There is a difference between going 5-4 on a nine game road trip and going 6-3. If the Yankees win today they’ll lock up a 6-3 record over this stretch of away games, which is nothing to sneeze at. Unfortunately the pitching match up in this one is a little one sided. The Yankees will look to see if can bounce back from his last start, which was as bad a performance as any I’ve ever seen. To say that Hughes was awful would be an insult to truly awful pitchers everywhere. The Tigers will counter with . Yeah, him. The Yankees have had success against Verlander, but he’s still, you know, Justin Verlander. Enjoy.

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133 Responses to Game Thread: Sunday June 3rd, 2012, Yankees at Tigers

  1. Phil C says:

    Best way to beat the Yankees…..walk the leadoff batter every inning and then balk him to 2nd.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Well, that’s a decent start.

  3. Phil C says:

    Over/Under for Hughes today….3 1/2 HRs….I’ll go over.

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    I love the walks, but the Yankees desperately need to mix in a few hits.

  5. Professor Longnose says:

    Man, that was a hell of a curve.

  6. Professor Longnose says:


  7. Professor Longnose says:

    Sac fly. Better than nothing.

    • smurfy says:

      homer and a sac fly, well, 2 – 0 anyway. Hard to get to this guy. Even when he was put off by that opening homer.

  8. Michael Eder says:

    They’ll break out at some point. Hard to ask for a big hit with Verlander on the mound.

  9. Phil C says:

    I would totally write-off this club if it were not for the fact that they are hitting so poorly w/RISP. Only one game back right now, if they were hitting better w/RISP they would have a decent lead.

    • smurfy says:

      but that’s a significant trend. You can probably assume some regression, but the fact has to bother one.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        You can totally write them off as being one of the great clubs in Yankee history. Making the playoffs? Still possible.

  10. Michael says:

    Here we go gentleman. I ate a big breakfast prof longnose so no breath holding for me. Hello Hughesless

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Normally Hughes walking someone would bug me, but I wish Cory Wade had walked Cabrera last night.

  12. smurfy says:

    Easy pop out to left – no problem…

  13. Michael Eder says:

    That was the perfect inning for Hughes. He challenged the weak hitters, didn’t give anything good to hit to Cabrera, and mixed his pitches very well to Fielder.

    • Michael says:

      Hopefully he keeps this up. Its crazy how the Yankees always seem to hit Verlander well. And Weaver.

  14. Phil C says:

    A nice shut down inning, but 17 pitches is still not good.

  15. Phil C says:

    I’m enjoying the game on TBS with Boomer and Smoltz.

  16. Michael says:

    Over under 5 2/3 innings for Hughes today…

  17. Michael says:

    Ball is really travelling to Left Field today. Fielder was wayyy late on a Hughes changeup and almost knocked it out too.

  18. Phil C says:

    Boomer said that George once told Guidry that he could no longer shag fly balls. Guidry took his uniform to George and said if he couldn’t shag, he quit. George said you’re under contract, you can’t quit. Guidry said, I just did. George then allowed him to continue as long as we was careful. I never heard that story before.

  19. Michael Eder says:

    Nasty curveball.

  20. smurfy says:

    Think Phil whiffed Young with a slider! Like to see the variety.

  21. Michael says:

    That fastball is straight as an arrow even if it is 94. At least it looks it to me (a totally untrained eye). Sweet play Chavez

  22. smurfy says:

    great hustle, Chavie!

  23. smurfy says:

    Alex loves a tailwind!

  24. Michael Eder says:

    Flaherty says that Arod is getting beat by fastballs in, Arod smashes a 96 mph fastball.

  25. Phil C says:

    Wind or no wind, that was an HR by A-Rod.

  26. smurfy says:

    I think Phil kneeling right there gave Eric pause.

  27. Phil C says:

    Good pitch count in that inning even with the walk.

  28. smurfy says:

    You know, Michael, you said last night that Tex will pop up anything outside. We saw that last inning: there was nothing else could happen with that swing. He says he can’t handle hitting to left lefthanded, but he should think of it as going with the outside pitch. Better to have to get used to it than popping out. He can still pull the closer pitches.

  29. Professor Longnose says:

    Rocky Colavito?

