP Justin Verlander, SP

The first pitch is scheduled for 7:05 p.m., on the YES Network and ESPN. Let’s go Yankees!


105 Responses to Game 108: Ichiro at DH is Not a Typo

  1. Lou says:

    alternate headline: Chavez at DH is a typo

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Yankees will pound Verlander.

  3. smurfy says:

    That changeup was killer, poor Curtis.

  4. Phil C says:

    Well the top of the 1st was certainly underwhelming.

  5. smurfy says:

    Chavez gunned Austin down.

  6. smurfy says:

    a dp that you see, but you don’t till it’s done, by thirty feet. Sun and shadow is weird.

  7. smurfy says:

    Phil, to clarify my druthers, yesterday’s game was a drag, set positive by good risp hitting. I love homers, too, and triples, and doubles, which we did not see, except Raul’s drive, a sweet one. I merely state that I think the fields should be Comerica-size, calling for very well hit balls as homers.

  8. smurfy says:

    I’m with Raul on that pitch.

  9. smurfy says:

    Weak contact on Ivan in the first, let’s see if the young man has got the bit firmly in his back teeth.

    • Phil C says:

      Ball down, Super Nova. Ball up, just another exploding star.

      • smurfy says:

        He can pitch toward the belt. The question is if he gets good break on the slider or two seamer-like fb. But I like your phrasing, and it bears good sense.

  10. smurfy says:

    fuggin flubber bounces again.

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Ah, crap.

  12. smurfy says:

    Delmaon’s trying a mustache on the mug.

  13. smurfy says:

    Well, Ivan’s stuff is either tricky, or they expected it to be.

  14. Phil C says:

    There’s no reason to throw a strike to Fielder with nobody on. Nova shouldn’t be afraid to pitch to the rest of that order.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    Normally, I’d be worried about getting that leadoff double in. But I figure, hey, just go for the big inning.

  16. Phil C says:

    Note to Suzuki: First of all, you are allowed to have more than one hit in a game as a Yankee. Second, if you are only going to get one hit, then DAMNIT do it with a RISP!

  17. Phil C says:

    Wow! That was one of Jeter’s best plays all year. He must be psyched for this game.

  18. smurfy says:

    How reliable is Chavez at third?

  19. smurfy says:

    I missed what the argument was about, but Joe looks like he’s got August under his collar.

  20. Phil C says:

    Hey Professor, looks like Ivan Grozny of the past few starts did not come to the game tonight.

  21. smurfy says:

    Way to go, doncha know, sir Robinson. ‘Nother sweet hit.

  22. smurfy says:

    damn – Tex hit thst HARD! Comerica foiled him. -oh, right at the angle in the field.

  23. Phil C says:

    The rally tissue failed!

  24. smurfy says:

    Phew, 96, that’ll do. Damn, we’re breathing down his neck, but he looks pretty sharp.

  25. smurfy says:

    Nice fast curve to get Dirks.

  26. smurfy says:

    Ivan challenged Miggy down the middle, before the one he really liked, a cement-mixer slider.

  27. Professor Longnose says:

    Fast game.

  28. smurfy says:

    Robbie turned that grounder so, so quick!

  29. Phil C says:

    smurfy, don’t you think about Russian Emperors every day?

  30. Professor Longnose says:

    Another leadoff double.

  31. Professor Longnose says:

    Ichiro stinks.

  32. smurfy says:

    well, I like that. Nice hit by Derek.

  33. smurfy says:

    Robbie should crank one here.

  34. Professor Longnose says:

    Well, whaddaya know.

  35. smurfy says:

    We got lucky! Curtis was at third when the fielder got the ball. Shoulda been meat.

  36. Phil C says:

    The rally tissue worked!!

  37. smurfy says:

    Another hanger.

  38. Professor Longnose says:

    Gave it right back.

  39. Professor Longnose says:

    Oh, fer cryin’ out loud! What happened! Martin should have made that out!

  40. smurfy says:

    That looked shitty.

  41. Phil C says:

    I understand Rapada in the pen if needed to face Fielder. But in the 5th inning why Joba rather than Phelps?

    • smurfy says:

      don’t know. They have neglected Phelps again, for a good week. Maybe they figure it’s garbage time, and Joba could go two or so.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        I think Girardi just doesn’t like Phelps, for whatever reason. He didn’t pitch him before, either.

        • smurfy says:

          I doubt it. Early in the season, he was so tight, he was tied up, but he has been impressive for most of the recent appearances. But yeah, it’s odd to let him rot.

          • smurfy says:

            maybe they’ll start him for Freddy’s next. But Ivan’s throwing doubt on his spot now. He has hung too many breaking balls the last two games, needs some r&r.

            • Phil C says:

              They can not afford to keep Nova in the rotation much longer. But how long can Phelps go now?

              • smurfy says:

                he was “stretched out” to 60? pitches, as of July 15 or so. He may have thrown two innings twice since then.

                But yeah, Ivan is less able to cope with his tired arm than Freddy is with his, I’d say.

                We shoulda kept Colon – he pitched a dandy last week.

  42. Phil C says:

    Verlander could have been had tonight. But not after the 5th & 6th innings.

  43. Phil C says:

    At least Joba fastball had a couple of extra mph’s on it tonight.

  44. smurfy says:

    ok, Robbie. Sneak up on Justin.

  45. Professor Longnose says:

    At least get the tying run on base, just so there’s at least one interesting at bat.

  46. smurfy says:

    Verlander’s 97, 98 mph fastballs have a slick fade movement at the end, which must look beautiful to the hitters as they sizzle by. Not to mention curves that drop into corners or Randazzo’s corners, and a nasty fade/drop changeup.

    He was shakier early, indeed. He has benn nasty the last couple.

  47. smurfy says:

    sure wish Texas/Boston were on ESPN tonite: no lose situation.

  48. Phil C says:

    Joba looks like his control is still off a little and his breaking balls need more sharpness & consistency. Probably was good enough to dominate at AA. I think with some more work he’ll be back & better than last couple of years.

    • smurfy says:

      Wonder how long? TJ famously effects command. My guess is trying to command his pitches is where the velo went, at first blush back. People shouldn’t cry for velo, but for sharp break on the breaking pitches, as you noted. Let the velo come when he is comfortable with command.

  49. smurfy says:

    The first strike to Chavez, 95, looked fast as hell – because it was right at his hands.

  50. Professor Longnose says:

    Ugh. This was an ugly game.

  51. Phil C says:

    These announcers on ESPN are absolute jerks!

    • Professor Longnose says:

      What are they saying?

      • Phil C says:

        First, not much home field advantage. Then there is. Now Surcliff talking about how he’s against pitch counts. Raves about how well Texas is doing under Ryan getting more out of their pitchers. No one reminded him of the number of Ranger pitchers on the DL this year.

  52. smurfy says:

    Nobody I’d rather beat up for 6.

  53. smurfy says:

    Dirks caught that in right. Wasn’t it his flubber arm in left?

  54. Phil C says:

    Mercifully it’s over. Yanks will win tomorrow.

  55. smurfy says:

    well, if you’re still there, talk to you tomorrow. Maybe Phil can be the stopper again.

  56. Phil C says:

    Chat y’all tomorrow.

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