‘Tis the season to be thankful, right? So let me just take this opportunity to say thank you.

I am thankful that I get to watch, listen to, or talk baseball just about every day of my life.

I am thankful that I was born into a place and family that has allowed me to root for the finest franchise in Major League Baseball.

I am thankful that I have a wonderful community in which to talk baseball. You are all amazing people with a wide variety of opinions and there is no one I’d rather have reading these articles and commenting on them. I may never meet 99.99% of you, but you give me the strength and motivation to do this day in and day out.

Thank you. I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I love you all.


2 Responses to Thank You

  1. Steve S. says:

    What Matt said, thanks to everyone for reading. We have a terrific audience that adds a lot to the discussions we start in our posts. It’s a pleasure being able to write on a topic I never tire of discussing, and I hope our readers enjoy it as much as I do.

  2. Russ says:

    I have been a yankee fan for almost 50 years and I want to say THANK YOU. Your knowledge and insight into the game got me interested in what you have to say, but your love and passion for this wonderful sport has kept me coming back. Like you said , we yankee fans have ALOT to be thankful for.

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