The kid looks great, but can he hit a curveball?

It’s Star Wars night at CoMerica Park. Why? I have no idea.  Maybe the Tigers are picking up where Larry Lucchino left off and trying to paint the Yankees as the Evil Empire (BTW-a monicker I fully embrace)

What I do know is that Hiroki Kuroda is facing a Tigers team that has lost 4 of its last 5, is 24-28 on the season and sits 6 games back of the division leading White Sox in the AL Central. So much for those pre-season predictions. Rick Porcello goes for Detroit tonight, and he hasn’t had much success either this year (3-4 5.20 ERA) or in his career facing the Yanks (2-2 5.56 ERA in 4 starts).

Here’s your lineup, courtesy of Obi Wan Kinobi over at LoHud:

Derek Jeter SS
Curtis Granderson CF
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Robinson Cano 2B
Mark Teixeira 1B
Raul Ibanez LF
Nick Swisher RF
Eric Chavez DH
Russell Martin C

Game will be televised on Fox 5 here in New York.

Go Evil Empire! Come to the dark side!


130 Responses to Game 52-May the Force be with you

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    Ibanez has been less atrocious in the field lately, hasn’t he?

    • smurfy says:

      yeas, decidedly, delightfully so. Handled a couple toughies handily right at the side wall at YS a week ago, the start of the turnaround, oh, we prays, we prays.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    Cano makes the grab!

  3. smurfy says:

    Hey, Prof! Did Fox flip the media switch to friendly, Yankees? Nobody told me. I still maintain a slightly sickly feeling in my stomach, but they have been respectful, complimentary and sympathetic.

    I still got two strikes on McCarver: Ramos’ throw that faded into Grandy was similar to several I’ve seen from Martin to both Jeter and Cano, that they handled and the fade puts the throw right on the runner. Tagging, a science lost to UZR. I forget the other one.

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    I stop counting strikes on McCarver years ago, probably around the 1987 World Series. I can’t stand the guy.

    Yeah, they haven’t been ripping the Yankees tonight. I wonder why.

    • smurfy says:

      He can persist in annoyance sometimes, but he says interesting stuff. He was there, did huge things, but he does have it upside down a lot.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        My biggest problem with him is that he tries to explain everything with a theory, which leads him into a lot of BS. Sometimes things just happen.

        For example, I remember once a runner was on second and the batter hit a ground ball to the second baseman and the runner went to third. McCarver went into his usual shpiel about how the batter tried to hit the ball that way and how valuable moving runners was, yadda yadda. And the guy in the booth with him had to nudge him and say, “Uh, Tim, there are two outs.”

        No knock on him for forgetting how many outs there are–that happens to everyone–but for not grasping that sometimes you can just hit a ball to the second baseman without trying to.

        • smurfy says:

          yeah, I think that’s how he gets in trouble: just keeps walking out the limb, till it’s ridiculous. That was a splendid case for a “Got Heeem.”

          Oh, yeah, he said Fielder made a mistake returning to second instead of going for third when Young’s soft liner toward him was gonna bounce once. He’s of been dead meat for Jete.

          • Professor Longnose says:

            I thought the same thing. He said Fielder was not a slow runner. I don’t think I believe that.

      • smurfy says:

        Heard a 5 minute interview on MLBN Friday with Johnny Bench. He was way cool, and funny.

  5. smurfy says:

    I think we got a good game here. Both pitchers are crafty, but can be had.

  6. smurfy says:

    Good sign! Berry’s been killing us.

  7. smurfy says:

    Alex is sitting in the bucket on those misses on low outside pitches. I think he has trouble shifting toward such pitches. That was strike 1. On 2, maybe why: they’re pitching in a lot.

  8. Professor Longnose says:

    Wow. Haven’t seen the Yanks run like that in a while.

  9. smurfy says:

    Wow! I thought, oh, no, they’ll get Mr. Cano!

    Then Tex makes it, too!

  10. smurfy says:

    A little small ball only makes the big bops more tasty.

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Now how about a hit by Swisher?

  12. smurfy says:

    Twice, Porcello’s got Swish with a patented Nova slider-curve in by the knees. I noticed the other day, Nova’s was 88 mph, faster than the usual slider. Yet, it breaks late and sharp.

  13. smurfy says:

    Cabrera’s eating Kuroda’s wheaties.

  14. smurfy says:

    oh, it’s all connected. Cabrera gets thrown out, an Kuroda conquered the Prince. Oh, Arod nearly made a mammoth play.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    I’m going to hold my breath until the Yankees get a hit with a runner in scoring position.


  16. smurfy says:

    Loved the way Andruw covered that ball. Altogether covered it.

    So, Russell says, “good idea!” “cept he mishit it a bit.

  17. smurfy says:

    you still there, Professor? Oh shit, almost a fail there, for sure. C’mon, Curtis, the Prof bet his life on you.

  18. smurfy says:

    Joe G really can burn bright.

  19. smurfy says:

    When Benoit was throwing that away, Alex was ducking.

  20. smurfy says:

    Come oOOOOOOOn Arod!

  21. Professor Longnose says:

    [collapses on floor unconscious]

  22. smurfy says:

    Fudge! Ass-in-the-bucket-itis.

  23. Professor Longnose says:

    The sabermetric community needs to reevaluate what they call luck. No team could be this unlucky.

    • Michael says:

      speaking of community: #sixseasonsandamovie

      • Professor Longnose says:

        I’ve only seen 2 or 3 episodes and didn’t care for it.