  30. Professor Longnose says:

    Matt Nokes?

    • Michael says:

      I think more of Jason Giambi but im a more recent Yankee fan. And actually not as good a hitter as the Giambino but id take Tex and his infield saving defense over Giambi

      • Professor Longnose says:

        I was guessing at the trivia question, but I agree with you regarding Giambi vs Teixeira.

    • smurfy says:

      Norm Cash – but this is a new stadium.

  31. Michael says:

    Well thats one Hughes. Record setting pace.

  32. Michael Eder says:

    Fielder was less than impressed with that pitch.

    • Michael says:

      Moonshot. That curve would have landed in the middle of the plate up in the zone. Fielder did what power first baseman are suppose to. Not roll over it and hit it sharply foul. Not that im pointing fingers…

  33. Professor Longnose says:

    The Crimson Hose are getting hosed.

  34. Michael says:

    This Verlander guy cant handle the pressure of NY! *rolls eyes*

    T Bell before every start? No wonder he pitches with a fire under his ass!

  35. Professor Longnose says:

    A hit, you schmucks! A HIT!

  36. Professor Longnose says:

    Cano struck out with bases loaded and no out. He OWES us a hit here.

  37. smurfy says:

    You got your wish. Robbie dropped his bat hopeful – I had the sound muted – it got weird: ball didn’t drop, didn’t drop, noone got there…

  38. Phil C says:

    I actually liked that swing by A-Rod on the K. He was flat footed and fooled by the pitch, but at least he recognized that any swing was better than looking at a called strike three.

  39. Michael says:

    Hughes velocity has dropped. Alright he needs to enter his reliever mentality now. These guys arent ones that you need to get cute with

  40. Professor Longnose says:

    What does it mean to ole(accent) a ball? I mean, I know what it means, but where does it come from?

    • Phil C says:

      I’m not sure, but I think it means nonchalance the way a bull fighter evades the bull with his red cape.

  41. Phil C says:

    Looks like the old let-me-use-a-lot-of-extra-pitches Hughes has returned to the mound.

  42. smurfy says:

    Nice chip shot, Eric.

  43. Professor Longnose says:

    Getting close to the over/under of 5 2/3 on Yooz.

  44. Michael says:

    Coming up on that 5 2/3 over under I had posted. Guess hes going to show me up.

  45. smurfy says:

    Phil whipped ‘em in the 6th.

  46. Michael says:

    Hughes frustrates me as a pitcher. Hes just so inconsistant that I still can’t make up my mind about him.

  47. Professor Longnose says:

    The Tigers should pay Verlander more money so that maybe he could afford to stop making 1000 commercials a month.

  48. Professor Longnose says:

    OK, big three-run HR to ice it.

  49. Phil C says:

    I would have left Verlander in, after all the Yanks have RISP.

  50. Phil C says:

    Wow, playing some Train.

  51. Professor Longnose says:

    OK, Yooz has officially outpitched Verlander.

  52. Phil C says:

    Hughes did pitch a very good game. 98 pitches. I wonder if he comes out for the 8th.

  53. smurfy says:

    Nice pick, Jete! Send an autographed photo to the UZR board.

    But they’s probably say, “meh. I could have gotten that.”

  54. Phil C says:

    I say bring out Hughes in the 9th! These guys look to be swinging early. I wonder if they have an early date today.

  55. Michael says:

    Against Cabrera, Fielder, and Young. If Hughes wants the complete game he will have to earn it in the 9th

    • Phil C says:

      Hughes needs to bring out the old reliever mentality now. Just air it out and really challenge them. With the occasional curve or change up.

  56. Professor Longnose says:

    Wazooo! Yooooooooz

  57. Michael says:

    one more strike cmon Hughes

  58. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow, a snappy, professional win. I like it.

  59. smurfy says:

    Congrats to His Hughesness!

  60. Phil C says:

    See y’all for TB!!

  61. Michael says:

    Very impressed

  62. smurfy says:

    Kuroda last night pitched real well, now Yooz doing it! That’s gonna raise morale, and RISP hitting.

  63. smurfy says:

    In case you look back, on the replay, I think Hughes’ whiff pitch on Young was not a slider. I think he was working with his curve, varying the armslot and how he threw it.

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