NOTE: We initially ran this post yesterday, but if you haven’t yet had an opportunity to chime in, please take a moment to fill out our survey below.

We’re constantly striving to improve the product we provide you day-in and day-out, and we’d love to get feedback directly from you, our readers, to get a better sense of some of the things you like along with some of the things that you don’t find as helpful.

We would be tremendously grateful if you could take just a few moments to answer the below questions — in certain cases you can pick more than one answer — and let us know your thoughts about TYA. If there’s anything you’d like to give us feedback on that’s not covered in the below, please don’t hesitate to shoot us an e-mail at TheYankeeAnalysts at gmail dot com or leave a comment.










2 Responses to TYA’s First-Ever Readership Poll

  1. Chris M. says:

    Actually, a good idea would be to have more polls. That would be another great feature.

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    You have two consecutive questions about what we can’t live without. Was the second one supposed to be what we could live without?

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