        • Michael says:

          Show is hysterical but it cators to a specific audience. They reference a lot of things in past eps, movies, and tv shows. More of a subtle humor but if you don’t catch the reference its not going to be good.

  24. Michael says:

    6 more seasons of captain white whiskers over at 3rd…

    • Professor Longnose says:

      How bad would Rodriguez have to get for the Yankees to cut him or bench him? If he hit .210/.240/.350 one full season, would he be starting the next year?

    • smurfy says:

      haha, matey. That sure is a looong contract.

      • Michael says:

        Damn right hed still be starting. I am hoping they can keep him at 3rd for at least another 2 or 3 years before making him a DH. 27 million a year is too expensive to have him not in the lineup

        • Professor Longnose says:

          Even if he was, say, a below-replacement player? (I know he isn’t. I’m just saying.)

          • Michael says:

            They just have to pray it never happens. If it did I would really hope that ARod would have the decency to retire rather than be a useless bench player. Once you have fallen that far pride has to take over and you look at yourself being a shell of who you formerly were. Hopefully then hed solve the problem himself.

            Jeter always said that he would retire once he feels he couldn’t play the game at a high level. Hopefully Alex shares that sentiment.

            • Professor Longnose says:

              I doubt it will, unless maybe in the last year or two, in which case he might be a righty pinch hitter or something, still having some minor value.

              Very few people retire with money on the table.

            • smurfy says:

              yeah, one hopes… but $30 mil per presents its own difficulties.

  25. Michael says:

    Is it me or does Tex always have a look when hes batting like someone wiped something with an unpleasant odor under his nose?

  26. smurfy says:

    Man. Tex’s swing is powerful. Give him something to hit, you coward!

  27. smurfy says:

    That lollipop by Dotel to fumbles at first was choice.

  28. Professor Longnose says:


    [gasp. gulping air.]

  29. Michael says:

    Atta boy Swish! Good hustle

  30. smurfy says:

    To give McCarver due credit [why?], that throw was what he had been referring to.

  31. Michael says:

    Anyone else dreading the Wade vs Cabrera battle?

  32. smurfy says:

    Ka-BOOOM! Cabrera unties it. More work to do, Prof. Get your breath.

  33. Michael says:

    Miguel Cabrera has 22 multi homer games. Feel like at least 1/3 of them are against the team in pinstripes

  34. Professor Longnose says:

    I don’t understand. Didn’t anyone watch the game?? You don’t challenge the best hitter in the league on a night he’s killing the ball in a 2-2 game in the 8th. Throw the thing a foot outside if you have to.

    Ah, that’s why losing Robinson hurt so much. If you need a guy who can throw the ball a foot outside, he’s your man.

  35. smurfy says:

    ok, time for the Rallying Yanks. Step forward.

  36. Professor Longnose says:

    Can Wyse streal a base?

  37. Professor Longnose says:

    If Valverde wants to pitch himself into trouble, they should definitely let him.

  38. Professor Longnose says:

    Holy shit! What got into the Yankees on the bases today? Whatever it is, buy a few cases of it.

  39. smurfy says:

    Wheels, indeed, Wyse! Doubley!

  40. Michael says:

    Wow that was ballsy and I love it. I really enjoy watching the merri go round when guys with some speed are on the bases.

  41. smurfy says:

    ok, Alex, he’ll do it again.

    Oh, you think that’s the FUNNYbone, do you?

  42. Michael says:

    They have to come through eventually. And my boy Cano is just the man to do it.

  43. Michael says:

    Almost like the baseball gods are laughing at the Yankees. Just daring them to come through with all these bases loaded opportunities.

  44. smurfy says:

    Dum de dum dum…Tex!

  45. Professor Longnose says:


  46. Michael says:

    Red light Tex!!

  47. Professor Longnose says:


  48. Michael says:

    Now im gonna hold my breath too lol

  49. Professor Longnose says:


  50. smurfy says:

    quick! Hold your breath!

  51. Professor Longnose says:


    • Michael says:

      It worked!!!!!! Okay guys every at bat you know what to do. Damn and I really have to go to the bathroom too.

  52. Professor Longnose says:

    Now how about a dang HIT??

  53. Michael says:

    Oh my god he missed it!

  54. smurfy says:

    Nooooo — yeahhhhhh!

  55. smurfy says:

    woah. ok, breathe, take a piss. We got some more work to do.

  56. Professor Longnose says:

    Hey, we hit 100 comments. That hasn’t happened around here in a long time.

    • smurfy says:

      exciting game, good show. whew, the sound of Young’s hit scared me.

    • Michael says:

      I know hes doing well but I really hate it every time Phelps comes in. I would much rather him sent down to AAA to be stretched as a starter. He pounds the zone and has good movement, a couple pitches.

    • Michael says:

      I know. I have been MIA from this site for a longgg time but I think it was during the offseason the last time I saw that

  57. smurfy says:

    can’t believe Bosch hit that curve while it dropped a foot.

  58. smurfy says:

    wow, nice move Swish, with the quick barehand pickup.

  59. Professor Longnose says:

    This would be a tough game to lose.

  60. Professor Longnose says:

    Boone Logan to save the day.

  61. Michael says:

    Yeah I would be surprised if the squeeze wasnt the move here

  62. Michael says:


  63. Professor Longnose says:


  64. smurfy says:

    for both teams, great game!

  65. Professor Longnose says:


    Well, goodnight.

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